WARNING: You will be graduating soon…time to think about what you want and where you want to be before your 10 year reunion.

The purpose: to set personal goals and describe your vision through pictures and words.

Why create a vision board:

  • They are simple and powerful
  • They keep you focused
  • They create a clear image of what success looks like for you

What does a vision board do?

  • Helps us to become very clear about what we want
  • Makes your goals visible and keeps them in front of your eyes
  • Allows you to choose your goals
  • Reminds you of what you’re working for
  • Keeps you positive
  • Helps you to create purpose in life

Goal topics:

  • Personal (weight, hair color, clothing, etc)
  • Family (current relationships, marriage, children, etc)
  • Career (part time job, full time job, career, owning your own business)
  • Education (how far do you want to go?)
  • Health (weight, fitness, longevity, etc)
  • Wealth (debt-free, how much you want to earn per week, month, or year)
  • Relationships (married, friendships, employee, employer, etc.)
  • Emotions (how do you want to feel about yourself, your family, your children, your significant other, etc)
  • Location (where do you want to live within each time frame or where would you like to vacation or what things would you like to see)
  • Recreational activities (what do you do now, and what do you want to do later in your spare time)


  1. Brainstorm your goals for each time period (6 months, 1 year, 5 years, 10 years) and LIST THEM—this will be taped to the back of your poster board
  2. Select pictures to describe/illustrate your above goals/dreams and place them on the poster board in a meaningful fashion (example: separate them on the board, creatively, by time frame or by topic).
  3. Your board should clearly show the topic and year you want to reach that goal. NOT ALL TOPICS must be listed in each year…but you should have a MINIMUM of 20 pictures and each topic and year must have SOMETHING listed for it.
  4. After completing the vision board, on a separate sheet of paper, explain how you plan on achieving each of the items you listed (briefly). (Ex: career: doctor: I plan on finishing my residency at Johns Hopkins by 2023.)

***DISCLAIMER: Each item pasted on the poster board MUST BE “APPROPRIATE”. Anything off-color will be dealt with in an APPROPRIATE manner. Please take this assignment seriously.