APOLOGIES: Hetty Garnier

PRESENT: Rohan, Penny, Dick, Siobhan, Kent, David & Nick

MATTERS ARISING: Kent has repaired the step down to the courts for £50.

Dick reported that there is no insurance cover for the tennis court courts

or the contents eg nets netting etc. The clubhouse is fully covered. The

committee agreed that the courts would not be locked & remain open &

the club would cover any damage to courts contents & surrounds. There

had not been any significant damage done in the last 2 years that the courts

had been left open.

CHAIRMANS REPORT: The Quiz Night had been a success & there was general agreement that the fish & chips were better than last year.

SECRETARY: Asked the committee for advice as to the information that should be put

up on the notice boards inside the clubhouse & outside the court entrance.

It was agreed that we put up the website address

& also Rohans mobile telephone number for contact in an emergency.

Dick advised that the LTA/British Tennis were becoming incorporated &

IGTC needed to update our constitution adding on the new relevant rules.

Rohan felt that our constitution needed to be completely updated. Dick

advised he would obtain a template from the LTA for a new constitution

to include the new regulations so that IGTC would become incorporated

& ensure continued membership of the LTA. Dick advised he had been

told by the LTA that we would need to convene an extraordinary general

meeting to vote through the new constitution & that this meeting needs to

held by November

Dick issued a list of all committee members & their email addresses &

apologised to Siobhan for getting all her details wrong!

TREASURER: £7250 in C/A. No deposit account opened yet for £10,000 for 3 years.

Dick offered to make inquiries from Nat West.

Profit from Quiz night £17 50p. Uncertain why little profit but may be due

to there being no raffle. A breakdown of costs etc to be circulated to


In response to a query Penny confirmed that we pay £200 pa for use of the Iden Green Pavillion.

MEMBERSHIP: 133 adult members paid subs for this year & 23 adult subs pending.

There was a discussion regarding members who have not responded to

emails. Those who fail to pay their subs will be locked out of the website

& unable to book courts.

A number of Juniors playing in the club tournaments are not Club

members Penny & Rohan will chase up those responsible for

Junior members to check on their membership status.

Nick will update the membership data base & include whether paid up.

There was an issue regarding block bookings for the Juniors.

Tony Cherry books his teaching sessions himself.

Kent will deal with the Junior bookings & email the Junior rep.

Penny to email Kent re block bookings for Club sessions on

Tues & Sat. Kent and Rohan willdeal with any inquiries re the web site.

TOURNAMENT SECRETARY: The Mens singles will be an ongoing ladder with end date to

decided by David.

David suggested a days event for the Mens singles & Mixed doubles.

David will seek the views of other members & make appropriate

arrangements & fix the dates for the tournaments.

OTHER MATTERS: Honours Board: It was agreed to accept the quote of £150 for

an oak faced board 8ft x 4ft

Summer Party: Penny & Siobhan will investigate.

Lights: Kent will reconvene a meeting of the Lighting sub committee.

Sign for IGTC: Adrian may have made a new sign for the

entrance to the club. Rohan will get Adrian a case of wine in thanks for his work on repainying the clubhouse.

Net Restraint: The court fixing has broken & David will look in

to arranging its repair.


Many thanks to Nick for bringing wine for all to enjoy.