Radolinski[l1] Lesson Plans 12/6/10—12/10/10 –INTERIMS GO OUT FRIDAY!

Biology-/bio period 1,adv Bio period4 /DNA and RNABio. 1a/6a-e /3b,c,d,e/5d,e /6a,b / Monday
12/6/10 / Tuesday 12/7/10 / WED.12/8 / Thurs.12/9 / Fri.
Hw review/announcements(10-15) / Opener
learning journal
discuss film they watched Friday-Double Helix / opener
learning journal
check hw / opener
learning journal
check hw / opener
learning journal
discuss lab results / opener
learning journal
Present new/review old(20-25) / Use notes to explain protein synthesis(SECTION III),watch animations of process
--make protein synthesis posters using their model and Velcro,etc.-They must explain process to me / finish protein synthesis model / turn in protein synthesis posters
quiz / quiz / ch12test
Activity(30-35) / cont’d / / / fi
Guided Practice (10-15) / cont’d / evolution notes
Reteach /review (10-15) / cont’d
Closure (5-10) / hw—quiz Wed on ch 12 vocab and spelling,Thursday quiz Protein synthesis,test Friday on ch 12,chapter 12 review due Thursday / hw—quiz Wed on ch 12 vocab and spelling,Thursday quiz Protein synthesis,test Friday on ch 12,chapter 12 review due Thursday / hw—Thursday quiz Protein synthesis,test Friday on ch 12,chapter 12 review due Thursday,lab questions due Friday / hw—study for test and lab questions due
/ hw-evolution notes questions
Human Anatomy and Physiology-period 2- diagnostic medicine,nervous system / Monday
12/6/10 / Tuesday 12/7/10 / WED.
12/8 / Thurs.
12/9 / Fri.
Hw review/announcements(10-15) / Opener
learning journal
collect workbk’s / Opener
learning journal
check hw / opener
learning journal / opener
learning journal
check hw / opener
learning journal
Present new/review old(20-25) / quiz / discuss developing brain films we watched / quiz / discuss any remaining notes / ch 7 test-hopefully
Activity(30-35) / possibly finish beautiful mind film-discuss / discuss notes on nervous cerebrum notes-at least / finish film / go over review from book and workbk / notes on next system
Guided Practice (10-15) / Aging Brain film w/notes / discuss text questions / possible dissection of sheep or cow brain if I can buy some at market / film on nervous system
Reteach /review (10-15) / discuss remainder of notes-This may alter plans
Closure (5-10) / Hw-quiz Wednesday,hopefully test on Friday,chapter 7 review due Thursday / Hw-quiz Wednesday,hopefully test on Friday,ch 7 review for Thursday / Hw-hopefully test on Friday,ch 7 review for Thursday / hw- test / hw- text questions,
