Agenda item: 3



Presented by Ch Pelmoine, Eurocontrol, Brussels





AMS : Aeronautical Mobile Service

AM®S : Aeronautical Mobile (Route) Service

AMS(R)S : Aeronautical Mobile Satellite (Route) Service

ARNS : Aeronautical Radio Navigation Service

ECP : European Common Position

EESS : Earth Exploration satellite Service

EPFD : Equivalent Power Flux Density

FSS : Fixed Satellite Service

GNSS : Global Navigation Satellite Service

IMT2000 : International Mobile Telecommunication 2000

MSS : Mobile Satellite Service

PFD : Power Flux Density

RL : Radiolocation

RLAN : Radio local Area Network

RNSS : Radio Navigation Satellite Service

TFTS : Terrestrial Flight Telecommunications Systems


The following table provides a comparison between the EUROCONTROL preliminary views and the CEPT outcomes as defined in the latest CEPT CPG meeting and sub-groups. CEPT is responsible for developing ECP for ITU WRC03.Prior to ECP, CEPT develops briefs, which record the discussions and propose a preliminary position when the discussions are stable enough. ERC WGSE, RR and FM traditionally develop the briefs. It is anticipated that the different regional positions will be stable for the ITU CPM meeting in November 2002. Many CEPT positions on agenda items are nearly stable. For aviation, there are still some analysis on progress or some inter regional convergence to reach on agenda items 1.4, 1.15 (Res 606) and 7.2. Following discussions on agenda item 1.3, CEPT with ITU are considering the 4 GHz band used by radio altimeters for the introduction of new public protection applications. Aviation effort must focus on these agenda items.

Agenda Item / Description / Summary of EUROCONTROL's preliminary view / Status of CEPT brief regarding
EUROCONTROL’s View / CEPT brief/ECP edition /
1.1 / Removal of Country Footnotes in the ITU radio regulation / Removal of footnotes that constraint the operation of ARNS and AM®S in the VHF band and the operation of GNSS in 1.5/1.6 GHz / Support that administrations review their footnotes and delete them when no longer required. / Brief CPG
1.3 / Harmonised band for public protection and disaster relief / Support allocation for general emergency purpose in non aviation bands. Oppose allocation in safety aviation bands until compatibility studies demonstrate no constraints / The ECP indicates support for the use of 380-385 MHz and 390-395 MHz for narrow bands systems where civil aviation has no allocation. The brief indicates for wideband and broadband systems candidates bands. In particular the 200 MHz of the band 4200-4400 MHz used for airborne radio altimeters is considered, but needs further study. / ECP CPG
1.4 / Review the use of 5091-5150 MHz band for ARNS and FSS usage. / Preserve the necessary capacity for aviation services, including ARNS and possible new AM®S. / While CEPT will develop their position considering outcome of the ICAO study on spectrum requirement for ARNS, it is proposed to provide FSS with a permanent primary status. If this plan succeeds , it will likely made impossible the use of this band for AM®S. CEPT does not intent tot consider at WRC03 the use of this band for AM®S / Brief CPG/PT2 04/03/02
1.5 / Review the use of 5150 to 5725 MHz. Consider upgrade of RL status. / - Prevent unacceptable constraints on airborne radar (5350-5470 MHz)
- When definition of future aviation services in 5 GHz is agreed within aviation, request capacity for their implementation. / -  Support upgrade of RL in 5350-5650 MHz. CEPT relies for the protection of airborne radar to compatibility study with RL made a long time ago in ITU-R.
-  Possible introduction of new aviation systems is not mentioned in the existing ARNS allocation (5150-5250 MHz) .The CEPT proposal for the band 5150-5250 MHz is linked to the outcome for WRC 2003 Agenda item 1.6.
-  Proposal for new primary allocation to the mobile service in the bands 5150-5350 and 5470-5725 MHz for wireless access systems including RLANs.
-  Additional secondary allocation to EESS (active) limited to satellite radar altimeter in the frequency range 5140-5650 MHz; / ECP CPG/PT2
1.6 / Protect feeder links for MSS in the band 5150-5250MHz / - When definition of future aviation services in 5 GHz is agreed within aviation, request capacity for them. / Possible additional capacity for aviation service is not mentioned
The CEPT wishes to see the following regulatory measures implemented which will allow the successful introduction of mobile applications in this band, whilst ensuring the protection of the MSS feeder links:
-  the transmission limits and indoor usage restrictions for RLANs contained in Recommendation ITU-R M.1454 should be inserted in the Radio regulations;
-  measures to ensure protection of MSS feeder links from the potential aggregate interference effects of RLANs. / Brief CPG/PT2
1.8 / to define general limits for unwanted emissions and boundary between unwanted and spurious emissions / Ensure that the limits are consistent with aviation standards / -  No change is proposed at this stage for limits and boundary concerning aviation services.
-  To participate in ITU-R in band by band analysis for the protection of safety and passive service
-  Supports the proposed modification of Article S1 and the modification of Appendix S3 either by providing specific exceptions from the general 2.5 * BW boundary (based on ITU-R Rec. SM. 1539 and ISM.1541) or by including by reference all or part of those recommendations. / Brief CPG
1.11 / Allocation of Aeronautical Mobile Satellite Service with secondary status in Band 14-14.5 GHz / Monitor ongoing activities and support commercial aviation requirement / Supports the extension of the allocation to the MSS uplink on a secondary basis in the band 14.0 - 14.5 GHz for the AMSS Service (Earth-to-space) provided that all primary and secondary services in the band would be protected from the AMSS. / ECP CPG
1.14 / Protection of Maritime and Aeronautical HF communications / Support any measures to remove unauthorised transmissions.
Oppose the reduction of HF AM(R)S band allocation / -  Support measures to remove harmful interference for the aeronautical and maritime services
-  Exclusivity of 12290 and 16420 MHz frequencies for distress and safety communications
-  Support introduction of digital technologies for maritime service. / ECP CPG 19/02/02
1.15 / Study the sharing conditions between RNSS and
a) DME
b) Radar / a) The aggregate pfd value (or the epfd derived from this value) defined in ICAO for RNSS is necessary to ensure protection of DME.
b) Appropriate regulatory framework is established to ensure protection of radar.(to be completed pending result of studies) / a) 1164-1215 MHz (Res. 605)
Protection from RNSS service by an aggregate epfd value of –121.5 dBW/m2/MHz, derived from the ICAO aggregate pfd value for the whole RNSS service.
b) 1215 – 1300 MHz (Res. 606)
Assess a pfd value to protect radar. General CEPT support for a common protection mechanism for the whole band 1215-1300 MHz., while Russia prefers different protection limits in 1215-1260 MHz (GPS, GLONASS) and 1260-1300 MHz (future Galileo). A preliminary pfd value per each RNSS system is [-133] dbW/m2/MHz / ECP (Res 605) CPG/PT2
ECP (Res 606) CPG
1.17 / Upgrading the status of RL in Band 2900 to 3100 MHz. / Ensure that ATC radar are not constrained / Support the upgrade of status. Protection of ATC radar ensured through a footnote. / ECP CPG
1.22 / Provision of more spectrum for IMT2000. (The primary radar band 2.7 – 3.4 GHz was considered at WRC2000) / Oppose allocation in primary radar band. Insist on compatibility study to prove feasibility before any allocation made. / Clear division between current enhancement of IMT-2000 and systems beyond IMT-2000 should be established with a view to take any further action at WRC-2006. The band 2.7-3.4 GHz is not mentioned. / Brief CPG 19/02/02
1.28 / Use of ARNS band 107-117.975 MHz for GNSS augmentation systems / Ensure allocation to data links primarily for GNSS and secondarily when feasible for surveillance purpose. / Support the introduction of GNSS augmentation systems. General support (except UK) for the introduction of surveillance data link subject that compatibility can be achieved without placing additional constraints on other services. / Brief CPG
1.31 / Additional allocations to MSS in 1 to 3 GHz / To oppose MSS allocations in the ARNS bands, which may endanger the aviation use of these bands / Support MSS allocation in the band 1518-1525 and 1670-1690 MHz. The band 1670-1675 MHz, designated for the TFTS system in Europe, is considered by aviation as a possible candidate bands for new aeronautical systems. If accepted, the CEPT proposal will make likely impossible the use for aviation of the TFTS band / ECP CPG/PT2
7.2 / Finalise WRC-06 agenda
Define preliminary agenda for future WRCs / -  Review of results of studies conducted in accordance with resolution 222 (WRC-2000) (availability of spectrum for AMS®S in 1.5-1.6 GHz)
-  Consider carefully attempt to review HF frequency bands between 2050 - 22000 kHz.
-  When defined, ensure sufficient spectrum capacity for future aeronautical services.
-  To remove agenda (i.e. the systems under investigation), which are a confirmed threat to aviation. To be identified… / No preliminary position. / No Brief