Demo : Distance.cpp
- Click “start” à “programs” à”Microsoft Visual Studio 2005” à” Microsoft Visual Studio 2005”
- Click “File” à “New” à “Project” .
- Select “Visual C++” and “Win32 Console Application” and Name the project as “Distance”. Click “OK”button.
- Click “Finish” button to load the project.
- Delete all the lines in the page displayed and enter the following lines of code.
// distance.cpp
int main()
float kms , miles ;
printf("\n Please Enter the Distance in miles to be converted to kms :");
scanf("%f" , & miles);
kms = (miles* 8)/5;
printf("\n The Equivalent distance in kms : %f" , kms );
- Now that we are done with writing the code, Click“File” à “Save Distance.cpp” .
- Now to compile the code click “Build” à” Build Distance”.
- To Run the application click “Debug” à “Start Debugging” as follows
- In the opened window Enter any milesto be converted to miles and then press “enter” button.
Demo : Distance.cpp
1. Click “start” à “programs” à”Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2005” à” Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003”
2. Click “File” à “New” à “Project” .
3. Select “Visual C++ Projects” and “Win32 Console Project” and Name the project as “Distance”. Click “OK” button.
4. Click “Finish” button to load the project .
5. Delete all the lines in the page displayed and enter the following lines of code .
// distance.cpp
int main()
float kms , miles ;
printf("\n Please Enter the Distance in miles to be converted to kms :");
scanf("%f" , & miles);
kms = (miles* 8)/5;
printf("\n The Equivalent distance in kms : %f" , kms );
6. Now that we are done with writing the code , Click “File” à “Save Distance.cpp” .
7. Now to compile the code click “Build” à” Build Distance”.
8. To Run the application click “Debug” à “Start” as follows
9. In the opened window Enter any miles to be converted to miles and then press “enter” button.