2010-2013 University Committee on Research Awards
Gillian Small, UCRA Chair, Vice Chancellor for Research, CUNY
UCRA Liaison / Review Panel / College
Sophia Perdikaris / Anthropology / Brooklyn College
Zoë Sheehan Saldaña / Art History & Visual Arts / Baruch College
*Nathan Lents / Biochemistry & Molecular Biology / John Jay College
*Vladimir Ovtcharenko / Biology / Hostos Community College
Karl Lang / Business Administration / Baruch College
*Kamal Ismail / Chemistry / Bronx Community College
Ronnie Ancona / Classics / Hunter College
Alan Huffman / Communication Arts & Sciences; Linguistics, Speech & Hearing / New York City College of Technology
*Paolo Fasoli / Comparative Literature & Languages / Hunter College
Jinlin Chen / Computer Science / Queens College
Tanya Pollard / Creative Writing & English / Brooklyn College
Yuri Gorokhovich / Earth & Environmental Science / Lehman College
Simone Wegge / Economics / College of Staten Island
David Gerwin / Education / Queens College
Ibrahim Habib / Engineering / City College
Ying Zhu / Ethnic & Area Studies / College of Staten Island
Mihaela Robila / Health & Human Services / Queens College
Suzanne Babyar / Health Sciences / Hunter College
Margaret King / History / Brooklyn College
*Cheryl Bluestone / Interdisciplinary Studies / Queensborough Community College
*Joseph F. Wilson / Law & Criminal Justice; Political Science / Brooklyn College
Janet Butler Munch / Library / Lehman College
*Robert Sibner / Mathematics / Brooklyn College
*Hubert Howe / Music / Queens College
Shauna Vey / Performing Arts Production & Scholarship / New York City College of Technology
Iakovos Vasiliou / Philosophy / Brooklyn College
Alexios Polychronakos / Physics / City College of New York
Bertram Ploog / Psychology, Physiological Psychology / College of Staten Island
Howard Lune / Sociology / Hunter College
*Immanuel Ness / Urban Studies / Brooklyn College
Jeanne Theoharis / Women's Studies / Brooklyn College
*Vice Chair