Important information concerning written exam in WISEflow - FLOWassign

Dear student,

You are registered for the exam in (indsæt prøvetitel) on (indsæt afleveringsdato og tidspunkt).This exam will be part of the digital exam platform named WISEflow, and therefore completely digital. The terms and conditions are the same as usual – only now, access to the exam assignment and submission of your exam papers are digital.

When do I access the exam?

The exam paper will be accessible on (Indsæt startdato og tidspunkt). Your submission has to be uploaded by (Indsæt slutdato og tidspunkt).

What to do before the exam?

Log on to the WISEflow platform to get an overview of its structure and functionality; you can also try the demo exam that is attached to your profile. Users who have accessed the platform before have to click “Edit profile” in the upper right corner (below your name) and select “Demo Flows” to make it appear.

This exam, (indsæt prøvetitel), is held in FLOWassign. FLOWassign is for take-home assignments and on-site examinations with some or limited access to books, notes etc.

How do I log on to WISEflow?

There are two ways to access WISEflow:

1.  Through WAYF with your normal login and password from AU’s self-service on

2.  Using NemID (key card)

The platform is accessible on:

WISEflow website with important information and support?

There are some technical requirements to your computer. You will find information about these requirements at It is your own responsibility to make sure that your computer software is updated, and that you can run WISEflow on your computer.

Information about and a guide to using WISEflow are integrated into the website but can also be found on the above web page. The website also contains important guidelines about processes before, during, and after the exam.

Upload of exam paper (Vurdér teksten ud fra gældende retningslinjer på jeres institut)

It is your own responsibility to submit your paper in due time. We recommend that you start uploading your paper at the same time as you would otherwise have started printing it. Be in good time so that unexpected problems can be handled.

To make sure that your paper is registered as submitted on time, the uploading process for take-home assignments must be completely finished before (indsæt tidspunkt og dato)


For this on-site examination, you must begin your upload before the end time of the examination to ensure that your paper is handed in on time. You will not receive the confirmation until after the exam is over.

Where do I get support?

For all non-technical support questions, please contact:

(Indsæt relevant navn og kontaktinformationer – f. eks BSS Study Service / institutsekretær eller andet)

It will also be possible to get technical support by phone or mail during the entire exam period in the opening hours of the IT-support. Find contact information for the IT support here.

Kind regards

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