/ Metalworking Fluids | 1

Metalworking Fluids

Metalworking Fluids

Metalworking fluids (MWFs) are used to reduce heat and friction and to improve product quality in machining and grinding operations. They include a wide range of petroleum oils and synthetic materials, sometimes combined with additives or diluted with water.

Health Hazards

Workers can be exposed to MWF by inhaling mists and by skin contact with the fluid from splashes, by handling fluids, or by handling work pieces which are coated with the fluids.

In general, exposure will be higher if:

  • The worker is in close proximity to the machine.
  • The operation involves high tool speeds and deep cuts.
  • Ventilation equipment was improperly selected or poorly maintained.

Some MWFs, such as the water-based variety, are excellent breeding grounds for bacteria and fungi. Therefore, occupational exposure to metalworking fluid mists may cause a variety of respiratory conditions, including hypersensitivity pneumonitis, chronic bronchitis, impaired lung function and asthma.

Exposure to metalworking are associated with allergic reactions and irritation of the skin. Exposure has also been associated with increased risk of respiratory and digestive cancers.

Controlling Exposures

There are many ways of controlling exposure to metalworking fluids, including:

Use of engineering controls to minimize splashing and mist.

  • Proper maintenance of fluids to prevent microbial contamination.
  • Proper use of and maintenance of ventilation.

Employees can help control exposures to MWFs by:

  • Use of appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE).
  • Practicing recommended workplace personal hygiene.
  • Following all of the established work practices for MWFs.
  • Keeping machine guards in place.
  • Not eating, drinking, applying cosmetics or smoking in areas where MWFs are in use.

All exposed workers should be included in an occupational medical monitoring program, with priority given to those at highest risk.

Training Tips

Prior to the talk, review the employee handout. Explain to employees:

  • Adverse health effects associated with MWF exposure.
  • Where MWFs are used in your facility.
  • What PPE is required, if any.
  • What provisions are available for personal hygiene in the workplace.
  • The role of personal hygiene in protecting them from MWFs.
  • How to participate in the company medical surveillance program if offered.

For more information see:

  • The company’s employee handbook and the medical monitoring coordinator.
  • Metalworking Fluids: Safety and Health Best Practices Manual (

Metalworking FluidsHandout

Metalworking fluids (MWFs) are used to reduce heat and friction during machining, cutting, drilling, and grinding operations. MWFs include a wide range of petroleum oils, lubricants, detergents anti-corrosive and other agents.

How Can MWFs Hurts Me?

You can be exposed to MWFs from inhaling mists or by skin contact from splashes, by handling fluids, or by handling pieces which are coated with fluids.

Some MWFs allow bacteria and fungi to breed. These are then transferred to the employee through inhalation or skin contact.

Exposure to MWFs can result in:

  • A variety of respiratory diseases, such as bronchitis, asthma and impaired lung function.
  • Allergic reactions or irritation of the skin.
  • Increased risk of cancer.

In general, exposure to MWFs will be higher if:

  • The worker is in close proximity to the machine.
  • The operation involves high tool speeds and deep cuts.
  • The machine is not enclosed or if guards have been removed.
  • Ventilation equipment is not functioning or has been poorly maintained.

Employee Responsibility

The best way to prevent contact with metalworking fluids is to follow the work rules set up at your workplace. Make sure that machine guards are kept in place, and use the recommended personal protective equipment, including respirators, gloves, boots and aprons as necessary.

Keep food and drinks, cosmetics and tobacco away from work areas which use MWFs toavoid unnecessary exposure to MWFs.

In case of contact with MWFs, you should:

  • Promptly clean skin with soap and water.
  • Remove contaminated clothing. Also do not wear work clothes home. Shower and change at work, if possible.
  • Keep floors, equipment and the work area clean of splashes and spills of MWFs.

Metalworking Fluids Sign–Off Sheet

The employees of ______Company Name______, have taken part in a training session Metalworking Fluids. The session covered:

  • Operations at this facility which use metalworking fluids.
  • Symptoms of exposure to metalworking fluids.
  • How to report suspected medical problems resulting from contact with metalworking fluids.

Date of Training: / Facility:
Employee Signature / PRINT NAME


Supervisor’s Signature