Welcome to St. John Vianney School.

This handbook has been created to try to provide you with as much information about St. John Vianney School as possible. During the school year, you will receive added information about schedules, special events, concerns, and plans for the future. We are extremely happy to have your family included in our “school family” and are thrilled to be able to follow in the footsteps of the Master Teacher, Jesus Christ, in helping your child learn how to fulfill His kingdom on earth in our lifetime. We hope that you will keep this handbook in a special place so that it may be used often as a reference and guide during those special years at St. John Vianney!


We believe that every child entrusted to our care deserves anexcellent education based on Catholic teachings. Children are to be provided with a safe andloving environment in which they may learn how to bring the gospel message to a changing world. It is our belief that learning should be challenging, rewarding, desirable, and on-going. Through a variety of teaching styles, presented by a caring staff exhibiting cooperation and creative sharing, we hope to prepare our students for the future roles they will assume in tomorrow’s world.

Through our dedicated efforts to Word, Service, Community and Worship, we can answer our call to be educators in the tradition of Jesus Christ. We believe that students must be challenged to become socially aware andto lead lives of ministry. We believe the most important lessons are taught through our actions.


St. John Vianney School promotes academic excellence while developing Christ centered students in accordance with the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church.




School Philosophy1

Mission Statement1

A. Administration4

1. Accreditation4

2. Faculty & Staff4

3. School Calendar4

4. School Board4

B. Enrollment4

1. Admissions4

2. Registration5

3. Tuition5

4. Parishioner Tuition Grants6

5. Fees6

6. Special Needs Placement7

C. Attendance Policies and Procedures7

1. Absence7

2. Tardiness7

3. Leaving the Building/Grounds8

4. Illness/Accidents8

5. Lunch Time8

6. School Schedule/Times9

7. School Closing/Emergency9

8. Extended Absence Policy10

D. Academic Policies & Procedures11

1. Student Assessment11

2. Homework13

3. Student Testing14

4. Graduation Requirements14

5. Student Records14

6. Library16

E. Curriculum16

F. Religious Formation17

1. Liturgical Experiences17

2. Sacramental Preparation18

3. Family Life Series18

G. Code of Conduct and Discipline18

1. Conduct Regarding Property19

2. Conduct Relating to Citizenship19

3. Conduct Related to Attendance20

4. Conduct Related to Safety of Others20

5. Dress and Personal Appearance20

6. Uniform Policy21

7. Playground Rules24

8. Hallway Behavior25

9. Church Behavior25

10. Lunch Room Behavior/Procedures26

11. Overall Rules of Conduct26

12. Sanctions27

13. Procedures-Adult/Student Interaction28

14. Harassment Policy/Procedures29

15. Weapons Policy32

H. Communications32

1. Between School & Parent/Guardian32

2. School Telephone33

3. Visitors33

4. Conferences/ Other Visitations33

I. Athletics34

1. Athletic Director34

2. Athletics Offered34

3. Student-Athlete Requirements35

4. Eligibility Policy35

5. Parental Requirements36

J. Special Services37

1. School Social Worker37

2. School Psychologist37

3. Teacher Consultant37

4. Remedial Specialist38

5. Pastoral Staff38

K. Health Information38

1. Health Requirements38

2. Health Services38

3. Public Health Nurse38

4. Medications38

5. Medical Conditions39

6. Accidents/Injury/Illness39

7. Blood-Borne Pathogens39

L. Fire Drills/Severe Weather Drills40

M. Transportation40

1. Bussing40

2. Car Riders40

3. Walkers40

4. Bicycles40

N. Field Trips41

O. Class Parties/Birthday Celebrations41

P. Parent Service Requirements42

1. Parental Involvement42

2. Home and School Association42

3. Athletic Boosters42

Q. Supplemental Resources and Programs43

1. Crisis Team43

2. Rainbows43



1. Accreditation

St. John Vianney School is accredited by the Michigan Association of Non-public Schools Accrediting Association. That accreditation is maintained through an annual review. The accreditation process affirms the school’s high standard of excellence that has been a trademark of the school since inception.

2. Faculty and Staff

The faculty and staff at St. John Vianney have high expectations for their students and truly wish to become a support structure with the parents and auxiliary staff for the children. All teachers are certified by the State of Michigan and have hours of catechist training to help them as they assist your child in learning more about the Good News of Jesus Christ. A list of Faculty and Staff Members can be found on the school website.

3. School Calendar

The School Calendar shows the major dates of vacations, conferences, and end of the marking periods. The calendar is published twice a year (normally in June and September) and is distributed through school mail sent home with your child. The calendar is developed through a cooperative effort of Grand Rapids Area Catholic Schools directed by the Office of Catholic Schools.

4. School Board

The duty of the School Board is to provide guidance and leadership that facilitates the ministry of Catholic elementary school education, whichincludes the spiritual, intellectual, physical, emotional and social development of the students. The school board is comprised of a mandatory mix of both school parents and nonparent volunteer staff that work together sharing their individual talents to guide the school. If you feel that either you or someone you know would be a good candidate to be on the school board, please don’t be afraid to speak with a member of the current school board. The selection process usually takes place in the last few months before the end of the school year.


1. Admissions

The admission of students to St. John Vianney School (in order of acceptance) is as follows:

  • Children of active, worshiping and contributing parishioners currently enrolled in St. John VianneySchool.
  • Children of non-parishioners currently enrolled in St. John VianneySchool.
  • Children of active, worshipping and contributing parishioners currently enrolled in the Caring Place Preschool program.
  • Children of active worshipping, and contributing parishioners from a partner parish (i.e. Holy Family Parish).
  • Children of non-parishioners currently enrolled in the Caring Place Preschool program.
  • Children of non-parishioners without children currently in SJV School or the Caring Place program.

A child entering kindergarten must be five (5) years of age by December 1 of the year they enter school.

All new students will be accepted on a probationary basis pending the gathering of additional information on the family and children.

At the time of admission, it is understood that the parent(s) /Legal Guardian will accept and abide by the policies, rules, and regulations set forth by St. John Vianney School as described in this handbook.

2. Registration

Registration for the subsequent school year will usually be handled by the end of February. The first two weeks of registration will be for those children currently enrolled in St. John Vianney School. After this two-week period, a week will be set aside for the enrollment of new children from parishioners. After this period, registration will be open to the public on a space available basis.

For additional information on registration contact the school office.

3. Tuition

Tuition can be paid in one, two, or ten payments and per diocesan policy, must be made through a third party tuition collection service. In addition, if tuition assistance is required an application to the Private School Aid Service (PSAS)is necessary to be eligible to receive tuition assistance. Please contact the school office for more information in regards to either of these.

Scrip credits will be calculated quarterly and remaining tuition payments will be adjusted thereafter.

Families not current with their tuition payments may be subject to immediate termination at the discretion of the administration. Any family that leaves the school year will be responsible for all past due tuition.

If any family finds itself unable to meet the minimum financial requirements, they should contact the business manager at once to arrange an alternative payment method. The business manager may agree to decrease a parish family’s contribution obligation only after the family applies for need assessment by the State of Michigan and the State’s report is received and reviewed by the business manager.

St. John Vianney School will not accept any student whose parent/guardian owes tuition or fees to another Catholic school. Registration will not be accepted until the previous school has indicated all outstanding balances have been paid or satisfactory arrangements have been made for the payment.

4. Parishioner Tuition Reduction Grants

The Parish offers two (2) types of financial assistance to families who desire and sacrifice to provide a faith-based education for their children who attend St. John Vianney School.

  • All fully participating parish families are eligible to receive a general tuition reduction grant.
  • The Parish provides additional tuition grants to fully participating parish families who qualify by submitting a grant application commonly referred to as the PSAS grant application. (These are obtained through the school office).

There are four (4) standards for receiving parish-based tuition grants:

  • The family is registered in the parish. Registration should be established at least the year before the child(ren) is enrolled. Extenuating circumstances may be considered where newcomers have a verifiable record of regular participation at their previous parish.
  • The family participates in the parish through worship, time, talent and treasure. The parish expects regular Mass attendance and a minimum of one Offertory envelope per month in addition to the commitment of time and talent participation.
  • The family needs to have a stewardship pledge card on file for the current year. All parish families are encouraged to return a generous gift to the Lord through their Offertory pledge, and apply for either or both forms of parish parochial education tuition grants. While the amount of family pledges is a personal decision, every family is expected to pledge some parish support.
  • The family needs to have a financial contribution record for the past year. Normally the parish looks for monthly contributions during the previous calendar year from July forward, and during the initial months of the current calendar year.

5. Fees

  • Registration fees are required to be paid at the time of registration. This fee is non-refundable.
  • For field trips, graduation, and specific events or projects, which may necessitate a separate fee, an informational sheet will be sent home prior to the event.
  • When money is sent to school, an envelope should be used. The envelope should be marked with the student’s name grade, amount, and indicate for what purpose.
  • All checks sent to school should be made out to “St. John Vianney” unless notified otherwise.

6. Special Needs Placement Policy

Parents who would like the school to consider certain factors in deciding where to place their child(ren) for the following year may complete a Special Needs Placement Survey which will be made available in the school office. Surveys must be returned by the first Friday in May. While the school cannot promise to place students with specific teachers, the staff will make every effort to meet the needs of each student so that all can best be served.


1. Absence

Absence is defined as a child not being present for classes for part of or all of the regular school day. In case of absence from school, the following procedures are to be followed:

  • Parents are to call the school office (532-7001) before 9:00 a.m. for the morning session and before 12:20 p.m. for the afternoon session. One call for extended illnesses (more than one day) is all that is necessary.
  • The school will make calls to the home in case of suspicious, extended or unconfirmed absences.
  • Any questionable absence will be referred to the office by the teacher and a telephone call will follow to the home.
  • An unexcused absence will require the missed time to be made up after school. The time to be made up will correspond with the amount of time missed. An unexcused absence has to be and will continue to be considered a serious offense and may result in suspension and, in chronic cases, expulsion.
  • Medical/dental appointments will not be counted as an absence provided a written excuse is presented and the child is not gone the entire day or the biggest portion of either the morning or afternoon.
  • For vacation absences, work is made up upon return of the student. Teachers will allow ample time for this work to be made up.


2. Tardiness

Tardiness is defined as a child being late in reporting for classes after 8:30 a.m. in the morning and at the start of classes in the afternoon. In case of tardiness, the following procedures are to be followed:

  • Students must report to the office and receive a tardy slip. Parents should inform the office they know their child is going to be tardy.
  • Unexcused tardiness is determined by the school office. If an unexcused tardy is issued, the student my make the time up after school hours of the same day.

3. Leaving the Building or Grounds

Students are never to leave the building without permission of the school office.

If it is necessary for a child to be excused from school during class time, the homeroom teacher should be given advanced written notice. This having been received, the child will be called to the school office and excused when the child’s legal parent or guardian signs the child out at the school office. The child must report back to the school office upon returning and be signed back in.

The following safety precautions will be observed:

  • A student will not be permitted to leave the school building alone, unless prior arrangements have been made.
  • No teacher is allowed to release a student to anyone unless he/she has received approval from the school office.

4. Illness or Accidents

If a child is ill, he/she should remain home. The Health Department suggests that a child who is well enough to be in school is well enough to participate in all school activities including eating lunch and recess. All students should be free of any fever for 24 hours before returning to school.

In cases of illness or an accident during school hours, necessary first aid will be administered. Every effort will be made to contact the parent(s). In case of failure to contact the home or parent, the emergency contact person on your REGISTRATION FORM will be contacted. If there is a failure to contact the emergency contact person, the school will seek medical attention deemed necessary. Parents are responsible for liability and any fees incurred.

5. Lunch Time

  • Students will not be permitted to leave the school grounds or the playground area during their lunch period.
  • A Hot Lunch Program is available at a reasonable cost through a local public school program. Menus are sent home each month for the parents/guardians to select which days their child will participate in the Hot Lunch Program. Milk is also available on a daily basis, either through the Hot Lunch Program or separately. Procedures for the Hot Lunch Program may change from time to time according to the public school’spolicies that are in place at the time of service. Please check with the school office for details. Bringing of fast food (ex. “McDonald’s” lunches for your child should only be done on very special occasions not on a regular basis.
  • Lunch times are staggered to allow for less congestion in the cafeteria and more order on the playground. The following schedule is used:

Grades K-5Grades 6-8

11:40 - 12:00 lunch11:40 – 12:00 recess

12:00 – 12:20 recess12:00 – 12:20 lunch

6. Time Schedule for School

Schedule for grades 1-8, and full day kindergarten

8:00 a.m. – doors will open

8:30 a.m. – students marked tardy

11:40 a.m. – lunch/recess

12:40 p.m. - start of afternoon session

3:20 p.m. – dismissal full day kindergarten

3:30 p.m. - dismissal grades 1-8

Kindergarten Schedule A.M.

8:00 a.m.-doors open

8:30 a.m. – students marked tardy

11:20 a.m.-dismissal


7. Emergencies – School Closings

Dismissing school early or closing entirely is sometimes necessary and advised. In all cases when school is going to close on a very short notice, the following television stations will be notified:

WZZM-TV 13, WOOD-TV8, and FOX 17 are the stations that will announce the dismissal of school and post the information on their respective websites. The notice, hopefully, can be given at least one hour prior to the actual dismissal or closing.

Closing Due to Snow and Ice – If snow and ice conditions are such that it is necessary that school not be opened, announcement of this decision will begin to be announced over the TV and Radiostations shortly before 7:00 a.m. The following guidelines will apply:

The following are policies which will govern this type of decision.

  • The Superintendent of Catholic Schools may close all Catholic schools in the Grand Rapids Dioceses when they deem it necessary; however, this is rarely done.
  • Currently, in the Catholic Diocese of Grand Rapids, the school principal makes the final decision to close according to the conditions in that school district area.
  • If Catholic Central High School closes due to inclement weather, St. John Vianney will automatically close since there will be no bus transportation provided. Additionally, when Kelloggsville and/or Wyoming Public Schools and/or Grand Rapids Public School close, St. John Vianney will also close because the supervisors of transportation will have deemed conditions too dangerous in our immediate area.

Severe Weather Policy

Tornado Watch – means that there is a possibility of a tornado. In case of tornado watch, if possible, the following procedures will be followed.

  • All children will be kept in school a normal day will be maintained.
  • Radio stations will be monitored for any changes in the weather.
  • Parents may come to the office and request to take their child(ren) home.

Tornado Warning – means that a tornado has been sighted and all persons should take shelter. In case of tornado warning, the following procedures will be followed:

  • Upon receiving a warning, all children will remain in school and take shelter until the “All Clear” is given.
  • The children will be taken to the Village Hall and Media Center, keeping away from the outside windows. The school staff and students have been instructed as to the action to be taken if a warning is given.
  • Parents may pick up their child(ren) by going to the school office and asking for their release.

8. Extended Absence Policy