Google Options Sidebar: Get Rid of It

So, Google has been springing their new sidebar on unsuspecting users for several months now. It hit me in late August of 2010. I have no idea how they identify who is to afflicted with this terrible thing. When I Goggle on one computer I am afflicted, from another I am not. Clearing all cookies does not help.

I have a visual handicap. I have a large display and set it to 1152 x 864 pixels to be able to see things well. Without the side bar I was able to work with Google just fine. With the sidebar it pushes the search results to the right so I have to scroll right to be able to see them properly. That is more than inconvenient. See what I mean:

There have been proposed a number of workarounds to get the sidebar to go away, but Google has been working hard to prevent such workarounds from working. I am currently using a Firefox plugin (Hide Google Options) that helps.

With this plugin I am able to read the search results without needing to scroll to the right:

Notice that Google returns about 66,400 results for “Hide Google Options.”

For Mozilla Firefox users:

You first need to install the Firefox Greasemonkey Plug-in from Once you install it, restart the browser and proceed to the next step. Now visit this that has the script to disable the Google Everything sidebar. Click on install and the script would add automatically to the Greasemonkey and enable it. Alternatively, you can click here and enable or disable the Google Everything sidebar. This works only for search results.

For Internet Explorer & Opera Users:

If you need permanent options of removing the unwanted sidebar from your web browsers you could also refer to this website It give you valuable information on how to ensure you have the sidebar is disabled in the most safest and intrusive way.

Another option is to use Google Mobile.

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