Report 14 Broad Street, Brinklow. R08/0154/PACA.

Authorised Use


Relevant decisions

Demolition and construction of a boundary wall- Approved – 14.8.00.

Erection of side and rear conservatory - Withdrawn – 29.11.07.

Technical Consultations

Conservation Area Officer – Character of the Conservation Area is preserved – No objection.

Third Party Consultations

Neighbours – No responses.

Parish Council – No response.

Other relevant information

SPD – Residential Extensions Guide – Conforms.

Planning Policy Guidance

RBLP - GP1 Complies - Appearance & Design.

RBLP - GP3 Complies - Protection of Amenities.

RBLP - H8 Complies - Residential Extensions.

RBLP – E10 Complies – Development in Conservation Areas.

Determining Considerations

The application site is a large cottage style two-storey dwellinghouse that is situated within the Brinklow Conservation Area and within the Village Boundary. The property has two dormers on the front elevation and to the southern elevation, set in 2.5 metres from the boundary there is 2 metre high wall that is separated from the boundary to No.12 Broad Street by a drive that leads to a double carport in the rear garden of the application site. To the rear elevation there are two, two-storey gabled features in addition to a single storey mono-pitched rear extension. All the boundaries to the site are fully enclosed with a combination of 2 metre high walls and close-boarded fencing.

To the north of the application site, set just to the rear of the application site is a small two-storey cottage, No. 18 Broad Street, that appears to be redundant that has two first floor windows to the side elevation that look into the garden of the application site.

The immediate neighbouring property to the application site is No.16 Broad Street, is a two storey cottage with a single storey mono-pitched rear extension.

The other neighbouring property, No.12 Broad Street, is a large two storey new dwelling that was granted planning permission in November 2000 and is set back from the application site. The side elevation facing the application site is predominately blank with the exception of a small window to ground floor.

This proposal is a resubmission of a previous proposal that was withdrawn on 29th November 2007 due to the design of the side and rear conservatory not enhancing or preserving the Conservation Area’s special architectural or historical appearance. However, through consultation with the Conservation Area Officer the design issues have been overcome by reducing the height of the proposed conservatory by approximately 700 mm.

The proposed conservatory complies with the 45 degree rule in relation to both the neighbouring properties and therefore there is no adverse impact on the sunlight/daylight currently enjoyed by the residents of those properties.

The size, siting, scale, and design and appearance of the proposed development are considered to be acceptable within this area and will not harm the amenities of the neighbouring residents or the visual amenity of the locality. The proposal will therefore comply with the Policies GP1, GP3, E10 and H8 of the Rugby Borough Local Plan July 2006 which seek to safeguard residential amenity and to ensure that all new development is sympathetic to its surroundings.


Approve subject to the appropriate conditions.

Prepared by:Nisar Mogul. 7.3.08.

Checked by:Karen Maunder 17.3.08

Report Sheet