Welcome to Coordinate Algebra

Policy Sheet Spring 2015


Items that should be brought to class daily:

AgendaMath NotebookWriting UtensilCalculator

It is strongly recommended that all assignments, quizzes, tests, class notes and materials be kept in a loose-leaf notebook. The first page in your notebook should be the "Policy Sheet".

In the event of an extended absence from school due to inclement weather, assignments may be posted to the course blog. It is the student’s responsibility to check the course blog regularly and adhere to all assignment guidelines.

A scientific calculator is required. The required calculator for this course is the Texas Instruments TI-30XIIS.

Some test and quizzes may not allow the use of a calculator.

Grading Policy:

Tests: 50%

Quizzes: 20%

Classwork/Homework: 15%


EOC Test at end of Semester (will be reflected on transcript)


Homework will be assigned daily and graded for either completion or accuracy at the teacher’s discretion. It is to be kept neatly and chronologically in your math notebook.


Scheduled quiz dates are on the syllabus. Pop quizzes may be given at the teacher’s discretion. Missed quizzes may not be made up. However, the test for that unit will count for the missed quiz(zes) in that unit.


Tests will be given on Tuesdays orFridays. If you are absent the day before a test, you are still expected to take the test with the rest of the class on test day. If you are absent the day of the test you will need to make it up by the following WEB date or a grade of zero will be given. It is your responsibility to make arrangements with your teacher to make up a missed test.

A comprehensive FINAL EXAM is given at the end of the semester.

Extra Help:

Listed below are the available help times for the teachers teaching this course. Extra Help is also provided during WEB sessions.

Name / Room / Email / Extra Help Times
Jeff Eagle / E194 / / Any Day 7:30am - 8:00am
Teresa Casey / E195 / / Mon, Thur 3:30pm-4:00pm
Beth Plotkin / B218 / / Tues,Thur 3:30pm-4:00pm
Matt Kelterborn / C170 / / Tues,Wed 7:30am-8:00am
Sheila Sell / B224 / / Mon, Wed 7:45am-8:15am
Griffin Spotz / B227 / / Tues, Fri 7:45am–8:15am

WEB Tutoring Times:

1:15 – 2pm with Teresa Casey or Matt Kelterborn or Beth Plotkin

2pm – 2:45pm with Griffin Spotz or Sheila Sell or Jeff Eagle

Course Blog: