BYLAW NO. 2016-21

A Bylaw to Classify, License, Regulate, Control and Govern Businesses, Industries, Trades, Occupations or Callings.

The Council of the Town of Radville, in the Province of Saskatchewan, enacts and approves the following:

  1. This Bylaw may be cited as the “Licensing Bylaw.
  1. In this bylaw the expression “transient trader” shall have the meaning ascribed to it by The Municipalities Act.
  1. No person shall carry on any business, trade or calling set out in section 10 of this Bylaw within the Town of Radville unless a valid and subsisting license has been issued by the Town of Radville.
  1. The Town Administrator or designate of the Town of Radville is hereby authorized to issue a license to any person to carry on business in the Town of Radville:
  1. Who is not assessed by the Town of Radville for the purpose of taxation in respect of that business, trade or calling, and
  1. Who makes an application for a businesses license stating the nature of the business; or
  1. Who tenders with an application to operate a business in the Town of Radville the proper license fee herein provided for, in section 10.
  1. Every license issued under the authority of this Bylaw, unless suspended or revoked, shall expire on the thirty-first (31) day of December of each year of issue.
  1. Where a license is issued after the first (1) day of August in any year, the fee payable under section 10 shall be reduced by fifty per cent (50%).
  1. Upon the expiration of license issued hereunder, a new license shall be issued only upon application and payment of the annual fee required by this Bylaw.
  1. Every license issued shall state the general nature of the business for which the license was issued.
  1. Every licensee under this Bylaw shall upon request, provide the license issued for inspection purposes.
  1. Subject to section 6, the fee payable shall be as set out in Schedule “A” (attached), forming a part of this Bylaw.
  1. The issuing of a license does not relieve the responsibility of conforming with any zoning, building, plumbing and other requirements of the Town of Radville, the Province of Saskatchewan or the Government of Canada.
  1. Any person who violates any procession of this Bylaw is guilty of an offense and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00).
  1. Bylaw No. 5-83 is herby repealed.





READ a first time this 28th day of November, A.D., 2016.

READ a second time this 28thday of November, A.D., 2016

READ a third time and adopted this 28thday of November, A.D., 2016.

Certified a true copy of Bylaw No. 2016-21

Adopted by council on the 28h day of November, 2016


Town Administrator

Schedule “A” to Bylaw No. 2016-21

Accountants, Auditors, Bookkeepers

Barristers and Solicitors




Carpet Layers



Real Estate Agency or Appraisers

Sewage Services

Frozen Food Services

Plumbing, Heating or Refrigeration

Automobile and Machinery Dealers

Concrete Suppliers and Installers

Siding and Eaves Trough Installers

Cupboard Builders and Installers



Automobile Wreckers

Commission Agents

Transient Traders

Welders and Machinists

Unclassified Businesses

Each of the Above an Annual Fee$200.00

Advertising Canvassers

Barbers, Hair Stylists, Beauticians

Carpet and Furnace Cleaners

Catering Services

Services – Janitorial, Auctioneers, Repair, etc.



Each of the Above an Annual Fee$50.00

Direct Sellers

Each of the Above an Annual Fee$20.00

Taxi Service


Carnivals and Midways

Trade Shows

Bake Sales

Farmers Markets

Raffles or Ticket Sales

Donations, Charity or Fundraising (Inclusive Services)

Home Party Direct Sales and Consultants (Tupperware, Food, Jewelery, Cosmetics, Cleaning, Health and Beauty Products)

R.M. of Laurier #38 Businesses that are Commercially Assessed.

Each of the AboveEXEMPT