Fr. Hugh Davoren C.S.Sp (Holy Ghost Fathers)

Tel: 01629 640241 / e-mail: / Website:

Last Sunday’s collection: Envelopes £209.00 Loose Plate £133.65 Total £342.65

Gift Aid Envelopes are available in both churches for use by parishioners and visitors. Please use!

Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday evenings: Hassop/Bakewell: 5.30 p.m. Hassop/Bakewell on request.

Week commencing Sunday, 10th June 2012


/ 9th / 6.15 p.m. / Bakewell / Parishioners / Corpus Christi
Sunday / 10th / 10.00 a.m. / Hassop / Eric Allsop RIP
Monday / 11th / 9.30 a.m. / Hassop / Edw & Eliz. Doran RIP / 9.30 a.m. / Bakewell
Tuesday / 12th / 9.30 a.m. / Bakewell / Holy Souls / 11.30 a.m. / Hassop
Wednesday / 13th / 9.30 a.m. / Hassop / F R E E / St Anthony of Padua
Thursday / 14th / NO MORNING SERVICE TODAY / Feria
Friday / 15th / 11.30a.m. Hassop Communion Service / Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
Saturday / 16th / 6.15 p.m. / Bakewell / F R E E / Mass of 11th Sunday
of the Year
Sunday / 17th / 10.00 a.m. / Hassop / Parishioners


Fr. Hugh Davoren C.S.Sp (Holy Ghost Fathers)

Tel: 01629 640241 / e-mail: / Website:

‘How wonderful it would be if every parishioner became a Eucharistic minister becoming the Real Presence in …’


Fr. Hugh Davoren C.S.Sp (Holy Ghost Fathers)

Tel: 01629 640241 / e-mail: / Website:

Ministries weekend of 16th/17th June

Bakewell / Hassop
E. Ministers / L. Elliot / C&M Allsop
Readers / M. Trend, H. Hoare / M. Etchells, J. Smith
Welcomers / K. Howard / M&T Martyn
Flowers / J. Molloy
Counters / This week: GSS Next week: AKS

This weekend our Eucharistic Ministers will renew their commitment at the Sunday morning Mass in Hassop. We thank them for their availability and commitment to serving the parish community through their Eucharistic service.

A very big “thank you” to our Social Committee for their wonderful efforts last Saturday evening for the Jubilee barbecue and for coming back again on Sunday morning to tidy up. We had a very pleasant evening and some visitors sent messages to express their thanks and, of one of these said, “They must have worked jolly hard to bring it all together” … and, yes, they did work jolly hard.

Now our efforts turn to the Summer Fair which takes place on 23rd June from noon to 3-00pm in Hassop. Already some parishioners and friends have been generous and given support. Thank you for this. We still need help for the raffle cash prizes and lotsandlots of bottles for the stall. Please invite your family & friends to come along because we need to see people there with us. As you know already, we are not having as many social occasions as we used to have in the parish because it became hard work trying to sustain the momentum and responses for these. We put a lot of energy into the Summer Fair and hope you will respond to this generously once again. Thank you all! Please take home some raffle tickets and bring good quality items for bric-à-brac, jewellery, books etc. along with cakes, jams, preserves etc. for “our” day.

Mick and Christine Allsop are doing their sponsored canoe & climb next Saturday for the cancer unit at Weston Park Hospital. They would be very grateful for sponsors.

“A Time to Shine”: There will be a prayer walk across Derbyshire following the route of the Olympic Torch from 17-23 June. Ending with a prayer service on Tuesday, June 19th in Bakewell 7.30pm. All welcome. We need hosts to offer accommodation to the walkers: can you help out? If you can, please fill in this section and return to Juliet Peel. Thank you!

Name ______

Telephone no. ______

Willing to accommodate ______people

Diary of the month:

11thOrdination of Rev. S. Gillespie in Cathedral

13th St Vincent de Paul Society meets

17th Lewis, Tilly, George and Sophie meet to prepare for their First Reconciliation

24th Second meeting for Lewis, Tilly, George & Sophie

27th St Vincent de Paul Society meets

28 – 29th Holy Day to honour Ss Peter & Paul. The Vigil Mass will be at 7.00pm on 28th and morning Mass at 10.00am on 29th.

28th PPC meets at 8pm in the presbytery after Mass.

29th 6.30pm Celebration of the Sacrament of First Reconciliation for our young parishioners: parents can also avail of this moment of grace to accompany their children.

Bishop’s Catechesis Certificate: There is some follow-up being planned for this and, as we requested at an earlier meeting, we would like the course to be done at Matlock. We have a starting date now – 3rd October 2012 at 7.00pm and we have a meeting place – Presentation Convent in Matlock.

Coalition for Marriage: Please, tell the Government to leave marriage alone. It only takes 60 seconds to complete a response to the Government’s consultation on redefining marriage. Have you got one minute to tell the Government to save marriage? Go to for what you can do in the present circumstances.

July Dates

1st July –Renewal of Eucharistic Ministers at Bakewell Mass

15th July – Padley Pilgrimage – a family occasion again.

Bakewell Carnival Float At the meeting arranged for this, there were just two present: this indicates a lack of interest in the carnival float and so, for this year, there will not be a float from the ABC and our church communities.

After refreshments on 24th June Helen Cain will give a short 10 min. talk about her work with and forThe Street Child in Sierra Leone. Some of us still remember the terrible war that took place there and the brutality towards children. Brian Cain will do a sponsored walk for this.

Sick and Housebound: We remember Patricia Turner, Christina Gentis, Stella Clegg, Cliff Mann, Michael & Shirley Plant, Chris Holmes, Janet Smith and Joan Mason along with all the sick of our families and friends.

Anniversaries: – We pray this week especially for Fr Peter Devins CSSp (first Holy Ghost Father to serve our parish) and Bill Watkins. May their souls rest in peace.