State of Michigan
State Police Competencies
Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales
Ability to listen and communicate thoughts and feelings clearly and consistently through appropriate spoken and written language. Uses correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling to communicate thoughts, ideas, information and messages in writing.
Needs Improvement
- Does not pass on information in a timely manner.
- Exhibits an unwillingness to listen to others.
- Written communications are inaccurate, incomplete or difficult to understand.
- Written communications often contain grammar, spelling or punctuation errors.
- Fails to correctly convey meaning; fails to perceive receiver’s interpretation.
Meets Expectations
- Responds to others; acknowledges receipt of communication.
- Composes documents or correspondence covering detailed information.
- Completes forms and written correspondence with minimal assistance from others.
- Reports, forms and memos are thorough, well written and in compliance with the department’s Administrative Support Guide and work place standards.
- Uses proper grammar, punctuation, and syntax when preparing written materials.
- Correctly conveys information, both verbally and in written form.
- Gives clear and concise directions.
- Communicates verbally with appropriate tone and volume level.
- Correctly interprets messages as reflected in quality of work and interactions with others.
High Performing
- Able to relay complicated information to listeners so listeners correctly interpret the message.
- Writes letters, memos, and reports which command attention.
- Consistently checks for understanding by relating perception of message content back to communicator.
- Consistently clarifies purpose and importance of message.
- Written documents are always clear, concise and contain all pertinent information.
- Excels in converting complex information into simple, readable form.
- Displays exceptional verbal and written communication skills.
- Consistently shares thoughts, feelings and rationale so others understand personal positions.
Contributing to Team Success
Actively participating as a member of a team to move the team toward the completion of goals.
Needs Improvement
- Does not contribute positively at team meetings.
- Does not openly share problems, issues or changes with others in the work unit.
- When working on group projects, tasks are often left for others to complete.
- Hoards knowledge or information that may assist others in the unit.
- Fails to work with others in accomplishing tasks, assignments and goals.
- Ignores unit and departmental goals.
- Creates conflict within the team.
Meets Expectations
- Subordinates own personal goals for the good of the team.
- Serves as an active member on project teams.
- Participates and contributes during team meetings.
- Shares knowledge and information with others in the work unit in order to complete activities.
- Applies appropriate skills when serving as an active member on project teams.
- Takes on added duties and assists other team members when asked.
- Makes positive contributions towards the team’s completion of goals.
- Makes suggestions to improve unit performance.
- When working on group projects, is willing to work overtime when necessary.
- Helps others’ understanding of their role and function toward contributing to work site responsibilities.
High Performing
- Assists unit members and takes on additional responsibility without being asked.
- Consistently uses skills to lead work unit initiatives.
- Leads other by informal guidance; openly and readily shares knowledge, expertise and experience with other team members.
- Consistently provides positive encouragement to unit members.
- Promotes a positive work environment through informal leadership.
Decision Making
Identifying and understanding issues, problems, and opportunities; gathering information from different sources to draw conclusions; using effective approaches for choosing a course of action or developing appropriate solutions; taking action that is consistent with available facts, constraints, and probable consequences.
Needs Improvement
- Does not analyze available information prior to deciding on a course of action.
- Seldom uses good judgment and discretion.
- Does not make decisions in a timely manner.
- Ignores problem rather than making a decision on action required.
- Makes decisions beyond scope of authority.
- Does not take responsibility for making decisions; leaves the decision making to others.
- Does not attempt to seek solutions to problems.
- Fails to recognize and act appropriately in potentially hazardous or stressful situations.
- Unable to make decisions on issues and problems related to work area.
- Fails to draw from past experience for problem solving.
Meets Expectations
- Willing to accept responsibility for decisions even if results are less than optimal.
- Recognizes hazardous situations and reacts appropriately while striving to minimize exposure of self or others to unnecessary risk.
- Addresses problem areas and makes decisions for corrections.
- Makes quality decisions within a reasonable timeframe.
- Recognizes impact of decisions affecting work area.
- Anticipates consequences of actions before making a decision.
- Uses resources and experience to make decision.
- Analyzes available relevant information prior to deciding on a course of action.
- Makes appropriate and effective decisions when answering complaints from the public.
High Performing
- Consistently makes sound decisions in a timely manner.
- Looks for opportunities to solve issues before they become problems.
- Consistently recognizes hazardous situations and reacts in a professional manner. Maintains composure self-control and judgment in hostile situations.
- Anticipates possible problems with decisions and develops solutions.
- Consistently solves issues using past experience and analysis to avoid potential problems.
- Consistently creates relevant options for addressing problems.
- Consistently uses good judgment and discretion.
Contributing to maintaining the integrity of the Michigan State Police; displaying high standards of professional and ethical conduct and understanding the impact violating these standards has on the credibility of Michigan State Police, self and others; is trustworthy.
Needs Improvement
- Evades answering questions and is secretive about rationale, position, etc.
- Fails to give proper credit to others.
- Promotes rumors to the detriment of the department.
- Does not strive to meet Professional Code of Conduct.
- Violates confidences.
- Attempts to conceal errors and lies to avoid accountability.
- Uses state equipment for personal purposes.
- Is tactless, disrespectful or biased when dealing with the public or fellow members of the law enforcement community.
- Shows little support for the department’s values through either words or deeds.
- Fails to keep promises or commitments.
Meets Expectations
- Gives proper credit to others.
- Supports the department’s values through words and deeds.
- Does not spread gossip, but seeks to confirm work related information.
- Keeps commitments.
- Is trustworthy with confidential information.
- Takes responsibility for one’s own actions.
- Acts in accordance with the department’s Professional Code of Conduct.
- Is tactful, courteous and fair with all people regardless of race, gender or disability.
High Performing
- Consistently tactful, courteous, and respectful of all people.
- Actively discourages and attempts to defuse rumors.
- Consistently give proper credit to others.
- Shows strong support for the Michigan State Police values through words and deeds.
- Displays a high level of integrity and ethical behavior; serves as a model for others.
- Maintains a high degree of confidentiality.
- Consistently acts in accordance with the department’s Professional Code of Conduct.
- Gains a high level of respect from others based on integrity of past actions.
Law Enforcement/Department Knowledge
Displays and maintains sound knowledge of departmental, criminal justice system and law enforcement operating procedures, rules and regulations. Complies with prosecutor’s policies; prepares for court and testifies in a clear and concise manner. Is familiar with available resources, special departmental units and other agencies capabilities. Knows and acts in accordance with laws, policies and procedures.
Needs Improvement
- Fails to properly use and maintain departmental equipment.
- Fails to comply with the department’s dress or grooming standards.
- Fails to comply with prosecutors or court policies; does not prepare for court testimony.
- Frequently needs instruction on how to complete work assignments.
- Unable or unwilling to assimilate or apply new job related information.
- Fails to apply policies, procedures, and official orders to the work.
- Does not properly interpret or apply the mission, vision, and function of the department.
- Fails to keep current with or apply legal updates.
- Fails to apply new technology or skills appropriately.
Meets Expectations
- Takes part in needed learning experiences and makes the most of the experience (e.g. takes notes, asks questions, and does required tasks).
- Shows an interest in professional development; requests employer sponsored training.
- Assimilates new information and training pertaining to new/revised policies or procedures.
- Properly uses and maintains departmental equipment.
- Applies new technology and skills appropriately.
- Complies with the department’s dress, grooming and fitness standards.
- Has a workable knowledge of and correctly interprets policies, procedures, and official orders.
High Performing
- Promotes the mission, vision, and services offered by the Michigan State Police and is able to explain how the services can be accessed and used by others.
- Exemplifies the department’s dress and grooming and fitness standards.
- Instructs others on the proper care and use of department equipment.
- Consistently applies the new/revised policies and procedures in completing work assignments.
- Actively seeks out new knowledge to use in the work process; actively pursues opportunities to keep current with developments and trends in the profession.
- Demonstrates a high level of professional competence in areas of expertise.
- Rapidly comprehends and retains new policies and procedures.
Managing Work
Effectively managing one’s time and resources to ensure the work is completed efficiently; makes timely requests for sick/annual leave time; utilizes sick leave appropriately; reports to work in a timely manner.
Needs Improvement
- Assigned reports and memos are not submitted in a timely manner.
- Resistant to staying late to meet deadlines or complete assignments.
- Is often late in responding to requests from others.
- Does not allow sufficient time to complete assignments.
- Is often late in reporting for work and/or leaves work early.
- Uses excessive amounts of leave time, and/or is often unexpectedly absent.
- Does not take into account the needs of others when requesting or using leave time.
- Fails to anticipate or plan for future work force demands.
- Does not successfully manage multiple assignments and/or work load.
- Usually waits for others to assign actions to be taken and set deadlines; does not offer to help others in accomplishing worksite goals.
- Procrastinates when action is needed to achieve objectives; does not take necessary actions to accomplish goals.
Meets Expectations
- Rarely unexpectedly absent and uses leave time appropriately.
- Formulates plans to address work demands.
- Manages multiple assignments and/or required work load.
- Completes written reports and assignments within established guidelines.
- Responds to requests from supervisor in a timely fashion.
- Prioritizes tasks; adjust priorities when appropriate.
- Uses appropriate time constraints to complete tasks, even the less desirable ones.
- Ensures that assignments are accurate, thorough and timely.
- Uses time effectively and prevents irrelevant issues or distractions from interfering with work completion.
- Presents constructive, well conceived ideas to improve work operations.
- Motivated to take on new assignments and to help others in accomplishing the work site or department’s goals.
- Follows through on projects/assignments.
High Performing
- Considers the needs of others in the work unit when utilizing leave time; plans ahead for absences.
- Consistently proposes plans of action which are timely, realistic and positive.
- Takes action to achieve goals ahead of schedule.
- Consistently produces work of high quality.
- Completes work assignments well ahead of deadlines.
- Successfully manages multiple assignments and/or more than the required workload.
- Continually identifies more and less critical tasks and adjust work activities appropriately.’
- Highly skilled in scheduling resources and activities.
- Suggests ways to improve work processes without being asked.
- Consistently presents well-conceived innovative ideas to improve work operations.
- Consistently seeks out new assignments or issues to resolve; starts new projects/assignments independently.
Criminal Investigation
Applies knowledge and skills so that evidence is identified, collected and preserved and all information relevant to the investigation is factually recorded. Crime scenes are processed using available resources to insure the collection and preservation of all types of evidence. Obtains statements from witnesses which are detailed, accurate and free of personal bias. Uses acceptable practices and techniques when interrogating suspects.
Needs Improvement
- Reports, field notes and diagrams are incomplete or inaccurate.
- Seldom uses proper interviewing and interrogation techniques.
- Is not persistent in locating witnesses to interview.
- The evidence is either not transported to the crime laboratory in a timely manner or it is not properly tagged and packaged.
- Fails to properly gather evidence or to process the crime scene.
- Interrogations seldom result in confessions.
- Fails to establish if civil or criminal matter.
- Fails to recognize the value of written or oral statements to reinforce already prosecutable investigations.
- Uses inappropriate techniques during investigations.
Meets Expectations
- Submits factual and detailed reports, field notes and diagrams.
- Obtains and records information from relevant witnesses, suspects, victims and informants.
- Conducts interrogations which usually result in confessions.
- Is able to locate witnesses to verify reliability and credibility of information gathered.
- Is able to determine if a criminal or civil matter.
- Displays ability to apply investigative knowledge and skill (e.g., crime scene, evidence procedures, interrogations, etc.)
- Isolates and preserves crime scenes, collects and preserves evidence, obtains fingerprints and takes photographs to include in investigation.
- Establishes Modus Operandi and successfully identifies elements of the crime.
- Readily adapts interviews to the particular situation and person.
High Performing
- Is consistent in properly tagging and packaging evidence for transport to the crime laboratory.
- Consistently uses appropriate techniques to gain the information necessary to further an investigation.
- Meticulously gathers evidence and processes crime scenes.
- Aggressively secures written and/or recorded statements from relevant witnesses and suspects.
- Excels at obtaining confessions during interrogation.
- Is expert at determining if criminal or civil matter.
- Interviewing and interrogation techniques are highly effective, detailed, accurate and free of any personal bias.
Informant Management
Demonstrated ability to gather and supervise the use of information in compliance with legal, moral and ethical standards, and in compliance with departmental guidelines.
Needs Improvement
- Financial distributions are improperly handled, in violation of departmental policies and procedures.
- Information gathered from informants is often inaccurate and unreliable.
- Loses sight of the professional nature of the relationship with informants.
- Is negligent in protecting the identity of informants.
- Funds paid to informants are often out of proportion to their work performance.
- Relies on informant to initiate contacts and often allows the informant to take control of the situation and investigation.
- Does not develop or use informants cautiously or effectively.
- Fails to identify and establish sources of information.
Meets Expectations
- Gains information and verifies it is accurate and reliable.
- Financial distributions are handled in accordance with departmental policies and procedures.
- Funds paid to informants are proportionate to their work performance.
- Protects the identity of informants.
- Relationships with informants conform to proper legal and ethical standards.
- Uses proper record keeping procedures to include contact information, reliability, and payment details.
- Develops and uses informants cautiously and effectively.
High Performing
- Informants are well supervised and are regularly checked for information on current cases.
- Always manages financial distributions in accordance with departmental policies and procedures.
- Gains as much information as possible and always verifies that the information is accurate and reliable.
- Always ensure that informant identity is protected as much as legally possible.
- Proactively contacts active informants and seeks additional contacts with other informant sources.
- Consistently develops and uses informants cautiously and effectively.
Patrol Related Activities
While on patrol applies knowledge of criminal, civil and traffic laws and takes proper and fair actions. Identifies situations, selects proper course of action and follows through with further action and/or investigation. Gathers and accurately reports all pertinent facts and evidence.
Needs Improvement
- Fails to identify sources for gathering and developing criminal information while on patrol.
- Criminal patrol investigations do not conform to departmental standards or to legal and ethical standards.
- Fails to demonstrate adequate knowledge of Michigan criminal statutes and the Motor Vehicle Code.
- Fails to take actions in meeting Michigan State Police’s traffic safety initiatives.
- Does not take proper and fair enforcement action involving criminal and/or traffic violations.
Meets Expectations
- Establishes and identifies sources for generating and developing criminal information, which is then turned over to the appropriate individuals.
- Applies a working knowledge of Michigan criminal statutes and the Motor Vehicle Code while on patrol.
- Criminal patrol investigations conform to departmental standards.
- Enforcement actions are prioritized with the intent of reducing motor vehicle crashes.
- Takes appropriate action to fulfill Michigan State Police’s traffic safety initiatives.
- Identifies and takes proper and fair enforcement action involving criminal and/or traffic violations.
High Performing
- Criminal patrol investigations consistently conform to departmental standards, as well as legal and ethical standards.
- Excels at establishing and identifying sources for generating and developing criminal information, which is promptly turned over to the appropriate individuals.
- Enforcement actions are planned and prioritized with the intent of reducing motor vehicle crashes.
- Consistently applies an extensive knowledge of Michigan criminal statutes and the Motor Vehicle Code while on patrol.
- Takes aggressive action to fulfill Michigan State Police’s traffic safety initiatives.
- Consistently identifies and takes proper and fair enforcement action involving criminal and/or traffic violations.
Raid Management