Letter from the
It is my pleasure to present the Career Magazine assignment. You will apply all your knowledge and research on the career you have chosen by creating your own personal career magazine. Throughout the semester you have gained many computer skills to help prepare you for this moment. You will find all of the requirements for this assignment in this issue of Career Magazine. So sit back and enjoy reading all about Career Magazine.
Ms. Sents
Editor and Chief of Career Magazine
Think Time!
hink about the topic: the theme of the magazine, audience: the demographic, and purpose: to inform as well as entertain. Make sure you write about the career you have chosen to research. The final product will be worth 300 points, scaled down to 50. This is a lot of points! Make sure you are doing high quality work on this assignment.
As with any assignment, plagiarism will result in zero points for the entire project. Make sure you are using your own words or citing your sources.
Follow the Leader
Include ALL of the following in your magazine!
ou willbe researching and gathering information about a career of your interest. Once you are finish with research it will be time to put that information to use. Please include the following in your career magazine:
Be sure to use a consistent color, font, and layout.
Create a cover. This should have an ORIGINAL title relating to your career. You will also need to include a dateline, volume number, and price. You will need to include an illustration or a photograph along with wording that would appeal to your audience. Since appearance sells magazine, it should be the best illustration. Most importantly, your cover needs to grab the audience’s attention.
NOTE: You may use original artwork, personal photographs, or computer clipart, make sure the content is school appropriate. .
KEEP IN MIND: That the actual writing for this project is much more important than the graphics and pictures. Don’t make the mistake of emphasizing style over substance. This should be first and foremost a representation of your very best writing!
Letter from the Editor
You will need to write a letter to the readers of your magazine. In the Letter from the Editor,you will need to talk about what the magazine is about as well as what you have learned by researching and creating the career magazine. You will need to add your picture next to the letter so that the readers will know who you are.
Develop index/features to serve as an organized listing of the articles and special features within your magazine. Add the appropriate page number to match the location of the articles and special features.
Main Article
You will be responsible for writing one main article or feature story about the career you have chosen to research. The feature story will be written in the third person since it is an informative article. So leave out the “I.” Include the following information:
Title of the article
Authors name
Overview of the career/description
Skills required/desired
Related careers within the same field
Short Articles
Include two short articles relating to the career. Give each one a title and an author. These articles can be an interview, review, surveys, informative, consumer reports, career map, statistics etc… Topics for the short articles can be the following:
Education cost
High School courses recommended
History of career
Include at least two advertisements that would promote a product, company, or college/university that is related to your career. All ads must have some form of illustration and writing. Include a slogan, description, contact information, price, etc…
You are able to include addition items to your magazine such as crossword, comic strip, surveys, etc… These items are extra and not part of the requirements.
Culminating Project for Focus
Career Magazine Project
Name: ______Period: ______
Teachers Name: Mr. Harris
*Not a Quality Work
Category / Novice (1) / Apprentice (2) / Proficient (3) / Distinguished (4)Cover
______/20 points / Cover not included.
(0 points) / Cover not very descriptive and little use of graphic design.
(1-8 points) / Balance of graphics and text not apparent. The reader is not clear on contents of the magazine.
(9-15 points) / Very professional in appearance. Balance of graphics and text. Information regarding contents of magazine topics evident.
(16-20 points)
Letter from the Editor
(guide reader through the magazine)
______/20 points / Letter does not include picture. Letter not included.
(0-2 points) / Letter is not very informative. Picture not clear.
(3-8 points) / Letter is fairly written and picture is clear.
(9-15 points) / Letter is well written and picture is clear. Letter very clear as to what the reader should expect in the magazine.
(16-20 points)
Page numbers match
______/20 points / Lack of organized information. Page numbers do not match.
(0-2 points) / Organization is lacking but page numbers match.
(3-8 points) / Organization is clear but page numbers do not match.
(9-15 points) / Organization is very clear and page numbers match. All information is very clear to reader.
(16-20 points)
Main Article
Written Content
Overall Format
______/ 100 points / Did not include enough topics in your report to adequately explain your career.
(0-20 points) / Included all of the required topics, but information did not explain your career. Paragraphs did not flow.
(21-26 points) / Most topics in your report are clearly explained. Paragraphs are easy to understand, but more information could have been included in the report.
(27-34 points) / Each of the topics in your report is very clearly explained. The paragraphs are easy to understand, and they include all of the information needed to explain your career. Used your own writing to explain the topics.
(35-40 points)
Short Articles
______/ 40 points / No reference page included in the report, but source cited in paper.
(0-4 points) / Had one source. Did not follow directions for the MLA Reference Page.
(5-6 points) / Had two sources.
Followed directions for MLA Reference Page.
(7-8 points) / Had a minimum of 3 sources. Followed directions for MLA Reference Page.
(9-10 points)
______/ 20 points / Did not include graphics or charts in your paper.
(0-2 points) / Graphics and charts were included, but they did not fit with your topic.
(3-8 points) / Graphics were appropriate for your topic, but charts did not support the information in the paragraphs.
(9-15 points) / Included graphics and charts in your report. Graphics were appropriate for topic, and charts explained the information in the paragraphs.
(16-20 points)
Proofreading / Grammar
______/ 10 points / Very difficult to understand your paper due to errors in the following areas. Grammar, spelling, punctuation and sentence structure.
(0-4 points) / Several mistakes in the following areas: Grammar, spelling, punctuation and sentence structure.
(5-6 points) / There are 3 to 5 errors throughout the paper in the following areas: Grammar, spelling, punctuation and sentence structure
(7-8 points) / Grammar, spelling, punctuation and sentence structure are nearly perfect. There are no more than 1-2 errors.
(9-10 points)
Following Directions
______/ 20 points / Did not follow the directions provided.
(0-7 points) / Had a few of the requirements, but did not follow very many of the directions.
(8-11 points) / Almost completely followed the directions: May be a little off on a few of the requirements.
(12-16 points) / Followed the directions provided: used format as outlined in directions; cited sources within the text, and had 3 to 5 pages.
(17-20 points)
5 points taken off per error
______/20 points / Missing one or both advertisement requirements. If both are present missing more than 5 elements.
(0-7 points) / Missing one advertisement or more than 3 elements are missing.
(8-11 points) / Both advertisements completed but missing 1 or 2 elements.
(12-16 points) / Advertisements are clearly done with all requirements that are outlined.
(17-20 points)
Overall Design and Appearance
Flow of magazine
______/30 points / Overall design and appearance do not flow. Color scheme is random.
(0-7 points) / Color scheme is fine but the flow of the magazine is lacking.
(8-15 points) / Color scheme is fair and the flow of the magazine is consistent with the index, etc.
(16-23 points) / Color scheme is consistent as well as the flow of the magazine.
(24-30 points)
Extras included in the magazine
Up to ten additional points for additional sections, information.
Magazine Rubric
Total Points - 300
Cover20 points
Letter from the Editor20
(Guide the reader through the magazine)
Picture 5
Page numbers match 5
Main Feature Article 100
Content 50
Title 5
Authors name 5
Overview 10
Description 10
Education required 10
Skills required 10
Demand 5
Related careers 5
(in the same field)
Documentation 20
5 sources 15
Format 5
Overall Format 20
Third person 15
Visual Format 5
Short Articles 40
Content 20
Documentation 10
Format 10
Conventions 20
(punctuations, capitalizations, etc.)
Spelling 5 points per error
Advertisements 20
Content 4
Promotion 2
Illustration 3
Writing 3
Slogan 3
Description 3
Price 2
Overall Design/Appearance30
Flow of magazine15
Color/scheme 15
Following Directions20
TOTAL 300/6