Minutes, February 11, 2016

The meeting was opened by President Cary Johnson. Those in attendance were Kristin Adante, Ky Agnew, David Appel, Karen Brown, Stephanie Estreen, Sue Fenniman, Susie Fogerson, Curt
Foust, Susan Franklin, Timberli, Graham, Tom Hitpas, Emily Hobbs, Cary Johnson, William Kistler, Bob Lanky, Jenni Marcols, Jennie Miller, Alandra Mothorpe Boyle, Donna Mullins, Kristine Nelson, Mary Ellen Peters, Lennie Rickman, Betty Sweeney, Michelle Trejo, Dar Vriesman, John Walsh, Connie Ward, Kim Ann Wardlow, Nancy Wellnitz, Shirley Proppe, Sara Taylor, Loretta Taylor, Jill Eelkema, Carol Saffell, Maribel Sandoval, Gayle Larsen, Sandy Rogers, Stephen Harvey and Dawn Sluder.

MINUTES: It was moved and seconded to accept the minutes as read.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Treasurer Tom Hitpas reported that the final financial report for 2015 was then one presented at the retreat. The current balance is $3,540.78. A motion was made to again be a sponsor for Senior Day at the Capitol. It was moved and seconded to accept this motion.

TRIAD: February Meeting will be about End of Life Planning Issues and the March meeting will be on Food and Aging.

SENIOR DAY AT THE CAPITOL: This is the only event that is hosted for seniors. We need to make a statement by filling the room. The legislators need to take back to their committees the fact that seniors are concerned about the issues that affect them. The Governor will be there also. JCCOA will have three free lunches. Contact Cary if you would like one. This event will be on March 30 from 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M.

SENIOR HEROES: This will take the place of our regular meeting in May on the 12th at 2:30 P.M. JCCOA sponsors this event with Senior Resource Center. We are the only groups that honor senior volunteers.

JEFFERSON COUNTY SENIOR LAW DAY: This event mainly consists of break up sessions that are of interest or concerns to seniors such as law enforcement, Medicare, etc. There will be a number of attorneys on hand to give advice on such issues as wills, probate, etc.

DRCOG Respite Care Task Group will meet on February 22 from 9:00A.M. to 12:00P.M. They are working on a 15 year strategic aging plan for the State. This group has 23 members. Two are from JCCOA. They are Karen Brown and Susan Franklin.

The committees need to get their goals finished by next month so that they can start working on them. We will have no speakers next month so that the committees can spend that time finishing their reports.

SENIOR HEROES REPORT: John Walsh reported that he, Susie Fogerson and Kim Wardlow are working on this event. They want to get the information about this event to any group that uses volunteers. We need to get more groups involved. They will need lots of help on the day of the event. They will need help setting up, greeters, people manning the JCCOA table and helping the seniors any way they can. The County Commissioners will be there. Mountain Vista has hired parking valets in the past.


MEMBERESHIP: Two new members were voted in. They are Shirley Proppe from A3 Colorado and Maribel Sandoval from Iora Primary Care.

MARKETING: We now have handouts for the JCCOA table when we are at different events. Tom Hitpas purchased pens and plastic gripper jar openers. Sue Fenniman and Lennie Rickman spoke to a group called COHOPE (Council of Homeowners Organizations for a Planned Environment) about JCCOA. These are presidents and residents of Home Owner Associations in Southwest Jefferson County. The group spoke about some of their concerns for seniors. Some of these were no available parking at light rail stations, no transportation to light rail stations and where to find help shoveling in the winter. Lennie will do a tracking report on the information collected at these meetings. Help is needed at the homeless shelters. Maybe this is something JCCOA could help with. This is something to talk about it in the future.

LEGISLATIVE: Betty Sweeney talked about the Legislative Forum that will take place on October 13. All legislators running for office this year will be invited to come and speak on Senior Issues. A location hasn’t been selected as of yet. All members will need to work on this event.

PROGRAM: Jenni Marcols reported that the April meeting will be at the Jefferson County Government Building. We will meet in one of the Commissioners rooms. It will be an open forum type of meeting. We will also work on Senior Heroes.

LIASION: Donna Mullins said that this group is to keep the Council informed on senior activities. Right now there are 25,000 seniors needing housing. What can the Council do to help out in this crisis?

The business portion of the meeting was adjourned by President, Cary Johnson.

Enrique Hernandez, Utility Assistance Grants Manager for Energy Outreach Colorado, was our guest speaker. He spoke on different ways to save energy. He also explained he different assistance programs that are available and what you must do to qualify. They are Low Income Energy Assistance Program, Energy Outreach Colorado, Crisis Intervention Program and Colorado Weatherization Assistance Program.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Ellen Peters, Secretary