Lesson 8b
Lesson 8 – Protecting Yourself Online
Answer the questions –
MOVIE CLIP / “Protecting yourself online” / Watch together in class, take notes?8-4
- Is your activity on the internet PRIVATE?
- What do online businesses do?
- What do social networking sites do? What is your opinion?
- Do people have the right to have information removed from the internet?
- Why is spam considered an invasion of privacy?
8-5 /
- Why would an employer read employee messages?
8-6 /
- Why do websites use cookies?
- What is the difference between persistent cookies and session cookies?
CIW Online / Exercise 8.1 / Complete for practice
MOVIE CLIP / “Control your browser” / Watch together in class, take notes?
8-11 /
- Why would you want to adjust browser settings?
8-14 /
- Before providing web pages to a user, what do servers require?
CIW Online / Exercise 8.2 / Complete for practice
8-15 /
- What is the most common way to authenticate users?
8-16 /
- Why DON’T digital signatures provide data confidentiality?
- If data is sent with a digital signature, what does that prove?
- What is meant by REPUDIATION?
CIW Online / Exercise 8.3 / Complete for practice
8-17 /
- If you give personal information or credit card numbers to a website, how do you know it will be kept safe and secure?
- How are encryption and decryption performed?
- How is authentication different from encryption?
8-18 /
- What word refers to encrypted data?
- Why is “symmetric encryption” called that?
- Why is “asymmetric encryption” called that?
8-19 /
- In asymmetrical encryption, what does the PUBLIC key do?
- What does the PRIVATE key do?
CIW Online / Exercise 8.4 / Complete for practice
8-20 /
- Why do businesses encrypt network transmissions?
8-21 /
- Why are secure protocols used in e-commerce?
- How do you know if a web page is running SSL?
CIW Online / Course Mastery Part A / Complete for a GRADE
MOVIE CLIP / “Scanning for malware” / Watch together in class, take notes?
8-23 /
- What can a simple virus do to a computer?
8-24 /
- What is the difference between a worm and a virus?
- Why is a Trojan malware program called that?
8-25 /
- If a user installs code sent by an illicit server, what can happen to the user’s computer when it is connected to the internet? (The answer is NOT the bulleted list)
CIW Online / Exercise 8.5 / Complete for practice
8-26 /
- If a virus is found by your anti-virus software, what happens to it?
8-27 /
- What is the most common method for spreading viruses?
- If you are not sure if an attachment is safe, what should you do?
- List the first THREE things you should do if you think you have a virus attack
8-28 /
- Why would a company or business use spyware?
CIW Online / Exercise 8.6 / Complete for practice
8-32 /
- What is the difference between an update and a patch?
- You are smart and have installed anti-virus software on your computer. Buy you saw in the news that more viruses have come out AFTER you installed your software. What should you do to keep your computer protected?
8-34 / LAB 8-5: LOCK your computer! / Do as a class with Mrs. Cyr
8-35 /
- Why would a web site practice typo-squatting?
8-37 /
- How can firewalls be inconvenient for business users?
CIW Online / Exercise 8.7 / Complete for practice
8-40 /
- What symbol marks something as protected by copyright?
- Is copyrighted material protected worldwide?
8-41 /
- What agency was formed to protect intellectual property worldwide?
Worksheet / Lesson 8 Worksheet / Complete for a GRADE
CIW Online / Course Mastery Part B / Complete for a GRADE
CIW Online / Lesson 8 Quiz / Complete for a GRADE
CIW Online / IBA v2.0: Practice Exams > Objective Reviews and Quizzes / See chart for reviews by LESSON; Complete for a GRADE