Polson Fall 2003, 3101-100Set #1

Road Map for Week 1, Basic Skills

Exercise Set #1 is due at the end of Lab

This is a “road map” for the readings and exercises for Week 1.


This week in Lab we are going to learn the basic skills necessary to do your assignments on the Macs. We will provide you with overview of how you should structure a Lab session.

These instructions are for the six lab sections in Muenzinger D346. The lab in E0014 will have to adapt them with the help of you TA.

Before coming to Lab.

Read over this road map and do any assigned readings before coming to Lab.


Read all of Chapter 1: Introduction. Sections 1.2 and 1.3 contain key basic ideas. Make sure that you understand the concepts listed in Section 1.5.

Read all of Chapter 2: Basic concepts. Pay particular attention to Sections 2.1 and 2.2. Learning the notation described in Section 2.4 will enable you to “read” the formulas contained in later sections of the book.

Exercise Set 1

Your Exercise Set this week is an introduction to two programs that you will be using in Lab this semester. They are Microsoft Word and StatView. This road map contains instructions on how to do a simple assignment. These instructions teach you some of the basic skills you will need to in Lab. In the following weeks, you will be told to start every lab session by going through the steps described here.

Signing Up for Class E-mail Accounts

Logon to your e-mail account. Persons using web-based email accounts should take care when sending their subscribe messages. Do NOT send specially formatted messages, for example, messages with colors, backgrounds, etc.

You sign up by sending an e-mail message to .

The program is really stupid. Your message must start on the first line and exactly follow the template below. The body of the message should be:

subscribe psyc3101-100 Your name

followed by several blank lines

For example, a student named John Doe would sign up by sending:

subscribe issues-methods John Doe

You will get an e-mail message back from the system saying that you have successfully registered.

Persons using web-based email accounts should take care when sending

their subscribe messages. Do NOT send specially-formatted messages, for

example, messages with colors, backgrounds, etc. In Hotmail, this means

sending a msg as 'no stationery'. In Yahoo, make sure 'plain text' is


Getting Started!!

Get your Mac ready before you start your assignment.

Do what ever is necessary to get you Mac ready for lab. Power it up, logon, or what ever. Clean up the desktop, and quit any running program you are not going to need for lab. Turn power on your Mac if necessary. Login on to a D346 Mac. You might want to restart a running Mac in E0014

In D346, you are going to have to deal with the new CPI system in order to print out assignments and other documents.

Be sure to bring your Buff OneCard to Lab!!!!!

The CPI system is described in

Put copies of all documents you will need on your desktop.

Download copies of the document labeled “Assignment 1 Template.doc” from the class web site (psych.colorado.edu/~ppolson/3101/). Also, download a copy of the road map for this week, “Exercise Set 1-2003.doc” if you did not bring a printed copy to lab.

Change the name of the copy of “Assignment 1 Template.doc” on the desktop to “Assignment 1 your-last-name.doc

Get any data files (StatView documents) from the Exercise Sets Folder in the PSYCH 3101(stat) Folder in the Polson Fall 2003 Folder from the Course Material server. The one data file for this week is in the Folder labeled Week 1.

Overview of doing your exercise assignments

You are going to be using two applications to do your exercises. The first is Microsoft Word. There are three major steps involved!

First, you have to start MS Word and prepare an initial version of
your Assignment document.

Second, you have to start StatView and compute the results

called for in the first problem of your assignment.

Third, you have to switch back to Word, copying any results
from StatView to your Word document. And then, you switch
back to StatView to continue your assignment and so on.

Open Assignment 1 your-last-name.doc. It is a template for your assignment. You will fill out this template to complete the assignment. The template has headings and hints in [...]. Please follow the template in doing your assignment. It will make grading much easier for your TA.

Now insert your name and lab section into your personalized exercise template and save your updated, personalized template.

Open the StatView document named “02 Survey Data StatView.”

Understanding what you see on the screen.

The data from a survey taken in our statistics class is displayed in a StatView Data Window. It has two panes. The top one is the Column Attribute pane. Column labels are one the first line of this pane. The lower pane is the Data pane. The Data pane is organized into columns. The first column on the left contains an observation or case number. The second, labeled “Age” is a list of the ages of the students who file out the survey. The third, labeled “Birth Month,” is the month of each student’s birth coded Jan. =1, Feb. =2, and so on. Each line in the Data plane is the survey results for one student in the class.

StatView is now running on your Mac, and the Data Window contains the raw data that you are going to analyze.

The ANALYZE menu gives you access to a library of over 100 statistical templates. (Statistical Template is the StatView term for statistical procedure.) Pull down the ANALYZE menu. What you now see is a list of categories of statistical templates. Normally, you would refer to your assignment to see how to proceed.

For this exercise: Select the category "Descriptive Statistics,” and then select the "Descriptive Statistics” template. You will obtain a variable selection dialog box. Drag the column label of the column with the variable you want to analyze to theVariable(s)slot: AGE

Select a result, copy it, switch to Word, and paste the result in your template.

Click on a blank area in the StatView window containing the results. Then, click on the table or figure that you want to transfer. The selected item will be surrounded by several little black boxes. These indicate that whatever is surrounded by the little black boxes is selected. You have copied the select figure or table into your Word document. In later exercise sets, you will use Word to describe your results and answer questions from your assignment. You will then go back to StatView to get more figures and tables or do more analyses.

Print out your Assignment 1 Template and turn it in to your instructor.

Clean up your desktop.

See you Thursday in lecture.

These materials were developed by Gary McClelland and Peter Polson. © 1996

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