No.PA/Dir.(Sports)F.1(8)/DDA/2005 January 18, 2008

SUB:Minutes of the pre-bid meeting held on 16.01.2008 in connection with submission of RFPs for engagement of an Architectural-cum-Project Management Consultant for development of a Golf Facility Centre (Club House) at the Qutab Golf Course.

A list of DDA officials and representatives of intending parties who attended the above pre-bid meeting is placed at Annexure.

At the outset Shri Nand Lal, Finance Member, DDA emphasized the requirement of a club house at the Qutab Golf Course. The Finance Member, DDA stated that the Qutab Golf Course is the first public golf course in the country. The popularity of the Qutab Golf Course has been rapidly increasing and it has been the venue for a large number of golf events, conducted by the corporate sector as well as by private and government organizations.

Though the Qutab Golf Course has now reached international standards the hospitality services have not kept pace with the development of the course. A golf course requires proper club house facilities which are presently not available at the Qutab Golf Course. The Finance Member, DDA, hence impressed upon the urgency in constructing the club building at the Qutab Golf Course.

The design aspects of the facility with state of the art amenities was also emphasized upon by the Finance Member. The facilities for the proposed club house should match those of any signature course in the country.

Queries/suggestions on the terms and conditions of the RFP document were thereafter invited. The following queries were raised and the response to the queries are given as under:-

  1. It was suggested that initially only technical bids may be submitted and financial bids from only those firms who are technically qualified be called for.

ResponseThis was not agreed to and both the technical and financial bids would have to be submitted together as mentioned in the RFP document.

  1. It was suggested that DDA should not insist on payment of fees against bank guarantee (Para K-3)

ResponseThis was not agreed to and it was mentioned that this condition is being followed by DDA for all other time-bound projects like projects for the Commonwealth Games.

  1. Some clarifications were sought about submission of RFPs (Para L-3)

ResponseIt was clarified that the last date for receipt of RFPs would mean the last date for receipt of technical and financial bids.

  1. Contour survey drawings were requested by some firms

ResponseIt was agreed that DDA would provide the contour survey drawings of the proposed site. This is enclosed.

  1. Requirement for extension of clearance given by Archeological Survey of India (ASI)

ResponseIt was intimated that as per Para F.20 of the RFP it is clearly indicated that the approval of the ASI is for a period of one year, w.e.f. 30.4.2007 and that extension of the same would need to be taken by the consultant, if required.

  1. Clarifications were sought on an approach road to the construction site for transporting construction material.

ResponseIt was clarified that a temporary road would need to be built for accessing the site.

Annexure - I


  1. Mr. Shekhar Dey, Chief Engineer (SEZ)
  2. Mr. S.K. Agarwala, Addl. Chief Architect
  3. Mr. D.Sarkar, Director (Sports)
  4. Mr. P.M. Parate, Director (Plg.)
  5. Mr. Ashok Godeshwar, Sr. Architect (SZ)
  6. Mr. P. Bhattacharjee, EE/EL. D-II
  7. Mr. Peush Kumar, Asstt. Director (LS)
  8. Mr. Brig. Virendra Kumar, Secretary, QGC
  9. Wg. Cdr. Sanjeev Chatterji, Asstt. Secretary, QGC

Annexure – II


  1. Mr. S.C. Jain, M/s Architect Bureau
  2. M/s G.M. Architect Bureau
  3. Mr. Ramkumar Subramanian, Director, M/s Collage Design
  4. Mr. G.S. Bindra, M/s Aakar
  5. Mr. Puneet Bhardwaj, Architect, M/s Kothari Associates
  6. Wg.Cdr. N.K. Dube (Retd.), M/s Kothari Associates
  7. Mr. Devendra Kumar, Manager, Architects, M/s D.K. Associates
  8. Mr. M.J.A. Khan, M/s SPC Engineers
  9. Mr. Rajinder Kumar, M/s R.K. Associates