Rivers of Life
Recommended Resources
Cadillac Desert
· A Nova documentary video. Available through the PBS web site (http://www.pbs.org).
Newton's Apple, Floods
• Video recommended audience K-9, video cost $19.95, teacher’s guide available at no additional cost on request or on Newton’s Apple Website. Videotape can be ordered by calling 1-800-228-4630, ask for Newton's Apple Show #1207.
• How do people control the flooding of the rivers? Do these methods of control sometimes make matters worse? David experiences the powerful force behind a flood on the Mississippi River and learns how floods change the landscape.
· A Nova documentary video. Available through the PBS web site (http://www.pbs.org).
From Streets to Stream: Reducing Pollution from Urban Yards
· 13 min. $25 for purchase. Video can be ordered by calling Shelley Shreffler at (651) 644-5436.
· This video couments non-point source pollution impacts.
History Beyond the Walls: Tracing Zebulon Pike's Travels in the Mississippi Headwaters
• 29 min. $10.00 for rental and $24.95 for purchase. Video can be ordered by contacting the Institute for Minnesota Archaeology, 3300 University Ave. SE, Suite 204, Minneapolis, MN 55414. (612) 623-0299.
• This video traces history though diary and archaeology.
We All Live Downstream
• Individual use $25.00, Institution use $39.95. Video can be ordered by contacting The Video Project, 5332 College Ave., Suite 101, Oakland, CA, 94618. (510) 655-9050.
• Video on toxic pollution in Mississippi River. Greenpeace explores toxic pollution through individuals and communities affected by it.
Time Travels
• 20 min. FREE. Order from Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom, MN Department of Agriculture, 90 West Plato Blvd., St. Paul, MN 55107
• An overview of the history of agriculture in Minnesota
Elementary Students
River Life: A Close up Look at the Natural World of a River
• Barbara Taylor, $9.95, ages 4-8
• Larger than life photographs with clear labels explaining different body parts.
A River Ran Wild: An Environmental History
• Lynne Cherry, $14.95, ages 6-11
• The history of how the Nashua River went from its original pristine state to becoming polluted, and then how a group of people worked together to restore it.
Pond and River
• Eyewitness $16.00
• Closeups of freshwater plants and animals. The Eyewitness books provide hundreds of exceptional, clear photographs, coupled with concise, detailed information. Here are three related to the study of water.
Letting Swift River Go
• Jane Yolen, Illustrated by Barbara Cooney , 32 pages, Little Brown, 1992, $15.95
• The Quabbin Reservoir, created to fill the need for freshwater in the growing Boston area, covers a valley once home to villages of families who had lived there for generations. The story takes the form of a young woman's reminiscences of growing up in the Swift River Valley. Readers not only see what life was like there, but also the extensive process of relocating people--and sometimes their houses and graveyards--and preparing the site.
Steamboats on the Mississippi (American Heritage Junior Library)
• Ralph K Andrist, Troll Assoc (Lib), 1988, List: $14.95 -- Amazon.com Price: $14.95 ISBN: 0816715300
Protecting Rivers & Seas
• Kamini Khanduri, $4.50 (p) ages 6-9
• Presented here with many facts and illustrations on each page is a simple introduction to the conservation of the world's water and the wildlife that depend on it.
· George Ancona, $14.95 ages 6-12
• This is the story of John Cronin, riverkeeper of the Hudson River. Hired by the Hudson River Fishermen's Association, Cronin patrols the river and works as an advocate for the health of theriver. A fascinating account, illustrated with black and white photos.
Drip Drop: Water's Journey
• Eve and Albert Stwertka $5.95 (p) ages 7-9
• As this book traces the journey a drop of water makes, it answers many other water questions along the way. It explains how water is formed, how it travels, and how it is cleaned and made safe to use. Included are simple experiments and projects that clarify the discussion. Light-hearted and informative.
The Stream Team on Patrol
• John G. Shepard, Illustrated by Craig Parent, Abdo and Daughters, 1993 ISBN# 1-56239-207-7
• "Armed with special knowledge and keen observation skills", students are assigned to explore and help save a stream that's under attack. They learn about what a watershed is and wide variety of creatures that are involved with the stream in fascinating ways.
A Postcard Journey Along the Upper Mississippi
· Robert Stumm, Templegate Publishers. Springfield, IL
· A historic look at the Mississippi River, from the headwaters to Cairo, IL, through images captured on postcards.
High School Students
America by Rivers
• Tim Palmer, 349 pages, Island Press, 1996, $26.95
• Photographer and writer Tim Palmer presents a comprehensive tour of the whole of America's river systems. The book is filled with important new information as well as data gathered from hundreds of published sources. Chapters address the characteristics of rivers in distinct regions of the country and each chapter highlights one river with a detailed view from the water. Eighteen maps guide the reader across the country and 100 photos illustrate the splendor of Palmer's fascinating subject.
A Canoe Voyage up the Minnay-Sotor
• George William Featherstonhaugh, 1847
The River Curriculum Project
• Dr. Robert Williams, Southern Illinois University, (618) 692-3788,
• The Illinois Rivers Project is a interdisciplinary learning experience that integrates river learning with chemistry, biology, earth science, geography, language arts, and math. The project's initial major goal was to promote scientific literacy through getting students involved in collecting and analyzing water samples from various test sites. Students report their findings to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as well as with each other through Soiled Net, a telecommunications network that links all the participating schools. In conjunction with the water testing project, students are now tracking the progress of the Zebra Mussel. Middle school students and teachers are also being paired with participants in the Rivers project to conduct research and testing of groundwater quality
Mississippi Solo : A River Quest
• Eddy L. Harris, HarperCollins, 1989, Paperback, 250 pages, List: $12.50 -- Amazon.com Price: $11.25 -- You Save: $1.25(10%) , ISBN: 0060972475
• Never having canoed before, and with the loan of a friend's boat, Eddy L. Harris sets out to row the length of the Mississippi River--alone. Beautifully captured is the river's culture, the character of its people, as well as a man's remarkable spirit.
Canoing with the Cree
• Eric Sevareid, Minnesota Historical Society, 1968, ISBN 0-87351-152-2
• In 1930, two boys Eric Sevareid and his friend Walter Port, took off on a canoe trip of a lifetime from the Minnesota River at Fort Snelling to Hudson Bay. Without the benefit of radio or motor for the canoe, they arrived at York Factory on Hudson Bay, just before winter freeze up. This book is a wonderful account of their experiences; the people that helped them and the lanscape and wildlife that surrounded them.
Rising Tide : The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 and How It Changed America
• by John M. Berry, John M. Barry, Simon & Schuster, 1997, Hardcover, 512 pages. List: $30.00, Amazon.com Price: $27.00, You Save: $3.00 (10%) ISBN: 0684810468
Field Manual for Water Quality Monitoring: An Environmental Educaiton Program for Schools
· Mark K. Mitchell and William B. Stapp. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 1997. ISBN 0-7872-3730-2.
· This manual is used in many national and international watershed programs linked through the Global Rivers Environmental Education Network (GREEN).
Last Oasis: Facing Water Scarcity
· Sandra Postel (Worldwatch Institute). W.W. Norton and Company, 1997. ISBN 0-393-31744-7.
· This book is a part of the Worldwatch Environmental Alert Series and is featured on the PBS series “Cadillac Desert”.
Lifelines: The Case for River Conservation
· Tim Palmer. Island Press, Washington, DC. ISBN 1-55963-220-8
· “The health of our nation is reflected in the health of our rivers.” This book will look at the conditions of world rivers.
Water: A Natural History
· Alice Outwater. Basic Books, NY, 1996. ISBN 0-465-03779-8.
Teaching about Hazardous and Toxic Materials
• ERIC - Education Resource Information Center, 1985, Item # T-114, $10.00 + shipping
• This is a teacher's guide that is grouped by grade levels.
Adopt a River, Join the Clean Rivers Team
• Minnesota Clean Rivers Project, Kit designed for citizen groups undertaking river clean-up projects. To receive the kit, contact the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Box 52-500 Lafayette Rd., St. Paul, MN 55155.
Wildlife of the Rivers
• William H. Amos, Abrams Publishing, 1981
• General Reference Book
Prehistory of the Central Mississippi Valley
• by Charles H. McNutt (Editor), Univ of Alabama Pr (Txt), 1996, Paperback, 313 pages, : $48.75 -- Amazon.com Price: $48.75 , ISBN: 0817308075
• Lying between two major population centers of the American Bottom to the north and the Lower Yazoo Basin to the south, Mississippi's Central Valley received its share of cultural influences from these two centers. But the region also had its own distinctive cultural developments. Contributors to this volume present eight updated culture histories for the various subareas of the Central Valley, providing some coordination between the culture sequences of the American Bottom and Lower Yazoo Basin.
La Salle : Explorer of the North American Frontier
• by Willard Wood (Translator), Anka Muhlstein, Arcade Pub, 1994, Hardcover, 244 pages, List: $22.95 -- Amazon.com Price: $20.66 -- You Save: $2.29(10%)
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (Books of Wonder)
• Barry Moser (Illustrator), Mark Twain, William Morrow & Co, 1989, List: $22.00 -- Amazon.com Price: $19.80 -- You Save: $2.20(10%) , ISBN: 068807510X
Life on the Mississippi (Penguin Classics)
• Mark Twain, Penguin USA, 1989
• Paperback, 450 pages List: $8.95 -- Amazon.com Price: $8.05 -- You Save: $0.90(10%) ISBN: 0140390502
Mississippi River Tales
· Frank McSherry, Jr., Charles G. Waugh, Mortin Harry Greenberg, eds., Little Rock: August House, 1988.
The Minnesota: Forgotten River
• Evan Jones, 1962
Save Our Streams (Curriculum project)
• Izaak Walton League, 707 Conservation Lane Gaithersburg, MD 20878, (800) BUG-IWLA
• Save our Streams (SOS) is the grassroots river and stream protection program of the Izaak Walton League of America. Individuals and groups adopt a stream and agree to become it's guardian for a year or more. Stream adopters protect their stream by checking water quality, looking for signs of trouble, and taking action to solve pollution problems. This program is adaptable to just about any youth or civic organization, and can also be used in the classroom. The IL has put together a SOS kit, that contains survey forms, macroinvertibrate identification cards, as well as a teacher's manual on integrating SOS into the classroom and includes lessons on watershed dynamics, water monitoring and land use planning. The manual comes with IBM compatible software for managing water monitoring data.
Global Rivers Environmental Education Network (GREEN)
• 721 East Huron St. Ann Arbor, MI 48104, (313) 761-8142,
• GREEN is an innovative, action-orientated approach to education, based on an interdisciplinary watershed education model. GREEN's mission is to improve education through a global network that promotes watershed sustainability through classroom activities that revolve around two key content areas: 1. water quality monitoring, and 2. understanding charges and trends within the whole watershed. They offer a catalog of various water quality monitoring manuals and guides, equipment, as well as other problem solving/action taking curriculum and global environmental resources. They have a very helpful website that includes a listing of their projects and a listing of watershed education resources on the internet. They also have put together a manual for low cost water quality monitoring.
The Brook
• Alfred Tennyson, illustrations by Charles Micucci, 32 pages, Orchard, 1994, $14.95
• The rhythms of Tennyson's familiar poem mimic a babbling brook as it tells of its travels past villages and farms, over stones and around bends, on its way to the river. "For man may come and man may go" states the refrain, "but I go on forever". Micucci has illustrated this set of versus, taken from Tennyson's longer poem of the same name, in period style, recalling simpler times when a nearby brook was the everyday setting of leisure-time activities.
Splish Splash
• Joan Bransfield Graham, illustrated by Steve Scott, 32 pages, Ticknor and Fields, 1994 $13.95
• Concrete poems suggest the characteristics of their subject matter through typography and layout. Here square blocks of type are "ice cubes..cattering about the cold" and "River" begins with small words, far away, that increase in size as they advance on the page toward the reader.
Energy Resources
The Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Clearinghouse
P.O. Box 3048
Merrifield, VA 22116
(800) DOE-EREC (363-3732)
Fax: (703) 893-0400
This free service has information on renewable energy and saving energy. It is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy.
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Center for Science Education
1617 Cole Boulevard
Golden, CO 80401
(800) NEW-ENGY (639-3649)
This center has student and teacher information and videos on renewable energy.
Renew America
1400 16th Street, NW, Suite 710
Washington, DC 20036
(202) 232-2252
This group offers information on renewable energy and the environment.
National Energy Education Development Project
1920 Association Drive, Suite 414
Reston, VA 22091
(800) 875-5029
This group offers energy education program materials for grades 4 to 12.
National Energy Information Center
Energy Information Administration
1000 Independence Avenue, SW, Room 1F-048
Washington, DC 20585
(202) 586-8800
This group offers energy information for a wide range of audiences.
Books on Energy
These books have more information on energy. This list does not cover all the books available on energy, nor does any mention of a book mean that we recommend it. To get these books, go to your public or school library or local bookstore. Ask the bookstore how much the book costs before you order it.
For Students