Surrey County Scout Council
This is one of the two Insurances provided by the Scout Association. The other is Legal Liability Insurance for which a separate Fact Sheet (No. 2) is available. Premiums for both Insurances are paid by Headquarters and are taken from the Annual Subscription.
The schedule (over) summarises the main features of the various Personal Accident Insurance Schemes. It is not a policy document and there is no implication that the cover provided is adequate for the financial needs of members. Therefore the Schemes should be viewed as additional to and not replacing any personal arrangement made or required by individual members who may wish to take separate additional cover through Scout Insurance Services Ltd T/A Unity (Registered Insurance Brokers) with all the profits going to HQ.
The three columns illustrate the benefits obtainable under the following Schemes:-
Scheme 1: The Association’s automatic Scheme for all Members as shown on the annual Census,including new Members joining during the year. The premium is paid by Headquarters.
Scheme 2: The Association’s optional Scheme (on a County basis) for non-members under age eighteen participating in organised Scouting activities. This is mainly for children accompanying their parents who are Leaders, Parent Helpers, Supporters etc. The premium is paid by the Surrey County Scout Council.
Scheme 3: The Association’s optional PERSONAL INJURY PLAN (PIP) Option 1, to provide additional substantial benefits, Surrey County Scout Council has arranged to cover all Surrey Leaders, Asst Leaders, Skills Instructors and Sectional Assistants under this scheme. The premium, collected by the County with the Annual Subscription, is based on the number of individuals in the above categories shown in the Annual Census. There is no need to advise additions or deletions during the year. Occasional Helpers are NOT included. (see below)
All Schemes operate whilst engaged in authorised Scout Activities. Under Schemes 1 and 2 the Insured Person is covered whilst travelling between home and the Scouting event, but Scheme 3 only applies whilst travelling to and from the Event.. In general, the Schemes do not apply to persons age seventy or over, but limited coverage is given on scheme 1 and six items marked * are provided for the over 70s. The PIP (scheme 3) cannot be extended.
All the Schemes operate on a world-wide basis with fewer exceptions than customary policies. The main Exclusions are Suicide and self inflicted injury, Full time military service, War, Flying as a pilot or crew member unless as part of organised Scouting Activities, Loss of earnings, Loss/Damage to Personal Effects (including spectacles). Separate Travel Insurance should be arranged for travel overseas.
a) Beavers, Cub Scouts, Scouts and Explorer and Network Scouts are insured for Scheme 1 benefits only.
b) Scout Active Support Members are insured for Scheme 1 Benefits only (but also Scheme 3 for East Surrey District Scout Active Support members under 70 years of age, apart from six marked benefits).
c) Administrators (if members they are covered) but Adult Supporters and Occasional Helpers are NOT insured under Schemes 1 or 3. Such persons can obtain similar insurance to that in scheme 1 by payment of a separate premium. The premiums are reasonable and for full details contact Unity Insurance Services on 0345 040 7703
d) Any person described under Categories (a), (b) and (c) above can obtain similar insurance to that by contacting Unity Insurance Services on 0345 040 7703.
Notifying Accidents: Any accident, illness or death which occurs during a Scout activity (or on the way to and from such activity) where a Doctor, Dentist, Hospital or Emergency Service is involved the incident must be notified within seven days to: Unity Insurance Services, Suites 10 &10a, The Quadrant,60, Marlborough Road, Lancing Business Park, Lancing, West Sussex BN15 8UW 0345 040 703
PRINCIPLE BENEFITSScheme 1Scheme 2Scheme 3
Premium included in CapitationNon Member under 18 PIP option 1
Accidental Death
Over age 18£20,000*Not applicable£50,000
Under age 18£3,500£3,000£5,000
Permanent DisablementUnder 18Over 18
Permanent Total Disablement£15,000£20,000£15,000£50,000
Loss of Sight - One Eye£15,000£20,000*£15,000£25,000
Loss of Sight - Both Eyes£15,000£20,000*£15,000£50,000
Loss of Hearing - One Ear£3,000£4,000£3,000 £10,000
Loss of Hearing - Both Ears15,000£20,000£15,000£50,000
Loss of One Limb£15,000£20,000*£15,500£50,000
Loss of two or more Limbs£15,000£20,000*£15,000£50,000
1. Above amounts are the maximum benefits payable to each category. Percentages of such benefits are payable according to the degree of disability such as loss of a leg below the knee, loss of finger/thumb etc.
2. In the event of more than one form of Permanent Disability the total amount payable is limited to 100% of the sum insured i.e.: £15,000 £20,000 £50,000 £50,000
Temporary Total Disablement
Weekly Benefit:- Over age 16 (But age 18 for Scheme 3):-
In full time gainful employment £125 max)*£100(Max)* £80*
Not in full time gainful employment £20£20£50
Maximum number of weeks payable:-
Injury 104Not covered104
Sickness 52Not coveredNot covered
* Benefit NOT payable for first 2 weeks:-* Not covered*
Hospital Cash
Amount per day of Hospitalisation £15 per day (max 365 days)*Not covered£10
Convalescence 4 days in hospitalNot coveredNot covered£40
7 days in hospitalNot coveredNot covered£80
Broken bonesNot coveredVarious benefits maximum £300
Primary dislocationsNot covered Not covered£200
PhysiotherapyNot coveredNot covered£25 a session
Max £300
Medical and Travel Expenses
Resulting from an injury or sickness arising during an activity involving domicile away from home
(including travel thereto and therefrom)
Maximum per incident -UK£10,000£100 Injury onlyNot covered
Maximum per Incident - Overseas£25,000 £25,000 Not covered
Each Claim subject to an Excess of:-£15£15Not covered
1. Within the above Benefit figures there are inner limits for such items as Parents travel and accommodation expenses; loss/damage to the Member’s clothing due to surgical removal or being blood-stained beyond reasonable recovery.
2. Claimants are expected to use the NHS where possible.
This document is only a summary of the various Schemes. All statements are therefore subject to the terms and conditions of the relative Insurance Policies. Full details can be found at personal accident.html
Issued by Surrey County Scout CouncilRevised 2.17
Len Butler County Insurance Adviser