Berkeley Vale Pre-school Kindergarten Inc
“Your Community Pre-school”
“Living, Learning and Growing”
ABN 77 641 023 678 Email:
August 2017Newsletter
1Dear parents and families,
Welcome to our latest newsletter. The children and educators are really enjoying the warmer weather, with the team and children spending as much time outdoors as possible.
Sun Protection and Hats
During June and July, we do not place a strong emphasis on sun protection due to low IV levels. However, as the weather is starting to warm up, we will be ensuring that all children, and staff are wearing appropriate sun hats. Sunscreen will also be made available to children and families upon arrival.
2018 Fees and enrolments
Our 2018 budget and fees have been set and the enrolment process is well underway. I am pleased to inform families that the following fees will apply for 2018.
4 and 5 year old children $24 per day
3 year old children $42 per day
Health care card children as per 2017 fee
Every child is being enrolled for a 5-day fortnight and to date, our centre is already 75% full, with many more children on our waiting list. Currently enrolled families will receiving confirmation of placement for 2018 in the coming weeks and enrolment packages will be issued during Term 4.
Kurraba Oval Park notes
It is so nice to see children and families utilising this beautiful park at our doorstep. Thank you to those families who have already returned their permission slips. If you have yet to do this, please do so as soon as possible, as we are keen to start taking children out to the playground in small groups, when it is less crowded.
Father’s Day afternoon tea and stall
Notes have been issued in relation to our up-coming Father’s Day stall and afternoon tea. Please note only one gift can be purchased per child. Please note the date for the afternoon tea is Thursday, 31st August – 3:15 – 4pm. Children must still be collected by 3pm so that educators have time to prepare for the afternoon tea.
Please also be aware that the Father’s Day afternoon tea is only for enrolled pre-school children. Siblings are not welcome and we ask that you make alternate arrangements for siblings. We apologise for any inconvenience that this may cause.
Ngroo Education Program
We have established an Action Plan that we will be working to achieve over the next 12 months to support our connections and links with our local Indigenous people. We welcome input from currently enrolled Indigenous families and we have attached our Action Plan for all families’ attention.
Healthy Food Policy Review
I have had a failed attempt to forward a Survey Monkey link to parents so that they can assist with reviewing our Healthy Food Policy. I will endeavour to get this amended and out to families next week. Educators are often concerned with the volume of carbohydrates that fill children’s lunch boxes. This is not a balanced diet and I have attached a brochure that issued by NSW Health that provides some suggested foods. When considering the policy review please take into consideration the attached information about carbohydrate choices as those that are low GI are best.
Best wishes and kind regards,
Colleen Templeton and the Berkeley Vale Pre-school Team
Seeking licenced builders
We have a building job at pre-school to repair our sandpit’s shade sail structure. If any parent is a licenced builder and they are interested in quoting, can you please see Colleen. Many thanks.
Our next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, 31stAugust at 7:15pm. Please remember all parents are always welcome.
This month we are getting to know Emma Hayman, Administration Officer, who works, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday in the office.
Tell us a little about yourself …
My family and I moved to the Central Coast from Canberra just over a year ago. I have two wonderful daughters, Maya and Eleanor.
What do you do when you are not a pre-school?
I spend time with my family and friends. We go fishing on the Hawkesbury River, playing at the beach and spending time exploring this stunning Coast!
What is your favourite meal?
One I do not have to cook! I love nearly all food but really enjoy a combination Laksa from the Noodle House in Canberra.
What is your favourite pre-school moment?
Having little office visits from the children and listening to their stories.