
Local Enterprise Office Westmeath

for the period January 2015 – December 2016

To Cover Periods:

Spring & Autumn 2015

Spring & Autumn 2016

Invitation to Quote for Delivery of Training Programmes/Workshops and Clinics

November 2014

Invitation to Submit Quotations for Training

This document outlines the type of training courses Local Enterprise Office Westmeath plans to run throughout Westmeath over the coming 24 months. By receiving this document your training organisation is invited to submit a quotation for one or any number of courses outlined.

I have provided a broad outline of our requirements, but please note we are interested in receiving what you the Trainer offers in current thinking, recent trends, new techniques etc or anything else you consider maybe appropriate. If your organisation has developed a unique training course significantly different to any outlined here for the micro-enterprise sector, please include a proposal for same in your submission. Durations listed are suggestions only and not confirmed.

Local Enterprise Office Westmeath reserves the right to run or not run any of the listed training courses, as demand and budget dictates.

Training organisations submitting a quotation are requested to fix their prices for 24 months.

Local Enterprise Office Westmeath runs training courses either during week days (e.g. 9:30am – 5pm) or in the case of six week start your own business course, evenings (e.g. from 6pm – 9pm); we reserve the right to stipulate the specific dates and course times, at the time of scheduling the course. Courses can take place either in our training room onsite in Mullingar or conference venues in Athlone and Mullingar.

Key Guidelines:

  1. Please submit a fully completed course outline for each course you are quoting for (template document attached – please do not leave any section blank).
  2. Please also ensure that tenders are not bound and that programmes are priced individually with a price listed per programme.
  3. Trainers maybe required to completea pre/post course questionnaire via telephone or email with participants.
  4. Contracts will be awarded based on consideration of the following:
  5. Knowledge/Understanding of Proposal (30 marks), Approach/Content/Methodology (40 marks) Price (30 marks).
  6. The background of the trainer and a minimum of 3 years experience in delivering training to the micro-enterprise sector, as well as personal experience of self-employment or running a business themselves and a training qualification. Please see attached sheet with details of qualifications required by trainers.
  7. Compliance with Health & Safety Questionnaire attached
  8. Term of the Contract (“the Term”): Any Contract that may result from this public procurement competition will be for an initial period of 12 months from the date of award, unless the Contract is terminated earlier or extended as per the provisions of the Contract. Westmeath LEO reserves the right to extend the Contract for a further period of twenty four (24) months, bringing the Term of the Contract to a total of three years but not guaranteed to be three years

Completed course outlines will be made available to the public on

  1. Pleasenote that hard copy of your submission will be required no later than 5pmon Thursday 27 November 2014.

Post your proposal to:

Tender Submission,Local Enterprise Office Westmeath,Aras AnChontae,Mullingar, Co Westmeath.Please note that late submissions will not be accepted.

List of Programmes to Go to Tender

Section 1: Training for Start-UPs

  1. How to Investigate your Business Idea & Get Started
  2. Start Your Own Business
  3. Start Your Own Food Business
  4. Start Your Own Online Business (Workshop)

Section 2: Programmes & Courses for Small Businesses

  1. Finance for Small Businesses (4 modules)
  2. Increasing your sales by excelling at customer care
  3. Perfecting Your Pitch
  4. How to Start Exporting
  5. E-Tendering – a Guide to Public & Private Sector Procurement
  6. HACCP Training in Food Safety for Handlers
  7. HACCP for Management
  8. Food Academy Start Programme
  9. Planning & Developing Your Website
  10. Compiling & Marketing Newsletters

15.SAGE Instant/SAGE Line 50

16. How to maintain a set of books using Excel

17. Revenue Online System

18. Write & Maintain a Safety Statement

Section 3 :Social Media Workshops for SmaLL Business

19. LinkedIn for Business

20. You-tube for Business

21. Face book for Business Beginners

22. Face book for Business Advanced

23. Twitter for Business Beginners

24. Twitter for Business Advanced

Section 4 : Business Clinics


26. Website

27. Patent

28. Branding

29. Finance/Health Check

Possible Seminars for Small Business

Taking Care of Business – Health & Safety in the Workplace for Contractors/Non- Contractors.

Business and the Law (New Business Laws covered)

Using Technology/apps for your Business

Online Trading Voucher Seminars

Debt Re-structuring

Computer training courses take placein either Athlone Education Centre, Moydrum Road, Athlone, or at our premises in Aras An Chontae, Mullingar, Co.Westmeath.

Section 1Business Training Courses for Start Ups

1. How to Investigate Your Business Idea & Get Started

The aim of this workshop is to arm participants with tools required to take their new idea through various investigative stages of research. Themethods of evaluating and interpreting the results to determine the viability of the business should also be covered.

The workshop will cover how to prepare basic income and expenditure projections and will introduce participants to the legal aspects of setting up a business, tax registration for sole traders, financial supports that are available and the basics of marketing principles.

Participants should be able to conduct a preliminary assessment of their business to see if there is any potential in their proposed idea and have a basic awareness of the steps they will need to take to start a business.

Please Note: How to conduct Market Research should form an important part of this programme.

Estimate: Up to 8 workshops per annum.

Duration: One Day

Time: 09:30am – 5.00pm

Places Available: 25

Suitable for:Anyone with a new business idea they need to investigate.

2. Start Your Own Business Course

The objective of the Start Your Own Business programme is to assist participants in assessing the viability of business ideas and in understanding the essential elements required to start up and run their own businesses.Please note that a 3-month follow-up with each participant is included in the delivery of this programme. The follow-up is conducted via telephone, in order to establish how many businesses actually started up on completion of the programme.

Please supply a price for the delivery of a 3 day Training Programme

Please supply a price for a one day follow up where participants are met on a one-to- one basis if required.

Topics covered:

- Self-Assessment- Legal Issues

- Preparing a Business Plan- Marketing for the Small Business

- Researching the Market- Finance & Taxation

- Sources of Funding- Basic Bookkeeping

- Sales- Using IT in your Business

Please refer to attached full course brochure for further content information.

Duration: 6 evenings 6.00pm to 9.00pm or 3 Days 9.30am to 5.00pm.

Places Available: Up to 25 places per course.

3. Start Your Own Food Business

Thisstand alone programmeis intended to be a complement to a full Start Your Own Business Course and the more advanced Food Academy Programme, but handle specific issues relevant tothe food sector.

This course will cover information required to set up a Food Business:

Market Research Sources of information

Awareness of legislation governing food businesses

Consumer law

Packaging and labelling

EHO requirements

Planning permission


Food Marketing

Agencies supporting the food industry and their programmes

Innovation, Trends & Food Awards

This one day course is designed to give participantsan opportunity to fully explore all issues that they will need to address and also to raise awareness of supports that are on offer from all agencies.

Duration: One day

Time: 09:30am – 5:00pm

Places Available: 14

Suitable for:New entrants to the food sector or those considering opening up a food business.

4. Start Your Own Online Business Workshop

These stand alone workshops are intended to be a complement to a full Start Your Own Business Course but handle specific issues relevant to the online / e-commerce sector.

This course will cover information required to set up an Online / Web based Business:

Market Research

Legislation governing the sector

Operating Costs

Marketing strategies

Income generation possibilities

Trends, Innovation


Successes and Failures

This one day course is designed to give participants an opportunity to fully explore all issues that they will need to address and also to raise awareness of supports that are on offer from all agencies.

Duration: One day

Time: 09:30am – 5:00pm

Places Available: 14

Suitable for:Those starting an online business.

Section 2Business Training Courses for Small Business

5.Finance for Small Businesses (4 modules) (5 days in total)

The aim of this course is to provide each participant with a clear understanding of their financial responsibilities as a self-employed person and will instruct them on how to manage and interpret their financial situation. The course is aimed at those in their first year in business or those who have never learnt how to manage the financial aspects of their business. The four modules could take place over a six month period.

Module 1 : Tax, VAT and Manual Payroll for Small Businesses (2 days)

Module 2 : Basic Book-keeping and Cashflows (1 day)

Module 3: Pricing, Costing & Debt Collection (1 day)

Module 4 : Completing your own Tax Return (1 day)

Module 1 Tax, VAT and Manual Payroll for Small Businesses (2 days)

This module is designed to give the entrepreneur a firm understanding of the taxation system highlighting options to minimise tax liability. The module content will include :

  • How to register your business with the Revenue Commissioners
  • The Self Assessment tax system
  • Introduction to VAT, and Employer’s taxes,
  • Calculating Taxable profits and looking at allowable expenses
  • Capital Allowances – what are they and how are they calculated
  • Payroll. Basics of wage calculation and how our Tax Deduction, Universal Levy, Holiday Pay etc works, understanding the true cost of employing people.
  • Calculating your Income Tax liability
  • Social Security taxes (PRSI & Levies)
  • Practical examples of calculating your Income Tax liability.
  • The advantages & disadvantages of setting up as a limited company, sole trader or partnership. Participants will learn how to make a VAT return and how to complete self-assessment as a self employed person.
  • Revenue online.

Module 2 Bookkeeping and Cashflows for Small Businesses (1 day)

The aim of this module is to provide participants with an in-depth understanding of basic accounting principles as well as a comprehensive working knowledge of their obligations to Revenue. Topics covered will include Debtors & Creditors, Bank Reconciliation, Expenses, Assets, Liabilities, Profit & Loss Accounts and Balance Sheets, amongst others.

This module will also give participants a good understanding of the basics of good cashflow management. Variances between planned performance versus actual and the monitoring of same should be reviewed. The material should enable the owner/manager of an SME to learn techniques and systems that can be implemented in the workplace to improve cashflow.
Practical cashflow templates should be provided.

Module Three Figure Out your Pricing Strategy & Debt Collection (1 day)

Tackling your pricing strategy for either a product or a service incorporates two schools of thought. In addition to ensuring that your prices cover your costs and include a margin for profit, the challenge is to tie that in with your competitors and market demand. This one-day course should cover Pricing as a subject from both angles, ensuring that you are pricing yourself as competitively as possible while maximising profit potential.

This module will also instruct businesses on how to collect debts or avoid debts accumulating. Credit Management techniques will include: Handling new accounts, proper documentation, third party and legal options, draft credit applications forms, terms & conditions. This module will give participants the skills to help them get paid quicker, improve cash flow and reduce the likelihood of bad debts.

Module 4 Completing your Tax Return and Reviewing your Year in Business (1 day)

The final module of this course will take participants through all the steps in calculating their income and expenditure for the year and completing their own annual tax return as a sole trader.

This module will also review with participants how their year in business has progressed and how to analyse their finances to prepare for their next year in business.

Suitable for: This course is designed for owner-managers of start-up businesses or those in existing businesses who need to understand the financial basics of their business. It is anticipated that all participants will be sole traders and currently employ less than 10 people.

Upon completion of the course participants should have a thorough understanding of how to manage their finances in business, keep proper accounts, manage their own VAT and payroll returns and complete a tax return. They should also have an understanding of how to interpret their financial situation at all times and analyse if they are operating a profitable business or not.

Duration : 5 days (over a six month period)

Places : Max. 14

6. Increasing your sales by excelling at customer service

This course will teach businesses on how to retain and grow their customer base by excelling at customer care and sales. Following completion of this course, businesses should have reviewed their sales and customer care strategy, be aware of the actions they should be taking in their business to improve customer care, learn new sales and customer care techniques and learn how they should motivate staff to improve their customer care and sales techniques. Businesses should assess the effort they are putting into their sales approach and how poor approaches can let their business down. The course should cover setting sales targets for staff, sales incentives, and skills to help you and your staffclose a sale.

Duration: 1 day

Places Available: 14

Suitable for:Sales Staff and/or owners of businesses

7. Perfecting Your Business Pitch- Pitching for Business

The content of this programmewill cover how to make a pitch really effective and memorable and help win business. What makes a good pitch/presentation and giving participants the confidence and professionalism to succeed. This programme will possibly linked to one to one mentoring sessions to perfect the pitch dependant on the audiences.

Duration: 1 day

Places Available: 14

Suitable for:Key staff and owner-managers of businesses based in Westmeath

8.How to Start Exporting

Before embarking on an export strategy, businesses need to ensure that every area of their existing internal infrastructure is ready for possible rapid growth. This day course aims to inform and prepare participant companies for exporting, including: how to approach market research in a new country, how to prepare for cultural differences, what the support network overseas is like for Irish businesses, what the best tools are for getting your business ready. (Participants should be able to compile a structured export plan on completion)

Duration:1 Day

Places available: 14

Suitable for: Owner-managers & business development staff of existing businesses who believe they are ready to commence exporting

9.eTendering – A Guide to Private & Public Sector Procurement

Increasingly both private and public projects are awarded by using the competitive tendering process.The majority of public projects are awarded by using an online tendering process on Tendering, correctly utilised, can have a significant impact on the growth of your business. This course should be a practical programme, the aim of which is to significantly improve participants’ abilities to prepare and submit winning tenders.

Duration: 1 Day

Places available: 14

Suitable for: Owner-managers & business development staff of existing businesses who are ready to bid for public projects

10. HACCP for food handlers

The aim of this training course is to ensure participants understand the importance of primary food hygiene. FETAC Certificate of competence to be provided on completion.

Duration: Approx. 2 days training

Places Available: 14

Suitable for:Owners and/or primary food handling staff of Westmeath based businesses.

11. HACCP Management in Food Production/Catering

The aim of this training course is to ensure participants understand the importance of food hygiene. It will include the development of effective food safety management systems and a guide on how to implement and manage appropriate procedures for their businesses, in accordance with current Irish and EU legislation. FETAC Certificate of competence to be provided on completion.

Duration: 28 hours

Places Available: 14

Suitable for:Owners and/or primary food handling staff of Westmeath based businesses

12. Food Academy Start Programme in conjunction with BordBia and Musgraves.

The programme objective is to provide participants with the knowledge required to establish successful food production businesses, working to a standardised format as established by BordBia, City and LEO’s and Musgrave Retail.

The programme is targeted at those individuals who have an idea for a food or drink business or who have already set up and are in the early stages of running a food or drink business.

Module 1

  1. Understanding the Irish Consumer
  2. Overview of the Irish Market
  3. Understanding Research + Data
  4. Marketing Strategy and Segmentation

Module 2

  1. Introduction to Finance
  2. Pricing
  3. New Product Development
  4. Food Production + Legislation
  5. Packaging
  6. The Human Cost of Growing Your Business

Module 3

  1. Branding and Packaging Design
  2. Routes to Market
  3. Preparing to Meet the Buyer
  4. Marketing Planning
  5. Being confident with Promotions

Making the Most of PR