St. Boniface, St. Joseph, & St. John the Baptist Parishes November 4, 2012

We are all one body, one body in Christ, and we do not stand alone. We are Christ’s body, His hands and feet. We will speak His word of life to everyone we meet.

Hear, O Israel!
The Lord our God is Lord alone!
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart,
with all your soul,
with all your mind,
and with all your strength.
The second is this:
You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
There is no other commandment greater than these."

Pastor: Fr. David Fulton, PO Box 170, Fordyce-NE 402-357-3506

Emai: website:

Deacons:Marcus Potts (F) Brian Heine (F)

Clarence Jansen (M)Rod Wiebelhaus (F)

Phones:St. John Rectory357-3506St. John Fax 357-3795

St. John Hall357-2322West Cath. 357-3507East Catholic357-2146 St. Joseph Hall 357-3761

St. Boniface Prayer Line:Betty Peitz 402-357-3577

St. John Prayer Line:Amy Dickes 357-3301 or

Donna Potts 357-3728

Marriage Arrangements:at least 6 months in advance

Mass Intentions:Mark “Mass Intention” and put in Sunday collection or mail to Carole Schulte, PO Box 116, Fordyce-NE 68736. Indicatewho, desired date and parish.

Confession: St. Joseph: 7:00 – 7:25 p.m. (before Mass)

St. John: Sunday 10:10-10:25 & Frist Fridays 7:15–7:30 am and by app’t.

St. Boniface: Sunday 8:00-8:25 am and Wednesday evenings 6:30-7:00 pm during schoolyear.

St. Boniface Eucharistic Adoration: Wed 5:30 –6:30 pm; Thurs 6:50 –7:50 am

First Friday Adoration: after 8:00 am Mass till 7pm at St. John the Baptist

Eucharistic Holy Hour and Our Lady of Perpetual Help Devotion:

Tues 6:45 am-7:45 am at St. John

Secretary Hours:School Year: M-F: 8:00 a.m. till 4:00 p.m.

The Parish Office will now be located in the school. Please feel free to stop by the school anytime for parish business.

Sunday Giving

St. Joseph (Oct 28): Envelopes - $165; Plate - $24; Endowment Contributions this fiscal year-to-date - $20

St. John (Oct 28):Envelopes - $505; Plate - $91; World Mission Sunday Collection - $10; Haven House Collection - $42; Endowment Contributions this fiscal year-to-date - $0; Loan @ CSB –$2600

St. Boniface (Oct 28):Envelopes - $1267; Plate - $68; Dollar Collection - $70; Endowment Contributions this fiscal year-to-date - $20; Loan @ CSB –$7,270; Roof Fund to date - $5,315.

Scripture Readings

Mon:Phil 2:1-4; Lk 14:12-14

Tue:Phil 2:5-11; Lk 14:15-24

Wed:Phil 2:12-18; Lk 14:25-33

Thu:Phil 3:3-8a; Lk 15:1-10

Fri:Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17

Jn 2:13-22

Sat:Phil 4:10-19; Lk 16:9-15


St. John the Baptist

First Friday Adoration:8:30 am – 7:00 pm followed by Benediction and Closing

Eucharistic Holy Hour and Our Lady of Perpetual Help Devotions:

Tuesdays 6:45 am-7:45 am

St. Boniface Eucharistic Adoration

Wednesday: 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm

Thursday: 6:50 am – 7:50 am


Jesus Christ versus Other High Priests by Fr. Munachi

Deuteronomy 6:2-6 / Hebrews 7:23-28 / Mark 12:28-34

During the American Civil War, a young soldier who had lost his father and older brother in the war went to Washington, D.C. to see if he could get an exemption from military service. As the only surviving male in the family, he wanted to go back home and help his mother and sister with cultivating the field, which only men could do. When he approached the White House and asked to see the president, he was turned away by security guards. The soldier, dejected, went and sat down on a park bench nearby, unsure what else to do.
Soon after, a little boy approached him and said, "You look unhappy, soldier. What's wrong?" The soldier told his story. Then the little boy took him by the hand, and led him through the back door of the White House, past the guards, and into the president's office. President Lincoln looked up and asked, "What can I do for you, Tad?" Tad said, "Daddy, this soldier needs to talk to you." The soldier was not turned away. The president listened to his story and granted his request without delay.
Many people today think that it does not matter what god you pray to because every deity is ultimately the same deity, worshipped in different names by different people. There is an element of truth to this. The different natural religions in the world are as a result of the human groping for God in the darkness of the human condition. But Christianity, by the fact of the incarnation, is not a natural religion. It is a revealed religion. Christianity did not come about as a result of humans searching for God, but rather of God searching for us humans. In the fulness of time, God sent into the world, not a prophet, not an angel, but His own Son, His only begotten Son, to show us the way to Him.
In times past, God spoke in partial and various ways to our ancestors through the prophets; 2 in these last days, he spoke to us through a son, whom he made heir of all things and through whom he created the universe (Hebrews 1:1-2)
What sets Jesus apart from other founders of religion, priests and prophets, is the fact that he is God's own Son. More than anyone that has walked this earth, he knows the mind of God, whom he calls Abba, Daddy. Like Tad, the President's son in our story, he can most easily and most assuredly bring us into God's presence.
The Letter to the Hebrews compares the one son, Jesus, to the many priests of the old covenant. Following our analogy, we can compare the priests of the old covenant and of other religions to the security guards. They can bring us to see the President but it takes more time, more protocol, and less certainty that we will eventually see him. With His Son Jesus, access to God is less complicated and virtually assured.
Add to the fact that Jesus is God's only begotten Son the equally important fact that he lives forever, and you will understand his role as the unique and eternal high priest as presented in today's second reading.
The former priests were many in number, because they were prevented by death from continuing in office; 24 but he holds his priesthood permanently, because he continues forever. 25 Consequently he is able for all time to save those who approach God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them. (Hebrews 7:23-25)
As a body, Christians in the world today have a problem. We have a problem of low self esteem. We underrate ourselves. We do not appreciate how chosen and how special we are as followers of God's only Son. We compare ourselves with people who live by the light of nature and reason alone. We forget to see that of all mankind, we are supposed to be the most godly, the most loving, the most enlightened, the most generous, the most understanding, the most forgiving, the most non-violent and peaceable, the most shining samples of God's image and likeness available in the world. Today, we are invited to begin to see ourselves for what we truly are, by God's grace, and to let God work in us and through us, for the greater glory of His name, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.


November 4, Sunday – Sacred Heart Parish Bazaar and Dinner. Serving from 11:00 a.m. till 6:00 p.m. at the Sacred Heart Parish Community Center at 509 Capital Street in Yankton. Menu: homemade turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, corn, dinner rolls, salad, dessert and beverage. Discounted tickets available in advance, takeouts available (go to back door, West side of kitchen). Bingo from 2:00 p.m. till 4:00 p.m.

November 7, Wednesday – Sacred Heart Parish in Yankton welcomes Sarah Swafford who will present her chastity message of Pure Freedom. There will be a parent session from 6:00 – 7:15 p.m. followed by a youth presentation from 7:30 p.m. till 8:45 p.m. A meal will be served from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Childcare will be provided during the event as well. More information about Sarah’s ministry may be found at Contact Dave at Sacred Heart Parish for more information: 605-665-3655. If you are planning to attend, please let us know so we can plan accordingly for food and materials. As you would expect, there is a significant cost to bring this chastity message to Yankton. Any donations would be greatly appreciated!

November 7, Wednesday - The Generation Life group will be giving a talk on chastity to Cedar students at 2 pm and to CCD students and the general public at 7 pm at Cedar Catholic High Schoolin Hartington. Join us!

Knights of Columbus

Candlelight Christmas

Soup Supper

Fri. Nov. 16th

Serving from 4:30 - ???

Chili - Chicken Soup - Hot Dogs - Fresh Baked Cookies

Watch the parade on our Big Screen TV

broadcast live in our Hall


Holy Family Play and Dinner Theater, "THE REDNECKS BITE BACK."

Location: Bow Valley Hall. Dates: play only performances Saturday, November 17, 7:00 pm, and matinee Sunday,November 18, 2:00 pm. Dinner Theatre (meal and play) Sunday evening, November 18, social hour 5:30 pm, dinner 6:00, play 7:00. Tickets must be purchased in advance for the Sunday evening performance and will be available until Nov. 11 at the following locations: Bank of Hartington, Sudbeck Service, St Helena Store, Cedar Security Bank in Wynot.

November 30-December 2, 2012 - BEGINNING EXPERIENCE Weekend for widowed, divorced & separated is designed to allowpeople to work through theemotions of losing a spouse. Through this weekend many arehealed, transformed, and freed to love themselves, others & God. The next weekend isplanned for Nov. 30-Dec 2, 2012 at Broomtree Retreat Center, Irene, SD. For moreinfo or an application, please call:Sue 605-941-5867 or Lois 605-332-1138


October is dedicated as Respect Life Month

Throughout the month we are asked to reflect upon life and how precious it really is. “Rescue those who are being dragged to death and from those tottering to execution withdraw not.” Proverbs 24:11 There are many actions we as Catholics can do to help reserve life. St. John’s Ladies Guild chooses to help the needy children and families in our area by supporting Birthright. There will be a layette in the back of church throughout the month of October. Please bring your gently used or new baby items to be donated to Birthright.

The Parish Center Building Project Meeting has been postponed to a later date that is yet undecided. Please watch the bulletin for further updates.

November 5, Monday – St. Boniface Ladies Guild will meet at 7:00 p.m. We will be voting for a new President at this meeting

November 7, Wednesday - Please join the St. John’s Ladies Guild for a Fiesta Party and Election of Officers on Nov 7th at 7:00 p.m. Food and beverages will be provided. Come enjoy a"Girl's Night Out". Door prizes will be given!

St. Boniface Parish Council and parishioners are to be commended for the great fundraiser Oct. 27th. So much work behind the scenes to sell tickets, to serve the delicious meal and get the many oral and silent auction items. It was certainly well organized. You wouldn’t think that the area experienced a drought with the many enthusiastic bidders! One word describes the success of the fundraiser and that is GENEROSITY. Giving of time and effort in planning and organizing along with the generous bidders. All this giving is bound to build a stronger faith in this year of renewal on the 50th anniversary of Vatican II. Generous giving of oneself and faith go hand in hand. Keep up the good work!

Fr. Tim Lange

Archbishop’s Annual AppealGoalDonations to DateDonors

St. John the Baptist Parish$5565.90$2491.00 44.75%22

St. Boniface Parish$5629.74$1695.00 30.10%15

St. Joseph Parish$1405.82$1120.32 79.69%10

Please return your pledge cards, even if you are not making a monetary donation.

There are extra envelopes in the back of church if you need one.

Watch more online! Learn more about how your support of the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal makes a difference in the lives of so many in our community. Visit to hear their stories.

The first St. Boniface Centennial Cookbooks that were published in 1982are available for sale for $15.00. Please contact Julie Arens if you would like to buy one.

There are boxes in the back of both St. Boniface and St. Joseph Churches for donations to the Haven House in Hartington. If each family would donate one item that would be great! Items needed: Diapers (any size), underwear (women’s size 6), paper towels, shampoo,conditioner, dish soap, deodorant, body wash, cleaning supplies (Windex,409), garbage bags (tall kitchen), laundry soap, hand soap, gift cards for groceries, gas at local stores. Thank You!

West Catholic School would like to say “thanks” to the donor who paid another bus fuel bill at Wiebelhaus Service. Your generosity eases the burden on our budget!

St. Boniface Youth Choir

Choir Sings: Nov 11, Nov 18, Dec 9, Dec 16, Dec 16, Dec 23, Dec 24 (Christmas Eve Mass)

Important to be at practice as we will begin planning our Christmas Mass music!

Choir Practice: after each Sunday we sing in Sep-0ct-Nov-Dec.

TEMPORARY HELP WANTED: Flexible Hours. Maximum 20 hours per week. Custodian – duties: Snow Removal, General Maintenance. If interested: Contact Mr. Bosch, (402)388-4393.

First Friday Adoration

St. John the Baptist is in need of additional adorers for First Friday Adoration. Please contact Donna Potts at 357-3728 or call the parish office at 357-3506 if you’d like to participate.

St. Joseph’s Covenant Keepers A new St. Joseph’s Covenant Keepers group is forming at St. Boniface Church in Menominee. They will meet on the first Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. For more information, please visit or call Ryan Tramp at 388-2426.

St. Joseph’s Covenant Keepers (i.e. SJCK) is an informal international network of Christian men, under the patronage of St. Joseph, dedicated to strengthening the family. The primary thrust of St. Joseph’s Covenant Keepers is to men who are fathers of children still living at home. However, we warmly welcome Christian men of all ages, callings, and states in life: grandfathers wanting to strengthen their children and grandchildren; single men preparing for the vocation of marriage; and especially pastors serving as indispensable spiritual fathers in the family of God. Participation is open to all men who agree with, and who are willing to promote, the eight commitments of St. Joseph’s Covenant Keepers.

A New Women’s Group will begin at St. Boniface Church in Menominee and will meet the first Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m.. For more information, call Kim Tramp at 388-2426.


West Catholic 100 Club Winners for the month of October are:

$50.00 Bob & JoAnn Wiebelhaus

$25.00 Donavan Wiebelhaus

$25.00 Roman & Arlene Arens

Cedar Catholic 300 Club Winners for the month of October are:

$300 – Mark & Jarinda Sudbeck

$100 each: Steven & Carrie Heine, Melvin Lammers, Kurt & Shanna Dendinger , Chuck & Bev Feilmeier

The HyVee SmartPoints Program

West Catholic School has a commanding lead at present. Keep up the great work! We have until the end of November to collect points. You can get bonus points by purchasing $5.00 worth of Sara Lee products in conjunction with your purchase of the following products:

AlignCoverGirlHead & ShouldersOral B

AlwaysCrestHerbal EssencesPampers






CharminFebreezeMr. CleanSecret

CheerFixodentNatural InstinctsSwifter

ClairolGainNice ‘n EasyTampax


GleemOld SpiceVicks

Burnell’s Foodtown Cash Register Tapes for Education Program begins September 1st and runs through March 2013. This is a wonderful fundraiser for our school, please take advantage of it! Just drop your cash register receipts from Foodtown in the West Catholic box at the store, or you can drop them off at school. Thanks for your participation in this program!

HyVee Cards – Imagine if 5% of your monthly grocery purchases went to the school. If you’ve never purchased HyVee Cards, now’s the time to start! You can get them at Cedar Security Bank, The Carpenter Shop (just south of HyVee) and also from Mary Schaefer, Ruth Wiebelhaus, Lora Wiebelhaus, or at the school. Let’s take full advantage of this program!

There are LOTS of ways to help out West Catholic Elementary. Check out this list!

Box Tops for EducationClip those box tops and bring them to school

Land O’ Lakes Milk Jug Lids-Each one is worth 5 cents – drink lots of milk!

TargetUse your Target card andat checkout just mention that you want your donation to go to West Catholic Elementary

People’s GroceryCrofton, NE will donate 3 cents for every Shur-Fresh label you clip.

Ink CartridgesSend your used ink cartridges to the school-we’ll turn them into $$$

Old Cell PhonesSend them to school instead of throwing them away.

Coca-Cola LidsSend them to the school and we’ll put them to good use!– LOTS of retailers will donate a % of your purchase to the school. You just need to log into their website when you want to make on on-line purchase and from there you navigate to your favorite stores. You can use this in combination with scrip cards and turn your 15% contribution into a 20% contribution!

So Much More than

Gas and Grocery

West Catholic Scrip Card Program


In order for Scrip to work, a participating retailer agrees to give a discount to Great Lake Scrip Center. This discount is passed along to the school, and when the certificate is sold by the school for FULL Face Value, this discount becomes revenue for the school.