Surf Club II Association Management Report

October/November, 2010

November 13, 2010

Maintenance Report

  1. Inspections


  • Roof A/C units checked for oil leaks
  • Roof A/C units rinsed


  • Elevator Fire Test
  • Units without power
  1. Breakers off
  2. refrigerator open
  3. water off
  • Monthly cleaning of the stairwell light fixtures


  • Front doors and windows
  • Roof flashing and drainage
  • Roof accessories
  • Roof sealants


  • Water Pumps by Perry’s Pumps


  • Emergency Generator by Florida Detroit Diesel
  1. All rust spots on metal common doors were scraped – sanded – ospho – primed and painted.
  2. Upon inspection by Miguel of the remediation work performed by Otis Elevator on the elevator door tracks, multiple deficiencies were discovered. Otis Elevator was contacted and sent a service representative and the service manager to inspect the reported deficiencies. Per the service manager the work was not done to Otis standards and the work will be rescheduled and upon completion, the Otis service manager will personally re-inspect the work. Otis also only installed one yellow button in the south elevator. The service manager will see that the other two elevators have the yellow emergency buttons installed.
  3. All of the 123 tape on the expansion joints in the hallways have been replaced.
  4. Unit 608 – repairs to the front bathroom column completed. Texture and paint will be applied next week.
  5. Blanchard repaired the damaged area in the front parking lot.
  6. The center elevator tile was re-done with bull nose tile and grey grout by Estes Tile.
  7. The number “80” located on the southwest corner of the building was removed, repainted and reinstalled.
  8. Replaced 2 broken fire extinguisher Plexiglas boxes in the garage
  9. Staff cleaned the areas in front of units 801 and 122 after tile installers left without cleaning up after themselves.
  10. The wire conduit elbow at the south end of the garage re-glued.
  11. Water intrusion investigations:
  • Unit 418 – wax ring under master bathroom toilet
  • Unit 208 – wax ring under master bathroom toilet
  1. The last spalling area in the north driveway to the garage has been repaired
  2. The North and South elevators at the lobby area of the garage have been re-painted.
  3. Replaced a broken light fixture lense in the north mail room.
  4. Replaced a defective balcony GFCI outlet in units 221 and 510
  5. The replacement garage pipe hangers have been received. A total of 10 - 4” hangers and, 15 - 2” hangers and rod have been replaced to date. Work still in progress.
  6. The damaged areas of the front parking lot west wall were repaired.
  7. The October Maintenance Inspection schedule performed. Copies attached to Board Packet.
  8. Balcony Report: As of 11-5-10

Total repaired – 179

Total Walls/ceilings painted – 177

Total fully completed – 114

  1. Two dog bag stations and signs were installed. One at each end of the garage.
  2. The belts on the garage exhaust fans were replaced.


  1. Action Items:
  • MiguelConduit line separated – re-glue to protect electric lines in garage
  • John MAdd to budget funds to rent lift for building inspection – cost split with III
  • SharonSend registered letter to owner of 810 regarding needing key to storm door
  • SharonSend certified letter to Hackney Unit 509 regarding rental of unit
  • Sharon/DavidSend bi-weekly emails to Doug regarding north wall
  • MeryllOrder new cameras for the garage entrances/exits
  • SharonEmail owners regarding digital upgrade, include meeting dates
  • MiguelAdd cleaning camera lenses to janitorial duties
  • John MInclude railings project to 2011 budget
  • SharonDelete the word ONLY from the door bell info on web site
  • SharonPost recycling flyer on the web site
  • MiguelOrder two doggy bag dispensing stations and install
  1. Competitive bids were received for Fire Alarm monitoring and Fire Alarm Inspection services. The most favorable contract was provided by DynaFire. Copy attached to The Board packet.
  2. Competitive bids were obtained for waste pick up and recycling. Management sent a RFP to Waste Pro and Waste Management requesting a set fee that would not fluctuate with fuel surcharges. Waste Management provided the most favorable bid. Copy attached to The Board packet.
  3. If The Board approves the DynaFire contract, then the yearly Bright House “phone” bill will go down by $1078.80 because the two phone lines currently used for fire alarm monitoring, one main and one back up, will no longer be necessary.
  4. Management has received the return receipt for unit 810 regarding the locked storm door. The door is now unlocked.
  5. The owner of unit 807 who has not provided a key to her locked screen door will be here after November 15th and we will request a working key for her storm door, or that she leave the door unlocked when she leaves. She wishes to be in residence when her balcony is repaired and painted.
  6. A response has been received via email from the owner of unit 509 regarding the listing of an unapproved “renter” on the gate logs. Copy of the response was sent to the Enforcement Committee. Copy is attached to The Board packet.
  7. Management sent an email to owners regarding the digital upgrade and included the November and December meeting dates.
  8. The door bell replacement information on the web site has been corrected and the recycling information has been posted to the web site.
  9. The computer monitor in the Management office died and the one from the Maintenance office was borrowed until such time as a replacement is received for the Management office.
  10. Once again we had a "Property Inspection" service come onto the property and plaster extremely sticky notices on the doors of foreclosure units. When removed, these stickers take the paint with them leaving an unsightlyscar where the paint once was. Management had the stickers removed and placed in the unit owner's files. In addition, Management called the "inspectors" and advised them they are not allowed on property without Management’s explicitpermission because they do not have permission from the owners, and therefore, have no right to be on property.

Management has previously had this type of problem with mortgage companies sending in people to change locks on units forwhichthey do not yet have title. In one case, they changed thelock on the wrong unitand the owner could not get into the unit. Management was told by the "LPS" company rep to call the mortgage company about it becausethey were just fulfilling a job order to see if the property was occupied. Management intends to deny access to anyone who cannotprovide written official documentation they owna unit, or they have written permission from the owner of the unit to be on property.

Management has requested permission from TheBoardPresidents toformally request the MSOA instruct gate staff to not allow any vender in that has not beenissueda pass by someone identifying themselves as the owner, or that is not on the existing"permitted venders list" providedby Management or the owners. I would further request to specifically put LPS (Lender Processing Services) Field Services and anyone identifying themselves as lock smithson the "must contact Management" to gain access list.

Ed Ronsman did give Sharon a courtesy call regarding this matter and told her he would provide her with the contact information for the attorneys for all the mortgage companies if the Associations wanted him to do so.Sharon could then send them a written request to follow Surf Club protocols when they, or their representative, wished to enter the property.

  1. Management has received two additional reports of unauthorized unit entries. One in Surf Club II and one in Surf Club III. The owner in SC II had not been in their unit in well over a year. In addition, one SC II unit owner reported hearing someone messing with the door rental lock box sometime after midnight the weekend of the 4-5th of November.


  1. The September financials and lien report and proposed budget have been provided to the Board. Copies attached to the Board packet.

Respectfully provided to the Surf Club III Board of Administrators,Lea A. Stokes CAM, Sharon C. Castellano CAM, Rhonda Courtney, CAM, Laura Eubanks, Accountant/CAM, Preferred Management Services.