Daily Agenda:

1._____ Turn in Assignments 4._____ Complete DOL 7._____ Complete Exit ?

2._____ Write Homework in Planner 5._____ Vocab/History/L.T comp quiz (M&W&F only)

3._____ Update Table of Contents 6._____ Follow Lesson 8. Glue New Page(s)

DATE: Monday
Lesson Topic: Drafting 1 and 2
Daily Objective: BTEOTP, SWBAT:
-listen to the selection and answer the question that follows to prepare for the discussion and be able provide evidence from the text to support their thinking.
-determine a thesis statement for several given themes, then give the main idea for 3 given thesis statements and finally create a thesis statement for several main ideas to practice for their own future essay writing.
Check for Understanding:
CFU #1 (Beginning)
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Why did you give yourself this rating? / DAILY ORAL LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR PRACTICE:
Proofread the following fun-fact paragraph and make the appropriate ten corrections in grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.
On a coool spring day in April off the year 1910, William Howard Taft become the first US president to start the baseball season by throwing our the first pitch. He had come to League Park in Washington, D.C. to sea the Senators play the A’s. His tradition has carried on every sinse. What other base ball traditions do you know about?______
Write vocabulary definitions on page 50
Reflect on today’s SBAC practice – page 51
What was easy or difficult about this task?
What question(s) were the hardest for you to understand?
Page 52Homework-Lightning Thief Comprehension Questions:Chapter 10 I Ruin a Perfectly Good Bus
  1. What gift does Luke give to Percy? Why can’t Percy use them?
  2. What special properties does Riptide have?
  3. What are some of the reasons Annabeth gives for why Poseidon and Athena don’t get along?
  4. Why doesn’t Percy leave the bus when he has the chance?
Comprehension quiz on Friday
VKR due Monday with quiz
DATE: Tuesday,
Lesson Topic: Theme Review
Daily Objective: BTEOTP, SWBAT:
Check for Understanding:
CFU #1 (Beginning)
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Why did you give yourself this rating? / DAILY ORAL LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR PRACTICE:
Proofread the following paragraph and make the ten appropriate corrections in grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.
When Congress put and end to the rolling of Easter eggs on the lawn of the capitol in 1878, president Rutherford B Hayes invited children to role there eggs on the White House lawn. Hayes and his wife, Lucy, started a tradition that continue to day. Famous entertainers and performers attend the White House Easter Egg Roll each year At the end of the event, each child recieves a special wooden egg as a souvenir.
Page -
Homework Lightning Thief comprehension questions –Chapter 11 – We Visit the Garden Gnome Emporium– page
Write an obituary for Medusa.
Make it funny if you wish. Be sure to use facts about her life (from the myths) and her death (from The Lightning Thief).
Describe her. Who was she? Where did she live? What are some important facts about her life? How did she die? Does she have any surviving family?
What will her funeral arrangements be? Where should people send flowers or charitable donations?
DATE: Wednesday
Lesson Topic: Athens Golden Age
Daily Objective: BTEOTP, SWBAT:
Check for Understanding:
CFU #1 (Beginning)
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Why did you give yourself this rating? / DAILY ORAL LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR PRACTICE:
Proofread the following fun-fact paragraph and make the appropriate ten corrections in grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.
When Jane Goodall arrived in Tanzania at age 26. She was about to fulfill a dream. Goodall longed to lern more then anyone else might hope to know about chimpanzees. Born on April 3, 1934, her adventures into the African Jungle were most unique because she were a women. Her discoverys would amaze the scientific world. She found that chimps striped leaves from twigs to use as tool and that they hunted and ate other animals.______
Today’s lesson focus: Page – Answer the following questions in your journalHistory Ch. 29 Cornell Notes – study guide for quiz

Page _____ Homework – Lightning Thief, Chapter 12-We Get Advice from a Poodle
  1. What new information do you learn about Grover’s past and how it relates to Annabeth?
  2. Describe the place Percy sees in his dream.
  3. Who do you think is talking to Percy in the dream? Who is this voice from the pit?
  4. Imagine Percy has to send a text message to Chiron about their situation as it stands at the end of Ch. 12. He wants Chiron to know what’s going on, but he has to keep it brief so the monsters don’t trace the call. A text message can only be 150 characters, maximum (including spaces and punctuation). Write the best message for Percy to send Chiron.
History quiz next Wednesday – study with above questions
DATE: Thursday
Lesson Topic: Kronus and Rhea
Daily Objective: BTEOTP, SWBAT:
Check for Understanding:
CFU #1 (Beginning)
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Why did you give yourself this rating? / DAILY ORAL LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR PRACTICE:
Proofread the following fun-fact paragraph and make the appropriate ten corrections in grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.
Who be came the first black streetcar conductor in San Francisco and later red her poetry at the inauguration of president Bill Clinton! Born in St Louis, Missouri, in April 1928, Maya Angelou is the African-American author who overcome so much to reached her goals. Maya received national attention when she published her book titled I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. She was nominated for an Emmy award for her roll in “Roots.”______
Theme review
Page homework
DATE: Friday
Lesson Topic:
Daily Objective: BTEOTP, SWBAT:
Check for Understanding:
CFU #1 (Beginning)
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Why did you give yourself this rating? / DAILY ORAL LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR PRACTICE:
Proofread the following fun-fact paragraph and make the appropriate ten corrections in grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.
“No race can prosper, Booker T. Washington wrote “until it learns that their is as much dignity in tilling a field as in writing a pome.” Washington was born in April 1856. As a slave on a virginia plantation, he was not allow to enter the nearby school because he was black. He still walk to school each day, how ever, just so he could carry the books of the plantation owners daughter. Later he went to a all-black school and became a leading black educator.______

Lesson focus –. Page