Job Description for Project Officer - Local Agent LA I


EU Delegation / The European Union Delegation to Myanmar
Location / Hledan Centre - Corner of Pyay Road and Hledan Road, 6th Foor, Kamayut Township, Yangon
Duration of contract / 1 year contract possibly followed by Indefinite Contract
Possible extensions / N.A

Job description

Group / LA 1/ Post No. 273647
e-Del-HRM and Sysper2 references / 273647
Position in the organisation chart / Operations Section – EU Delegation to Myanmar
Reporting relations/responsibilities / Reporting to the Head of Operations Section, under the overall responsibility of the Head of Delegation
Working hours / Full time
Working environment/conditions / Multicultural environment, frequent missions (especially to Nay Pyi Taw)
Job objective / The Project Officer will be responsible for sector policy analysis as well as the preparation and follow-up of projects in the several sectors of development cooperation with Myanmar and in particular in the areas of trade, private sector development and economics.
Tasks / ·  Project identification, formulation, follow-up of implementation and appraisal according to the Multiannual Indicative Program, and Thematic Programs.
·  Technical, financial and administrative follow up of relevant projects, including budget support:
Preparation, follow up, monitoring, invoicing review and reporting of the relevant projects, including evaluation of reports and overall/ annual work plans.
Monitoring of ongoing projects, including field visits, on the spot evaluation and control of payments and contracts performance.
Dissemination of projects information to third parties (EU Members States, Government of Myanmar…) upon approval of the Head of Section and reply to enquires.
Contribution to the Delegation management reports, press releases, web site and CRIS updates.
Contribute to all aspects of the procurement process including drafting Terms of Reference, launching tenders, participating in the evaluation of co-operation call for tenders bids and proposals.
·  Coordination and liaison:
Liaison with relevant Myanmar Government Ministries and state agencies, NGOs and stakeholders, including participation and reporting on all relevant meetings.
Follow up of the activities of other donors and international organizations, analysis of their strategies.
Participation in project steering committees.
Liaison with relevant units in the European Commission in Brussels.
·  Policy and economic analysis and follow up of main developments in the relevant sectors.
·  Contribute to the preparation of workshops, seminars, conferences and other public events.
·  Primary responsibility for projects funded under:
Trade, job creation and value chains.
-  Any other relevant focal sector
·  Secondary responsibilities:
Back up for any other areas of development cooperation
Character references / ·  Motivation: willingness and commitment to contribute to achieving results in the evolving EU development cooperation with Myanmar; willingness to develop a career in development cooperation.
·  Talents: Commitment, flexibility, capacity to work within a multi-cultural team, planning skills, sense of initiative and capacity to work under pressure and meet deadlines are definitive assets.
Minimum physical requirements / Fit for work

Job specifications

Required / Appreciated
Qualifications / University degree in economics, business administration or equivalent is required. / Additional training in the area of trade and/or macroeconomic analysis will be an asset.
Professional experience / Minimum of 5 years or relevant experience. / Experience in project management within the trade sector.
Knowledge of languages / Fluency in English (spoken and written) and Burmese is an absolute requirement.
Knowledge of IT tools / Good command of current IT tools