The Bible Teachable Concepts and Reflection Questions
Episode 5: Jesus & Peter
Jesus making a fisherman into a fisher of men.
Luke 5:1-11
Teachable Concepts:
God uses the simple things of the world to change the world.
Jesus saw success where Peter saw failure.
Jesus called Peter as he was, doubtful and simple, and showed him a great destiny: “You will be a fisher of men.”
Jesus demonstrates that he is Lord, also, of the sea and all in it. His miracle demonstrates his claim to divinity.
Jesus also reveals his life’s purpose here with the challenge: “You will be a fisher of men.” Jesus wants to rescue (save) humans and bring them into the Kingdom of God and into relationship with Him.
Peter, while doubtful at first, does demonstrate great awe and faith at witnessing one miracle. He does not know how God works through Jesus, only that he does. It is only after Jesus’ resurrection that Peter, and the other disciples, fully begin to understand who Jesus really is.
Christ’s model of love is revealed here. He met Peter’s need before communicating spiritual truths.
Questions to reflect upon:
The video clip does add lines not in the scripture. The two that are distinct are “I want to give you a new life” and “Change the world.” Do these lines reflect the heart of the biblical passage? In what way was this moment in Peter’s life the beginning of a new life for him? Why does the phrase “Change the world” explain Christ’s purpose on earth?
What does Christ mean by being “a fisher of men?” Is this a calling for us as well as Peter?
How can we be “fishers of men?”
Episode 6: Jesus’ Baptism
John the Baptist baptizes Jesus Christ
Matthew 3:13-17
Teachable Concepts:
Baptism is a public declaration of a private choice.
It is an act done as a reflection of the purification rights of the Jews: we do it to show we are clean and choose to stay pure.
We are choosing to die to the "old man" (in Paul's words) and be alive to the "new man." This is done by choosing, by faith, to accept Christ’s sacrifice for our lives. In baptism, we acknowledge we are accepting Christ’s death as our death to our old life and we are accepting Christ’s resurrection as the beginning of our new life.
It's the declaration of His Deity, it's also a declaration of our decision to follow Him.
John immediately recognizes Jesus as his cousin but also recognizes the divinity of Christ. For this reason, he attempts to discourage Christ from being baptized.
God’s power and His Spirit descend on Christ after Christ’s obedience to be baptized. The first step we must take in relationship to God is obedience.
The voice of God reaffirms the divine relationship between God and Christ. Christ’s divinity and claim as Son of God are confirmed in this.
We are reminded of Christ’s love for us. He sacrificed his own life for us.
Questions to reflect upon:
What does it mean to die to the “old life” and begin the “new life”?
Why was John hesitant to baptize Jesus?
What do you think Christ meant by telling John that he (Christ) must be baptized to “fulfill all righteousness?”
Have you been baptized? What was your experience of baptism?
Why is necessary to have a “public declaration” of the “private choice” to follow Christ as Lord and Savior?
Episode 7: Walking on Water
Christ’s invitation to Peter to have faith amidst the tempest.
Matthew 14:22-33
Teachable Concepts:
Jesus’ miracle over the laws of nature reaffirms his claim as the Son of God and his claim to divinity. Jesus confirms that he is Lord over all of creation.
The fourth watch of the night was between 3:00 and 6:00 A.M. The disciples have been battling the waves for nearly nine hours. They are exhausted.
Jesus responds to Peter with the statement “It is I,” or literally, “I am” (the Greek words are ego eimi). This recall’s the name God told to Moses in the burning bush. This is also another claim to divinity.
Peter was challenged to keep his eyes on God and not on the circumstances.
He was only in danger when he took his eyes off of God and looked at the waves.
Despite his lack of faith, God still rescued him.
Christ’s demonstration of power reaffirms his encouragement to “not be afraid.” He rules over all.
Questions to reflect upon:
In your personal life, what circumstances cause you to take your eyes off of Christ?
The video clip shows Judas arguing that the Messiah should be a warrior. There was a belief among some Jews that the Messiah should be a conqueror and Judas expresses that belief. In what other ways was Jesus different than people’s expectations at the times?
Again, Peter is at the center of a major miracle. What was it about Peter that Christ often worked miracles around and with him?
Jesus says to Peter, “Why did you doubt?” Peter doesn’t provide an answer. Why do you think Peter doubted?
Episode 8: The Last Supper
Christ’s final fellowship and farewell to his disciples.
Matthew 26:20-28
Teachable Concepts:
In the video clip, Jesus reminds the disciples to not be afraid. This clip also uses a quote from Jesus spoken in John 14:6: “I am the Truth, the Way, and the Light.” The quote concludes with “No one comes to the Father except through me.” This is a reaffirmation of Christ’s divinity and the purpose for his coming to Earth.
In regards to Communion, it is a reflection/repetition of the Jewish tradition of Passover. Passover was celebrated to remember God’s protection of the people of Israel while they were in bondage and to remember God’s providence in bringing them out of Egypt.
Christ's sacrifice, as remembered in Communion, was the supreme providence and protection.
As well, in the Jewish mind, eating a meal was a way to confirm a covenant. Partaking in Communion is a repetition of confirming our choice to live in the New Covenant Christ established.
In verse 24, Jesus begins by saying “As it is written . . .” He is referencing the prophecies of the suffering servant in Isaiah 42-53. Jesus references his claim to be the Messiah and to fulfill prophecy with this statement.
The other disciples call Jesus “Lord.” Judas calls Jesus “Rabbi” or “Teacher.” There is no reference in Scripture where Judas calls Jesus “Lord.” Judas was able to accept Christ as teacher but not as Lord.
By Jesus claiming that his body and his blood would be the sacrifice, he was claiming that he was the final and ultimate fulfillment of the Old Testament sacrifices. His sacrifice on the cross would be the final one needed and fulfill all of the sacrificial requirements.
Questions to reflect upon:
In what ways is Communion a celebration of God’s providence in bringing us out of bondage?
Why was Judas unable to call Jesus “Lord?” What is the difference between calling Jesus “Lord” versus calling him “teacher?”
How is Christ’s sacrifice the ultimate sacrifice? How does it fulfill the Old Testament sacrificial requirements?
Why did Jesus need to remind them to “remember” him? Why did they need reassurance that he would always be with them?
Episode 9: Pilate meets Jesus
Pilate’s quest for information as he meets the Truth
John 18:33-38
Teachable Concepts:
This scene provides a contrast between the two authorities in life: The Authority of God versus The Authority of Man.
Pilate was the representative of the Roman Empire, the invading force, in Jerusalem. He held the power to sentence Christ to death.
Yet, Christ, the representative of God’s kingdom on Earth, truly held the power over life and death.
Christ’s authority superseded Pilates and was demonstrated by not needing to defend himself to Pilate.
Jesus said “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting.” Jesus references his claim to divinity here as well as to his ultimate power as the Son of God.
Christ also says “For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I have come into the world–to bear witness to the truth.” Christ reaffirms his purpose in coming to Earth.
Christ’s statement that he came into the world “to bear witness to the truth” echoes his claim in John 14:6, “I am the Truth, the Way, and the Light.” Christ did not just claim to be a great teacher. He instead came to be the source of Truth and Light and the only Way.
Questions to reflect upon:
How is Christ’s kingdom different that earthly kingdoms?
Pilate responds to Christ, “What is truth?” How would you answer that question?
Writer C. S. Lewis said of Christ that his claims were so extraordinary that Jesus was either a “liar,” a “lunatic,” or “Lord?” How were Christ’s claims extraordinary?
Judas called Christ only “teacher.” How does this title not truly reflect Christ’s own claims about himself?
Episode 10: Ananias & Paul
Ananias’ call to forgive and anoint his oppressor
Acts 9:10-22
Teachable Concepts:
Ananias responds to Christ with the statement, “Here I am,” echoing the replies of Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Samuel, Isaiah and others when God called them.
The healing of Saul’s physical blindness also demonstrates that his spiritual blindness was healed.
Baptism is a public declaration of a private choice. Saul’s decision to be baptized immediately was important because he was publicly declaring his change of heart and life. He had previously declared publicly his hatred for Christians.
God uses us to spread his love. He used Ananias, an individual personally affected by Saul’s campaign against Christians, to demonstrate forgiveness and love to Saul.
Questions to reflect upon:
How difficult was it for Ananias to go to Saul, a man known for hunting and killing Christians?
How, prior to his conversion, was Saul spiritually blind?
When were you spiritually blind? What is the difference between now and then?
Why do you think God chose an individual personally hurt by Saul’s prior actions to be the vehicle of forgiveness and love to Saul?
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Contributed by: Jason Batt, Group Life Director, Capital Christian Center, Sacramento, CA