Melrose High School Bandaiders, Inc.
Board Meeting Minutes
Melrose High School Band Room
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
In attendance: D Hoff, K Hoff, L Foulser, P Ringham, J Pelrine, B Csicsek, K Peterson, D Stanton, D Heislein, C Melville, K Talbot, J Wiesen, L Bulman, J Cobau, J Zimmerman, C O’Brien, A Pari-di-Monriva, T Rubbins, R Hecht, B Corvene, C Roderick, N Ingram
Call to Order -7:10 pm
Routine Business
June 2014 Minutes – Approved as written
Introductions- all in attendance, including Deborah DiFruscia, New Director of Visual and Performing Arts and Matthew Repucci, Director of Band.
Band Director’s Report - Band Camp started Monday, off to a great start. New podium for competitions should arrive next week, will need to sort out storage location to keep it secure. Sound system purchased is on its way. Plumes have arrived, hats should be here next week. Color guard will need flags, we have an increased number of members participating-$600 should cover all costs. Color guard will use winter uniforms this year. Car wash is Saturday in the usual location in parking lot. First show will be at Melrose on Sept 27.
Treasurer’s Report – Last year we came in on budget. New budget has been drafted, will distribute for vote at the next meeting.
Corresponding Secretary’s Report –finalizing comprehensive list of contact info for band book. All students will set up a Gmail account which will be used for band communications. Encourage students to be responsible for all email communications. Google account is preferred so they have access to all features including dropbox. MHS is moving to use Gmail in all classrooms as well.
Publicity Report – Car wash ad was sent to Free Press and Melrose Weekly. Other place to consider is the Mayor’s blog, and possibly social media blitz via students if needed to get the word out.
Uniform Committee Report –All marching band students have been fit, uniform adjustments/pressing completed, and in garment bags ready for Friday photos.
Current Events:
Car Wash-Sunday August 24, 9:00am-1:00pm. Parent supervision requested and additional hoses. Pizza will be served at lunch, students encouraged to bring water to drink.
Ice Cream Social: Sept 17th. Nancy Ingram and Carol Roderick will coordinate this event.
Chaperone/Volunteer Sign up- paperwork available for CORI checks which must be completed to participate as a volunteer.
NESBA show- Sept 27th. Melrose will perform at 7:30pm.Joel Zimmerman is coordinator. Currently have 11 bands registered to participate, no college band show. Lengthy discussion re: planning of events including # of volunteers that should be factored in the sign up genius, food for the concession stand (we will purchase food, rather than Lions selecting type of food served). We will need to man the concession stand; proceeds are split 50/50 with the Lions. We can have a bake sale or Italian ice outside of the concession stand (we keep 100% of these proceeds). Ad book-looking for low cost for printing, will have thank you for whole foods included. Bill Corvene will make arrangements for nurse/medical support for event.
Victorian Fair Sept 7th 11:30-4:30. Band/Color Guard will have a booth, near Papa Gino’s end of Main Street. Events planned include face painting, hair braiding. Discussion of other ideas including musical demonstrations each hour by small groups of band students.
Meeting adjourned about 8:30 pm.