Regular Meeting


November 25, 2013

2:30 pm

Student Center (F) Building, Ground Floor, Forum

College of Alameda

555 Ralph Appezzato Memorial Parkway

Alameda, CA 94501-2109

Members of the public may address the Council on any item within the Council’s jurisdiction. A summary of Council rules concerning communications from the public is available from the ASCOA Secretary at the meetings. Persons addressing items included on the agenda will be heard at the time the item is considered. Persons requesting to address items or subjects which are not on this agenda will be heard under the agenda item “Communications from Members of the Public.” Assistance will be provided to those requiring accommodations for disabilities in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Interested persons must request the accommodation at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to the ASCOA President.

CALL TO ORDER: Time: ____2:36pm____


President Alaysia Williams PrX_ Ab_,

Operations Officer Jeramy Rolley Pr_ AbX_,

Programs Officer Tarundeep Singh PrX_ Ab_,

Secretary Gabriella Flores PrX_ Ab_,

Treasurer (Vacant) Pr_ AbX_,

Communications Officer (Vacant) Pr_ AbX_,

Senator Ashley Campos Pr_ AbX_,

Senator Regina Drake PrX_ Ab_,

Senator Victoria Huynh PrX_ Ab_,

Senator Elma Legados PrX_ Ab_,

(Volunteer) Minilik Altayie,

(Volunteer) Dayana Merino,

(Volunteer) Simmie Muhammad,

(Volunteer) Jonathan Rodriguez-Palacios,

(Volunteer) Alvin Yu.


Motion by Singh to strike out item number #3 from the agenda moved by Singh and seconded by Drake. Moved by Singh and seconded by Drake to move reports and communications of the public till the end of the meeting, abstentions 0 motion passes unanimously. Moved by Legos and seconded by Drake to table item number #9. Moved by Singh and seconded by Drake to adopt the agenda.


Number #2 is supposed to be number one and #1 should be number #4, Wording should be changed from “appointing to recommend”. Moved by Drake and seconded Legados to approve the minutes of Nov 18th, with the changes.


1.  Student Trustees’ Reports- Nothing to Report

2.  President's Reports- Working on thanks dinner and making sure all financial requests are being turned in. Also attending policies and procedures meetings with Luis, Jeramy, and Gabby

3.  Vice President's Reports-Been attending policies and procedures meetings with Luis, Alaysia, and Gabby. Had a campus visit at Contra Costa College to visit a region sister school up north. Gave a class presentation with Gabby last week for an ATLAS class

4.  Programs Officer Reports- Nothing to report

5.  Secretary's Reports- Been attending policies and procedures meetings with Luis, Alaysia, and Jeramy. Gave a class presentation with Jeramy last week for an ATLAS class

6.  Treasurer’s Reports-Nothing to report

7.  Communications Officer Reports-Nothing to report

8.  Senators' Reports- Legados- Gave class presentations about the clothing drive Hyunh- Been working hard on collecting all the cloths for the clothing drive

9.  Advisor’s Report- Attend meetings to work on the ASCOA governing documents as well as policies and procedures

10.  Committee Reports- Nothing to report

11.  Ad Hoc Committee Reports- Nothing to report


(Please line-up to speak when your name is called.) This portion of the agenda provides an opportunity for members of the public to address the Council on matters not included on this agenda. A maximum of 14 minutes (2 minutes per individual maximum) will be provided for speakers under this agenda item. Requests to speak which cannot be honored within the time limit will be scheduled for subsequent meetings in the order received. Under the Brown Act, Council members are not allowed to discuss and/or take formal action at today’s meeting on items brought before them under this item. Council members are only allowed to respond briefly. Written statements can be submitted to the ASCOA Secretary for inclusion in the minutes.


1.  Confidence Resolution

Presenter: Tarundeep Singh


Same motion read last week, Singh will read the new confidence resolution letter. Moved by Singh and seconded by Drake to approve confidence resolution of student trustee Sharon Clegg.

2.  Student Center Resolution

Presenter: Tarundeep Singh

Moved by Singh and seconded by Legados to approve the student senate resolution. Abstentions 0 motion passes unanimously.

3. Block Schedule Letter Endorsement

Presenter: Tarundeep Singh

The Council shall vote on the ASCOA endorsement letter of the Dr. Stark’s Block Schedule.

Item was postponed until our next meeting


4. Promotional General Brochure

Presenter: Susan May

Hired at Merritt College to make a campus brochure to promote the college. Merritt Colleges brochure was brought to the district and everyone wanted to have one. Looking to the ASCOA to help her form the College of Alameda brochure. Asking the ASCOA in collaboration with the administration here on a motto to help guide the pictures that will be in the brochure

5. Relief for Typhoon

Presenter: Student Representative

3:14 one more person is attended in the meeting.

Water situation with helping with providing clean water (Water filters) for the Typhoon relief. Legados recommended a letter to send out for staff around COA, by Mark expand the letter of online water filter collections to all 4 districts communication officers and all around. Possibility of housing the money at the district. Motion to add the can food drive to the current cloth drive.(Singh/Drake) Motion passes unanimously

6. Book Club Charter Packet

Presenter: Tarundeep Singh

Charter package be approve under multiple changes, Singh will contact the book club and to make sure they update their charter package, so far their charter package is pending.

7. Election of Senators

Presenter: Alaysia Williams

Adrien Abuyen- Moved by Singh and seconded by Legados to approve the application of Adrien Abuyen as senator. Sworn into office by Dr. Escobar.

8. Oath of Office

Presenter: Luis Escobar

The Senators elect shall take an oath of office.

9. Treasurer Appointments

Presenter: Alaysia Williams

The President shall appoint a senator to the treasurer position.

Item was postponed until our next meeting

10. Communications Officer Appointments

Presenter: Alaysia Williams

Appointed by President Alaysia Williams to the communications officer position (interim) towards Senator Adrien Abuyen.

11. Cooked Turkey Reimbursement

Presenter: Alaysia Williams

. Moved by Drake and seconded by Flores to approve the amount up to $200 dollars for the turkey cooked thanksgiving feast. 0 abstentions and motion passes unanimously.

12. Laney Reimbursement

Presenter: Alaysia Williams

The Council shall vote on the reimbursement of $54.00 from account #510 (Conference) to the

Associated Students of Laney College (ASLC).

Note: To suspend the orders of the day for item number #5

Restaurant policy would not allow the checks to be spilt between tables

Motion to approve the amount of $54.00 to the Associated Students of Laney College.

13. Per Diem Reimbursement

Presenter: Jeramy Rolley

The Council shall vote on the reimbursement of $40.11 from account #510 (Conference) for per

diem used for the SSCCC Conference.

Motion to approve the amount of $40.11 from account #510 . (Drake/Singh) Motion passes with 5 yeas and 1 abstention

14. Finals Week Giveaway

Presenter: Alaysia Williams

The Council shall vote on the funds to host a snacks giveaway for COA students during finals


Item was postponed until our next meeting


15. Thanksgiving “We Are Family” Feast

Presenter: Alaysia Williams

The President shall appoint volunteers for the feast and discuss updates.

Item was postponed until our next meeting