Datacap Taskmaster for Invoices

Automate Your A/P Process

Your paper invoices are not going away anytime soon. And the costs of processing them continue to rise - 37% in the past 4 years ( Source: IOMA's A/P Department Benchmarks and Analysis). Taskmaster for Invoices integrates with any document scanner to capture all the important information from the invoice digital image. Taskmaster uses best of breed OCR and ICR recognition forhighly accurate capture of all key invoice data including: vendor ID, PO #, invoice date, line item and total amounts. This information can be automaticallyvalidated, then delivereddirectly into your accounts payable, ERP, document managementor other back-end system.

Streamline Invoice Processing

Taskmaster includes Dynamic Natural Analysis (DNA) specifically developed to help you simplify invoice capture. DNA eliminates invoice set-up and enables single-pass verification for both your known and unknown invoice layouts. This speeds your implementation and reduces ongoing maintainence. All detail line items for a new invoice layout can be captured and their location stored after the user has identified the first line item, further streamlining the set-up process.

Typical Accounts Payable Workflow

Taskmaster manages invoice batches through a series of processing steps - a workflow - some steps require user's input, some are unattended, but all of them help Taskmaster for Invoices deliver accurate payables information.

Wesupport all leading production scanners, including Bowe Bell + Howell, Canon, Fujitsu, and Kodak, Panasonic, Visioneer, Xerox.

Image Enhancement
After scanning, invoices undergo automated image clean-up: line removal, de-speckling, "noise" reduction, de-skewing, and automated page flipping when necessary, all contribute to higher quality images for recognition.

Vendor Identification
Taskmaster fingerprint technology analyzes the invoice image based on the page geometry and then automatically identifies the vendor.

Once the vendor's fingerprint has been found, Taskmasterapplies zoneand location rules to first find the data on the invoice, then capture andextract all your required data fields, such as invoice date, invoice number, purchase order number, and invoice total. Taskmaster for Invoices is not limited to "header" fields andcan also pick up line item details as well.

Validation - Verification
A customizable interface displays invoice image and recognition results side by side, highlighting fields and characters that need review. Math calculations on line items verify subtotal amounts by comparing quantities and unit prices. User-configurable rules automate validations according to an organization's business rules, assuring, for example, that totals match the amount authorized for every purchase order, or that the invoice date doesn't exceed specified parameters.Verifiers have easy tp use features to correct recognition, including Click' N Key and Dynamic Details to enhance productivity. Intellocate automatically updates the fingerpoint library with updates to new and exisiting fingerprints.

Data and Image Delivery
Taskmaster supports a wide variety of imaging and accounting systems to enable multiple concurrent exports of invoice data and images. Export invoice data and images at any step in the capture process into any combination of ERP, database, storage, or enterprise-specific systems.

Billing Manager

Billing Manager is the easy way to create and manage your invoices online. From Intuit – the makers of QuickBooks, Quicken, and TurboTax.

This software does not appear to have the scanning capability needed to scan and integrate historical data. Its strength is in its association and integration with the Intuit tool sweet.It also lets you process credit cards in Billing Manager. It also lets your customers pay your invoices online. You don’t have to do this (ever), and you can happily use Billing Manager for free. But our hope is that for some businesses, accepting credit cards and letting their customer pay online will help them get paid faster and more easily. That’s it, that’s the catch.

Search Express

SearchExpress/Invoice Document Imaging lets you use your browser to approve and search your scanned invoices and supporting documents. No more sifting through filing cabinets and drawers of paper to find what you are looking for. Then, if you need to email or print the invoice, it's just a click of your mouse.

SearchExpress/Invoice Document Imaging reduces paper handling and save staff time by creating a searchable database with images of invoices and supporting documents.

Some of our clients use SearchExpress just as a digital filing cabinet. They scan and OCR their invoices and supporting documents with SearchExpress, and then search on the invoice number, vendor name or other number or phrase in the invoice or supporting documents to find and display the scanned image.

Other clients use SearchExpress to also route the invoices to the appropriate person for approval.

In addition to searching and approving documents from your desktop PC, you can search and approve from your wireless laptop or Apple iPhone. This means you can access your documents wherever you are, including while you are out in the field.

Here's One Way SearchExpress/Invoice Document Imaging Can Work:

  • You scan invoices received by mail and Virtual Scan invoices received via email or fax.
  • You can route the invoices to different managers, by choosing the manager's name from a pick list.
  • Each manager uses their web browser to see an "inbasket" of all invoices that await their approval. This can be done over intranet or the Internet.
  • The managers can indicate their approval by clicking the Approved button after reviewing the scanned invoice. They could also enter a cost code.
  • You can make searchable annotations (notes) to documents, and let everyone view your annotations, or you can specify particular users who can view your annotations. This helps you collaborate with others.
  • In addition to indexing the invoice by the OCR'ed text, SearchExpress can read the invoice amount, vendor name and other invoice fields from your A/P system, via an ODBC or SQL call.
  • To search for invoices, you use your browser and type in the vendor name, invoice date, invoice number, check number, or other identifying information. User ID and password security is provided to ensure authorized access.
  • Also, you can search directly from any software application. For example, if you are in your A/P software, just highlight the invoice number and press a function key to perform a SearchExpress search and display the scanned invoice.

SearchExpress lowers the costs of handling and storing your A/P documents, and saves staff time by providing instant access to your invoices from other software applications.

Executive Technologies, Inc. has been developing the SearchExpress family of affordable high-performance document capture and search products since 1984.

Document imaging is now very affordable. You can store thirty million pages on a $350 1.5 terabyte (trillion byte) hard drive. That's 12,000 pages a day for ten years!

Good scanners are now also affordable. You can get a 60 page-per-minute (PPM) scanner for less than $2,000. SearchExpress also supports high-end scanners that scan over 300 pages per minute.

SearchExpress is so easy to install and use that you will not need any expensive on-site installation and training.