Supplementary Material

Clinical Presentation of Paget’s Disease: Evaluation of a Contemporary Cohort and Systematic Review

Adrian TanMB ChB, MRCP

Stuart H Ralston MD, FRCP

Supplementary Table 1: Relation between Pagetic fractures and country specific hip fracture rates

Hip fracture rates, per 100,000 population
Country / Studies included / Pagetic Fracture (%) / Female / Male / Source of hip fracture data
Brazil / [17;21] / 2.9 / 202 / 104 / Morales-Torres 2004 [14]
China / [18] / 0.0 / 97 / 87 / Dhanwal 2010 [11]
India / [24-26] / 27.0 / 105 / 159 / Dhanwal 2013 [10]
Ireland / [31] / 12.5 / 488 / 167 / Svedbom 2013 [12]
Italy / [5;20;28] / 7.2 / 189.5 / 498.5 / Svedbom 2013 [12]
Japan / [23] / 9.5 / 368 / 99.6 / Dhanwal 2010 [11]
Russia / [37] / 8.0 / 279 / 176 / Lesnyak 2012 [13]
Spain / [16] / 4.8 / 353 / 125.9 / Svedbom 2013 [12]
UK / [32;35;43]* / 16.2 / 523 / 186 / Svedbom 2013 [12]
USA / [15;22;34] / 9.5 / 553 / 197 / Dhanwal 2010 [11]

* Data from the present study was also included with the UK studies

Supplementary Figure 1. Correlation between Pagetic fracture and country-specific hip fracture rates in men and women.

Panel A: Relation between reported proportion of patients who presented with a Pagetic fracture in relation to country specific rates of hip fracture in women. Panel B. Relation between reported proportion of patients who presented with a Pagetic fracture in relation to country specific rates of hip fracture in men. Data from different countries are indicated as follows: CN- China; BRA –Brasil; ES – Spain; IT- Italy; RUS- Russia; JPN – Japan; USA – United States of America; IRL – Ireland; UK – United Kingdom; IN – India. Spearman correlation co-efficients are shown for all data and the data excluding India.


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