Grade 1 Unit 2/Week 1: “A Big Fish for Max” What does a family do together?

Spelling Words / Words to Read
1. of 6. then
2. was 7. fish
3. they 8. shop
4. be 9. trash
5. from 10. rush / catch put
good no
Vocabulary – Words to Understand
chore – A chore is a job (usually a household task) that has to be done regularly.

commute – Commute means “to travel often between home and school or work.”
cooperation – Cooperation means to “work together.”
display –Display means “to put things in a place where people can see them.”
downtown – If you are downtown, you are in the part of the city where offices and stores are.
household – Your household is your home, the people who live together in your home, and what goes on there.
rule – A rule is a guide for how you should act. One of the rules at our school is walk down the hall without talking.
subway – A subway is a train that runs under the ground.

Grade 1 Unit 2/Week 1: “A Big Fish for Max” What does a family do together?

Spelling Words / Words to Read
1. of 6. then
2. was 7. fish
3. they 8. shop
4. be 9. trash
5. from 10. rush / catch put
good no
Vocabulary – Words to Understand
chore – A chore is a job (usually a household task) that has to be done regularly.

commute – Commute means “to travel often between home and school or work.”
cooperation – Cooperation means to “work together.”
display –Display means “to put things in a place where people can see them.”
downtown – If you are downtown, you are in the part of the city where offices and stores are.
household – Your household is your home, the people who live together in your home, and what goes on there.
rule – A rule is a guide for how you should act. One of the rules at our school is walk down the hall without talking.
subway – A subway is a train that runs under the ground.

Grade 1 Unit 2/Week 2: “The Farmer in the Hat” How do we learn together at school?

Spelling Words / Words to Read
1. said 6. take
2. had 7. name
3. when 8. face
4. do 9. made
5. if 10. safe / be could
horse old
Vocabulary – Words to Understand
aquarium – An aquarium is a place where you can see fish and underwater animals. An aquarium can be a box-shaped, clear container you can keep in your home or in the classroom or a building in which fish and other water animals are kept and shown to the public.
borrow – When you borrow something, you may take it to use, but you must give it back.
group – A group is a number of people or things that belong together.
lines –Lines are the words an actor speaks. You may have to memorize some lines if you are in a class play.
rehearsal – A rehearsal is a practice. If you are in a class play, you have many rehearsals before the actual performance.
respect – When you show respect, you show that you think a lot of someone or something.
share – To share means “to let someone else have, use, or do something.” You may share your toy with a friend.
soothe – When you soothe something, you make it feel better.

Grade 1 Unit 2/Week 2: Communities How do we learn together at school?

Spelling Words / Words to Read
1. said 6. take
2. had 7. name
3. when 8. face
4. do 9. made
5. if 10. safe / be could
horse old
Vocabulary – Words to Understand
aquarium – An aquarium is a place where you can see fish and underwater animals. An aquarium can be a box-shaped, clear container you can keep in your home or in the classroom or a building in which fish and other water animals are kept and shown to the public.
borrow – When you borrow something, you may take it to use, but you must give it back.
group – A group is a number of people or things that belong together.
lines –Lines are the words an actor speaks. You may have to memorize some lines if you are in a class play.
rehearsal – A rehearsal is a practice. If you are in a class play, you have many rehearsals before the actual performance.
respect – When you show respect, you show that you think a lot of someone or something.
share – To share means “to let someone else have, use, or do something.” You may share your toy with a friend.
soothe – When you soothe something, you make it feel better.

Grade 1 Unit 2/Week 3: “Who Works Here?” Who makes our neighborhood a nice place to live?

Spelling Words / Words to Read
1. are 6. bike
2. it 7. dime
3. that 8. kite
4. me 9. smile
5. I 10. ride / live out
people who
Vocabulary – Words to Understand
branch – A branch is a smaller type of a larger bank, library, or office.
citizen – A citizen is a person who has the right to live in a certain place because he or she was born there or by choosing to become a member.
law – A law is a rule that tells people what they can and cannot do.
community – Your community is the town or city in which you live.
earn – When you earn money, you are paid for work you do.
headquarters– Headquarters are places where business or city leaders work.
leader – A leader is the head of a group.
patrol – Patrol means “to move around, watching or guarding.”

Grade 1 Unit 2/Week 3: “Who Works Here?” Who makes our neighborhood a nice place to live?

Spelling Words / Words to Read
1. are 6. bike
2. it 7. dime
3. that 8. kite
4. me 9. smile
5. I 10. ride / live out
people who
Vocabulary – Words to Understand
branch – A branch is a smaller type of a larger bank, library, or office.
citizen – A citizen is a person who has the right to live in a certain place because he or she was born there or by choosing to become a member.
law – A law is a rule that tells people what they can and cannot do.
community – Your community is the town or city in which you live.
earn – When you earn money, you are paid for work you do.
headquarters– Headquarters are places where business or city leaders work.
leader – A leader is the head of a group.
patrol – Patrol means “to move around, watching or guarding.”

Grade 1 Unit 2/Week 4: “The Big Circle” How do animals work together to survive?

Spelling Words / Words to Read
1. a 6. home
2. and 7. stone
3. you 8. those
4. as 9. joke
5. go 10. rode / down now
inside there
Vocabulary – Words to Understand
bluff – To bluff means “to pretend.” When you try to make someone believe something that isn’t true, you are bluffing.
boisterous – When you are boisterous, you are wild and noisy.
crater – A crater is a big hole. The moon has a lot of craters on it.
enemy – An enemy is a person or animal that wants to cause harm to another.
extinct – If something is extinct, it no longer exists.
holler– A holler is a loud cry or shout. You may have to holler to a friend on the playground if they are standing a long ways from you.
protect – Protect means “to keep someone or something safe.”
swamp – A swamp is an area of muddy, wet land.

Grade 1 Unit 2/Week 4: “The Big Circle” How do animals work together to survive?

Spelling Words / Words to Read
1. a 6. home
2. and 7. stone
3. you 8. those
4. as 9. joke
5. go 10. rode / down now
inside there
Vocabulary – Words to Understand
bluff – To bluff means “to pretend.” When you try to make someone believe something that isn’t true, you are bluffing.
boisterous – When you are boisterous, you are wild and noisy.
crater – A crater is a big hole. The moon has a lot of craters on it.
enemy – An enemy is a person or animal that wants to cause harm to another.
extinct – If something is extinct, it no longer exists.
holler– A holler is a loud cry or shout. You may have to holler to a friend on the playground if they are standing a long ways from you.
protect – Protect means “to keep someone or something safe.”
swamp – A swamp is an area of muddy, wet land.

Grade 1 Unit 2/Week 5: “Life in the Forest” How do plants and animals live together?

Spelling Words / Words to Read
1. to 6. June
2. he 7. flute
3. have 8. huge
4. like 9. cube
5. your 10. rule / around find
under water
food grow
Vocabulary – Words to Understand
capture – If you capture someone, you catch them.
creature – A creature is a living animal or person.
environment – The environment is the world around you that affects how you live and grow.
inhale – To inhale means “to draw in.” If a person inhales his food, he takes it in quickly. You inhale every time you take a breath of air.
require – To require means “to need or insist on having.” Your body requires food and water to stay alive.
slimy – If something is slimy, it is covered with a slippery, gooey material.
sludge – Sludge is a thick, wet, slimy material. Wet, gooey mud would be an example of sludge.
thrive – To thrive means “to stay healthy and grow.”

Grade 1 Unit 2/Week 5: “Life in the Forest” How do plants and animals live together?

Spelling Words / Words to Read
1. to 6. June
2. he 7. flute
3. have 8. huge
4. like 9. cube
5. your 10. rule / around find
under water
food grow
Vocabulary – Words to Understand
capture – If you capture someone, you catch them.
creature – A creature is a living animal or person.
environment – The environment is the world around you that affects how you live and grow.
inhale – To inhale means “to draw in.” If a person inhales his food, he takes it in quickly. You inhale every time you take a breath of air.
require – To require means “to need or insist on having.” Your body requires food and water to stay alive.
slimy – If something is slimy, it is covered with a slippery, gooey material.
sludge – Sludge is a thick, wet, slimy material. Wet, gooey mud would be an example of sludge.
thrive – To thrive means “to stay healthy and grow.”

Grade 1 Unit 2/Week 6: “Honey Bees” How is a community of insects like a community of people?

Spelling Words / Words to Read
1. the 6. green
2. see 7. feet
3. will 8. tree
4. for 9. week
5. my 10. bee / also their
some new
family other
Vocabulary – Words to Understand
creep – If you creep, you move very slowly and quietly. A person may creep up behind someone to scare them.
eagerly – Eagerly means with excitement. You may wait eagerly for your grandparents to come for a visit.
individual – An individual is one person.
wander – To wander means “to move from place to place without a reason.” Don’t ever wander away from your mom or dad and get lost!
industrious – An industrious person is a hard worker.
romp – To romp means “to move or play in a lively way.” Puppies or baby kittensromp when they play together.
slither – To slither means “to move along by sliding.” A snake slithers when it moves through the grass.
special – Special means “different from or really good.”

Grade 1 Unit 2/Week 6: “Honey Bees” How is a community of insects like a community of people?

Spelling Words / Words to Read
1. the 6. green
2. see 7. feet
3. will 8. tree
4. for 9. week
5. my 10. bee / also their
some new
family other
Vocabulary – Words to Understand
creep – If you creep, you move very slowly and quietly. A person may creep up behind someone to scare them.
eagerly – Eagerly means with excitement. You may wait eagerly for your grandparents to come for a visit.
individual – An individual is one person.
wander – To wander means “to move from place to place without a reason.” Don’t ever wander away from your mom or dad and get lost!
industrious – An industrious person is a hard worker.
romp – To romp means “to move or play in a lively way.” Puppies or baby kittens romp when they play together.
slither – To slither means “to move along by sliding.” A snake slithers when it moves through the grass.
special – Special means “different from or really good.”