Members Present

Jim Aschwanden

Yvonne Chan

Andrew Estep

Ruth Green

Ken Noonan

Joe Nuñez (for Wednesday only)

David Lopez

Johnathan Williams

Members Absent

Alan Bersin

Ruth Bloom

Don Fisher

Call to OrderPresident Noonan called the meeting to order at 9:15 a.m.

Salute to the Flag:

Andrew Estep led the Board and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.

President Noonan announced that Item 11 is being pulled from the agenda and will instead be heard at a future Board meeting.

Including, but not limited to, future meeting plans; agenda items; State Board office budget; staffing, appointments, and direction to staff; declaratory and commendatory resolutions; update on litigation; bylaw review and revision; Board Liaison Reports; and other matters of interest. / INFORMATION

Member Nuñez nominated President Ken Noonan for President in 2007.

Member Chan nominated Vice-President Ruth Bloom for Vice-President in 2007.

Elections will be held at the January 2007, meeting.

Cheryl Hickey and Terri Fesperman, staff from the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing, provided an update on CTC activities.

President Noonan announced that Jorge Ayala, the Yolo County Superintendent of Schools, and Ed Heatley, the Chino Hills school district Superintendent, were appointed to fill the Board’s two appointments on the Board of Directors for West Ed.

Member Aschwanden reported on activities of the Joint Advisory Committee on Career Technical Education.

Member Green reported on the Superintendents’ Forum that focused on issues related to reading development.

Public Comment is invited on any matter not included on the printed agenda. Depending on the number of individuals wishing to address the State Board, the presiding officer may establish specific time limits on presentations. / INFORMATION


ITEM 3 / Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST) 2006 Presentations / ACTION INFORMATION

Superintendent O’Connell introduced the item by explaining the origin of the President Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching and describing the process by which teachers were nominated and then selected.Superintendent O’Connell and President Noonan presented certificates to the honorees.

Two individuals from California, who had been finalists for 2005, were selected as national awardees for 2005. They were:

  • Caleb Cheung, FrickMiddle School, Oakland Unified School District
  • Margaret Cagle, Lawrence Gifted/Highly Gifted Magnet, Los Angeles Unified School District

Four individuals were selected as 2006 State Finalists. Their names will be submitted to the national program for consideration as 2006 National Finalists. They were:

  • Mariana Alwell, GateElementary School, CupertinoUnionSchool District
  • Debi Drab, TincherPreparatory School, Long Beach Unified School District
  • Tapp Hancock, WaysideElementary School, Bakersfield CityElementary School District
  • Anne Marie Wotkyns, J.B. Monlux Math, Science, TechnologyMagnetElementary School, Los Angeles Unified School District

The Board applauded the exceptional contributions these individuals make to the teaching profession.


ITEM 4 / Reports from the 2006-07 Student Advisory Board on Education (SABE) / INFORMATION

Member Estep introduced the item by stating that the Reports were the product of intense work performed over five days prior to the Board meeting by a delegation of students through the Student Advisory Board on Education (SABE). SABE is an annual conference sponsored by the California Association of Student Councils (CASC) to train students in the process of developing research-based proposals for presentation to local boards, the State Board of Education and, in February, to the state legislature.

The students presented five proposals for the Board’s consideration. The topics were:

  • Support for English Learners
  • Awareness of Student Rights
  • Accommodation of Different Learning Styles
  • Equal Access to Higher Education
  • Integrated Evaluation of Teacher Quality

Board members expressed an interest in learning more about the topics and choose Mr. Estep as the liaison between the SABE conferees and the Board.


ITEM 5 / 2007-08 State Board of Education Student Member: Recommendation of Three Finalists for Submission to the Governor / ACTION INFORMATION

Rebecca Parker, Consultant, State Board of Education Office, introduced the item and provided a brief summary of the application, screening, and interview process. The Screening Committee presented the three finalists to the Board. The names of the three finalists will be forwarded to the Governor for his decision.

ACTION: Member Green moved to approve the Screening Committeerecommendation that

Monica Liu,Palos Verdes Unified School District,

Christopher Delgado, Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District, and

Erika Solanki, Castro Valley Unified School District, be selected as the three finalists for the position ofState Board of Education Student Member and that their names be forwarded to the Governor for appointment consideration. Member Chan seconded the motion. The motion was approved by a vote of 8-0.

Item 6 / 2006 Academic Performance Index (API) Base: Approval of methodology for calculation. / Action

The Board agreed to delay action on this item until the January 2007 meeting.


Item 7 / CaliforniaHigh School Exit Examination (CAHSEE): Presentation of the 2005-2006 Independent Evaluation Report (HumRRO Report) / Action

President Noonan announced Ms. Deb Sigman, Director, Standards and Assessment Division, who introduced this item. The Board was provided with a presentation on the Human Resource Research Organization (HumRRO) evaluation of the California high school exit examination. Board members discussed the HumRRO report and asked questions.


Item 8 / CaliforniaHigh School Exit Examination (CAHSEE): Including, but not limited to, CAHSEE program update / Action

President Noonan announced that, in light of this statutory requirement, he is proposing a schedule to ensure thatthe Board isin as good a position as possible, at its May 2007 meeting,to assess, and decide whether to approve, the Superintendent's proposed course of action regarding special education students and the CAHSEE requirement:

  1. That at the Board's January 2007 meeting, the Department summarize the data obtained pursuant to Education Code sec. 60852.3 about CAHSEE waivers and exemptions for special education students, as well as any other pertinent information, including but not limited to 1) the HumRRO Reports, and 2) an analysis of CAHSEE pass rates and graduation rates along the lines of analysis performed by defendants’ experts in the Chapman litigation;
  2. Thatthe Department, working with Board staff, invite speakers to give their viewsat the Board's January 2007 meeting on the course of action that the state should adopt regarding special education students and the CAHSEE requirement;
  3. Thatat the Board's March 2007 meeting, the Department present1) the potential courses of action that it is considering, 2)its reaction to the public comment at the January meeting, and 3) if possible, the Superintendent’s proposed course of action;
  4. That Board staff work to ensure that all pertinent data is analyzed, includingCAHSEE pass rates andgraduation rates, among other data; and
  5. That the Department present the Superintendent’s proposal no later than the Board's May 2007 meeting.



The Board acted on the items listed as follows as the Consent Calendar: Items 9, 14, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30, WC-1, WC-2, WC-3, and WC-4. President Noonan and Member Chan recused themselves from the vote on the consent items.

Item 9 / CaliforniaHigh School Exit Examination: Review local educational agency failure to grant diplomas for certain students under CaliforniaEducation Code Section 60852.3 / ACTION INFORMATION

ACTION:As part of the Board’s consent calendar, Member Nuñez moved toaffirm local educational agencies’ (LEAs) decisions to fail to grant high school diplomas to students who did not meet the exemption criteria specified in EC Section 60852.3. Member Lopez seconded the motion. The motion was approved by a vote of 6-0. Members Noonan and Chan recused themselves.

ITEM 10 / U.S. Department of Education Peer Review: Update and Approval of Policy Definitions / ACTION INFORMATION

President Noonan asked Ms. Deb Sigman, Director, Standards and Assessment Division, to introduce this item. Ms. Sigman provided the Board with an update on progress of compliance with the Peer Review requirements and discussed the proposed policy definitions. After discussion on this matter, the Board took the following action:

ACTION: Member Williams moved to approve the policy definitions to guide the development of the performance level descriptors, provided that SBE and CDE staff convene a meeting of interested stakeholders to review and discuss the policy definitions. Member Nuñez seconded the motion. The motion was approved by a vote of 8-0.

ITEM 11 / Standardized Testing and Reporting Program: Revisions to the California Standards Test blueprints for English-language arts, science, and mathematics and the Standards-based Test in Spanish blueprints for Reading-language arts and mathematics / ACTION

Item 11 will be heard at a future meeting of the State Board of Education.


ITEM 12 / Standardized Testing and Reporting Program: Update including, but not limited to, STAR apportionments, California Modified Assessment, and Standards-based Tests in Spanish / ACTION

President Noonan asked Ms. Deb Sigman, Director, Standards and Assessment Division, to introduce this item. Ms. Sigman provided the Board with an update on a number of activities related to the STAR program.


ITEM 13 / Standardized Testing and Reporting Program: Release of 10 percent withheld for 2005-2006 Harcourt Assessment, Inc. Aprenda, La prueba de logros en español, Tercera edición (Aprenda 3) Contract / ACTION

President Noonan asked Ms. Deb Sigman, Director, Standards and Assessment Division, to introduce this item. Ms. Sigman provided the Board with justification for the CDE recommendation that 10 percent be withheld from Harcourt Assessment for the relevant contract. Following Board discussion on this matter, the Board took the following action:

ACTION:Member Williams moved to find that Harcourt Assessment Inc. (Harcourt) failed to substantially perform during the 2005-06 Aprenda 3 test administration and that the SBE NOT approve the 2005-06 release of Harcourt’s progress payment withholdings (10 percent) for the Aprenda 3 contract to constitute liquidated damages for component tasks that Harcourt failed to substantially perform. Member Green seconded the motion. The motion was approved by a vote of 8-0.

ITEM 14 / Standardized Testing and Reporting Program: Release of 10 percent withheld for 2005-06 Educational Testing Service California Standards Tests, Standards-based Test in Spanish, and California Achievement Tests, Sixth Edition Survey Contract / ACTION INFORMATION

ACTION: Member Nuñez, as part of the Consent Calendar, moved to approve releasing the 10 percent of funds withheld from progress payments for the 2005-06 Educational Testing Service Contract for: California Standards Tests (CSTs), Standards-based Test in Spanish (STS), and California Achievement Tests, Sixth Edition Survey (CAT/6 Survey), pending completion of all contract requirements during December 2006. Member Lopez seconded the motion. The motion was approved by a vote of 6-0. Members Noonan and Chan recused themselves.

ITEM 15 / Standardized Testing and Reporting Program: Release of 10 percent withheld for 2005-06 Educational Testing Service California Alternate Performance Assessmentcontract / ACTION INFORMATION

ACTION:Member Nuñez, as part of the Consent Calendar, moved to approve releasing the 10 percent of funds withheld from progress payments for the 2005-06 Educational Testing Service (ETS) California Alternate Performance Assessment (CAPA) contract pending completion of all contract requirements during December 2006. Member Lopez seconded the motion. The motion was approved by a vote of 6-0. Members Noonan and Chan recused themselves.

Item 16 / California English Language Development Test (CELDT): Update including, but not limited to, preparations for informing districts about changes to the CELDT scale and the impact of new cut scores. / Action


Item 17 / Proposed changes to be included in the California School Information Services (CSIS) Data Dictionary, Version 8.0 / Action

ACTION: Member Nuñez, as part of the Consent Calendar, moved to approve the proposed changes to the CSIS Data Dictionary, Version 8.0. Member Lopez seconded the motion. The motion was approved by a vote of 6-0. Members Noonan and Chan recused themselves.

Item 18 / Update on issues related to California’s implementation of No Child Left Behind and other federal programs / Action

Diane Levin, Administrator, NCLB Policy and Implementation Office, introduced the item by describing CDE’s actions to satisfy the US Department of Education’s (ED) Title I grant requirements to ensure that California’s twenty largest school districts were properly implementing the Supplemental Education Services Providers and school transfer options of NCLB. Ms. Levin also described the four forums sponsored by Superintendent O’Connell to gather input from the community for NCLB reauthorization. She indicated a recommendation for NCLB reauthorization issues would come to the Board at its January 2007 meeting.

Patrick McCabe, Director, Policy and Evaluation Division, discussed the harmonization proposal sent to ED by President Noonan, Superintendent O’Connell, and Secretary Bersin. He asked the Board to ratify the proposal.

ACTION: Member Chan moved to approve the API/AYP Harmonization proposal jointly submitted to the U.S. Department of Education on November 1, 2006, by SBE President Ken Noonan, Secretary for Education Alan Bersin, and Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O’Connell.Member Aschwanden seconded the motion. The motion was approved by a vote of 7-0. Member Green was not present at the time of the vote.

Item 19 / No Child Left Behind Act of 2001: Approve Local Educational Agency Plans, Title 1, Section 1112 / Action

ACTION: Member Nuñez, as part of the Consent Calendar, moved to approve the Local Educational Agency (LEA) Plans. Member Lopez seconded the motion. The motion was approved by a vote of 6-0. Members Noonan and Chan recused themselves.

ITEM 20 / Consolidated Applications 2006-07: Approval / ACTION INFORMATION

ACTION: Member Nuñez, as part of the Consent Calendar, moved to approve the 2006-07 Consolidated Applications (ConApps) submitted by certain local educational agencies (LEAs), and conditionally approve other LEA ConApps. Member Lopez seconded the motion. The motion was approved by a vote of 6-0. Members Noonan and Chan recused themselves.

ITEM 21 / Chief Business Officer Training Program – Approve Training Candidates / ACTION INFORMATION

ACTION: Member Nuñez, as part of the Consent Calendar, moved to approve candidates nominated by their local educational agencies (LEAs) for the Chief Business Officer (CBO) Training Program. Member Lopez seconded the motion. The motion was approved by a vote of 6-0. Members Noonan and Chan recused themselves.

ITEM 22 / Charter Schools: Approval of a Determination of Funding for 2007-08 (prospective), 2008-09, and 2009-10 for JulianCharterSchool (Charter #267, CDS Code 37-68163-3731239) / ACTION INFORMATION

ACTION: Member Nuñez, as part of the Consent Calendar, moved to approve a determination of funding for Julian Charter School (Charter #267, CDS Code 37-68163-3731239) at the 100 percent level for three years, 2007-08, 2008-09, and 2009-10, pursuant to Education Code (EC) sections 47612.5 and 47634.2, and California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 5, sections 11963 to 11963.6, inclusive, as recommended by the Advisory Commission on Charter Schools (ACCS). Member Lopez seconded the motion. The motion was approved by a vote of 6-0. Members Noonan and Chan recused themselves.

ITEM 23 / Mathematics and Reading Professional Development Program, Assembly Bill 466 (Chapter 737, Statutes of 2001): Approve Reimbursement Requests from Local Educational Agencies / ACTION INFORMATION

ACTION: Member Nuñez, as part of the Consent Calendar, moved to approve reimbursement requests for local educational agencies (LEAs) that have complied with required assurances for the Mathematics and Reading Professional Development Program, Assembly Bill (AB) 466 (Chapter 737, Statutes of 2001). Member Lopez seconded the motion. The motion was approved by a vote of 6-0. Members Noonan and Chan recused themselves.

ITEM 24 / Gifted and Talented Education: Approval of Applications for Funding from Local Educational Agencies / ACTION INFORMATION

ACTION: Member Nuñez, as part of the Consent Calendar, moved to approve an additional 31 local educational agencies (LEAs) for fiscal year (FY) 2006-07 Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) program funding. Member Lopez seconded the motion. The motion was approved by a vote of 6-0. Members Noonan and Chan recused themselves.

ITEM 25 / The Administrator Training Program, Assembly Bill 430
(Chapter 364, Statutes of 2005): Approval of Training Providers and Training Curricula / ACTION INFORMATION

ACTION: Member Nuñez, as part of the Consent Calendar, moved to approve Administrator Training Program (ATP) Recommended Training Providers. Member Lopez seconded the motion. The motion was approved by a vote of 6-0. Members Noonan and Chan recused themselves.

ITEM 26 / The Administrator Training Program, Assembly Bill 430 (Chapter 364, Statutes of 2005): Approval of Applications for Funding from Local Educational Agencies / ACTION INFORMATION

ACTION: Member Nuñez, as part of the Consent Calendar, moved to approve local educational agencies (LEAs) that have submitted applications for funding under the Administrator training Program (ATP). Member Lopez seconded the motion. The motion was approved by a vote of 6-0. Members Noonan and Chan recused themselves.

ITEM 27 / Immediate Intervention/Underperforming Schools Program (II/USP) and High Priority Schools Grant Program (HPSGP): Proposed Intervention for Cohort(s) 1- 3 II/USP Schools and Cohort 1 HPSGPSchools that Failed to Show Significant Growth / ACTION INFORMATION

President Noonan asked Ms. Wendy Harris, Director, School Improvement Division, to introduce this item. Ms. Harrispresented the Board with a listing of the schools recommended for intervention under the II/USP and HPSGP programs. Following Board discussion on this matter, the Board took the following action:

ACTION: Member Nuñez moved to: