15/10/2009 - BBC Radio 4 Woman's hour interview re. Angie's new 'public understanding' role. (4 million 'on the day' listeners, plus downloads, i-player and podcasts.) Angie received over 200 emails following this interview! Hear it here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/womanshour/03/2009_41_thu.shtml.

·  15/10/2009 - Angie's Times Higher Education interview comes out. (THE has a weekly circulation of 28,000, a weekly readership of 60,000 HE professionals and www.timeshighereducation.co.uk registers a global audience of over 400,000 unique HE users each month.) Read the article here: http://www.timeshighereducation.co.uk/story.asp?sectioncode=26&storycode=408677&c=1


·  Angie gave an interview re. her new 'public understanding' role to The Philosophers' Magazine. (Set up in 1997 this quarterly is distributed in the UK and USA and already has a circulation which is doubling year-on-year and currently stands at 3,500. The website receives around 3,000 unique visitors each week.

·  12/11/09 - Meeting with Dr Philip Pothen, Head of Communications, AHRC. He was very pleased with how it went, see 'Many thanks' email in 'General Praise' file.

·  12/11/09 - interview for AHRC podcast on Angie's new role.Published on their website on 8.12.09 and it can be found at www.ahrc.ac.uk/News/Podcasts/Pages/angiehobbs.aspx

·  16/11/09 - Angie wrote some philosophical questions and answers to promote the IGGY event, (The International Gateway for Gifted Youth) at Warwick Uni. (The questions appear on give-away cards, students then need to visit the website to find out the answer.)

·  19/11/09 - Guest contributor on Radio 4's In Our Time. This week's topic is Sparta. 3.5 million 'on the day' listeners, plus i-player and podcast downloads.

·  24/11/09 - 1530 – 1700 visiting Rugby school to inspect their philosophy zone initiative (set up by rugby school to teach philosophy both face to face and via the internet to a large number of students both nationally and internationally,) and podcast.

·  The Nov/Dec issue of Philosophy Now magazine, Issue 76, carries a piece about Angie's new role. (Distributed in the UK and USA the magazine has a circulation of 8,000 which is growing rapidly.)


·  04/12/09 – 1400-1500: interview with Alex Barber (Glaucon’s challenge in Plato), London, on London's (Sony Award winning!) JUST RADIO and for an Open University edition of Plato’s Republic.

·  07/12/09 - 1100: Audio book recording for the Hodder publication Introducing Philosophy, with Mark Vernon, London. (Hodder Education is part of Hachette Livre UK the largest and one of the most diversified book publishers in the UK.)

·  09/12/09 - 1400 GMT phone interview with American 'Cabinet' magazine. Results in 4,000 word interview with Angie on the philosophy and history of friendship. Comes out 17.03.10. (For email which includes link to relevant issue see email 'FW: Angie Hobbs interview' in 'December 2009' folder. For PDF of the interview see the same folder, email 'FW: PDF of piece for Cabinet no. 36.' The mag was 'Issue 36 Friendship Winter 2009/10')

·  14/12/09 - Audio book recording for the Hodder publication Introducing Ethics, with Mark Vernon, London. (Hodder Education is part of Hachette Livre UK the largest and one of the most diversified book publishers in the UK.)

·  14/12/09 - 2115-220: Radio 3's Nightwaves, live interview on Public Understanding in Philosophy role. 300,000 'on the day' listeners, plus podcasts, downloads and i-player.

·  16/12/09 - Meeting at 1130, Arts Centre Cafe with Sara Liptai, local educational consultant.

·  17/12/09 - 1530, London, meeting with the BBC's David Edmonds at the British Library regards presenting BBC philosophy programmes


·  Interview about Public Understanding role published in The Philosopher’s Magazine (tpm First Quarter 2010).

·  15-16/01/10 – Guest speaker at residential weekend on ‘Socrates’ at Burton Manor College; most of the audience part of the ‘Philosophy in Pubs’ network.

·  17/01/10 – Presenting the Forum, on the BBC World Service at 9.00 am and 8.00pm repeat (also repeated at 1.00am, on Radio 4.) 40 million 'on the day' listeners, plus the Radio 4 repeat plus i-player and downloads.

·  19/01/10 - BBC World Service live recording of the Forum plus function afterwards atthe British Museum.

·  Accepted the request of Michael Cuthbert to become a ‘Town Philosopher’ of Malmesbury. His emails are in ‘25.01.10’ folder.


·  01/02/10 - Angie wrote an 800wrd piece on 'Ethics and Money' for the Guardian's Citizen Ethics in a Time of Crisis which was published both online and in a booklet on 21.2.10. The Guardian has an average daily circulation of nearly 300,000. Read the article here: http://www.citizenethics.org.uk/

·  12/02/10 – 0840 interview on love with BBC Coventry and Warwickshire. BBC C&W has 86,000 weekly listeners.

·  13/02/10 – 10 min interview on heroes and heroism with Irish Radio chat show, the Weekend Blend (on National station Newstalk.)

·  17/02/10 – 1720-17.50 meeting with David Willetts MP at Warwick.

·  17/02/10 - The New York Times carries a very favourable piece about Angie’s new title! (the NYT has a circulation of 950,000 every week-day.)

·  26/02/10 – The Guardian Citizen Ethics in a Time of Crisis debate and dinner at British Museum (with Rowan Williams and Michael Sandel).

·  Filled in the AHRC survey on Public Engagement.

MARCH 2010

·  01/03/10 - 1445, podcast for Rugby School Ethics and Science conference on ‘What is Health?’.

·  06/03/10 - 1100 Warwick TEDx talk on 'Censorship in Utopia,' and podcast, plus interviews with The Warwick Boar and Warwick's radio station RaW.

·  11/03/10 – Rugby School's web-linked Perspectives Science and Ethics conference; Angie talking on 'What is Health?'

·  24/03/10 - Psychologies Magazine phone interview on whether heroism and heroes are relevant for today's woman.

APRIL 2010

13-14/04/10 – filming in Venice for upcoming documentary about the search for the idea of Atlantis, in production with Associated Producers in Toronto and National Geographic International. To be broadcast April 2010.

28/04/10 – Angie gives a Royal Institute of Philosophy lecture in Bradford entitled 'What is Health?'

·  30/04/10 - the Financial Times publishes an interview with Angie on how philosophers/phy can help us deal with the financial crisis. The FT has a worldwide circulation of nearly 400,000 per month. Read the article here: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/aa1de23a-53f0-11df-aba0-00144feab49a.html

MAY 2010

·  01/05/10 - Talk on 'What is Health?' to the British Undergraduate Philosophy Society (BUPS) Annual Meeting at Warwick, 11:30, MS01.

·  03/05/10 - Angie's comments in the Financial Times (on What would the ancient Greek philosophers counsel in today’s Greek crisis?) are picked up by the New York Times and posted as the 'Idea of the Week.' (The NYT has a circulation of 950,000 every week-day.) Read the article here: http://ideas.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/05/03/the-platonic-tonic-for-greece/

·  05/05/10 - speaking at Winchester Philosophy and Theology Society on ‘Plato on Courage’.

·  06/05/10 - On BBC Radio 4's 'Today' programme discussing the results of the Philosopher- Rulers vote (Angie ran a campaign on Twitter throughout the election, encouraging people to vote for an alternative Cabinet of Philosopher-Rulers, as recommended by Plato in the Republic). The programme has an average of 6.6 million listeners. Link here (Angie's on 06.53 - 06.57:) http://news.bbc.co.uk/today/hi/today/newsid_8664000/8664006.stm

·  09/05/10 – Angie's playing in the Philosophy Shop's Philosophers’ Football Match in North London, a loose re-enactment of the Monty Python sketch, filmed by Sky, including interviews and podcasts for Sky and the Philosopher’s Magazine.

·  13/05/10 - Lunch with BBC Executive Producer Mary Downes, regarding more presenting work. Mary was very impressed with Angie's appearance on the 'Today' programme.

·  18/05/10 - Angie's been invited to take part in a discussion in the House of Lords, speaking on academia and the media. 6.00-8.00pm.

·  20/05/10 - Talk at the Warwick Alumni/ae Evening

·  26/05/10 - Angie was invited to contribute ‘a short reflection or two’ to the website Sage Bites: Reflections on Quotations for Life at http://sagebites.squarespace.com/http://sagebites.squarespace.com/ by the website’s creator Dr Andy Mousley, Senior Lecturer in English at De Montfort University, Leicester.

·  28/05/10 - Angie's talking on Radio 4's 'Woman's Hour' on leisure (4 million 'on the day' listeners, plus downloads, i-player and podcasts.)

·  29/05/10 - Angie's chairing 'The Truth About Everything' at the Hay-on-Wye Philosophy Festival (concurrent with its Literary Festival).

·  30/05/10 - 1430: Talk on Mental Health and Illness at the Hay-on-Wye Philosophy Festival in the Globe Arts Centre/Cafe, Hay-on-Wye, alongside Lewis Wolpert and Richard Bentall, AND doing a solo slot, 1800, on Plato on Erotic Love. Go to HowTheLightGetsIn for more.

JUNE 2010

02/06/10 - BBC2’s Timewatch documentary 'Atlantis The Evidence' screens - Angie’s an onscreen contributor. 1.95 million people tuned in, (http://www.barb.co.uk/report/weeklyTopProgrammesOverview?) making it the 11th most popular programme on BBC2 that week - a real feat for a historical/philosophical documentary.

·  16/06/10 - giving a talk at the NCCPE and AHRC Public Engagement in the Arts and Humanities Workshop, Glaziers Hall, London.

·  25/06/10 – Angie’s interviewed by the Independent about the Philosophy Zone initiative (set up by Rugby School to teach philosophy both face to face and via the internet to a large number of students both nationally and internationally.) The article will be published in their education supplement in September. (In February 2010 the Independent had a daily circulation of 183,547.)

JULY 2010

·  07/07/10 - Angie's in London meeting Hilary Lawson, Director of The Institute of Art and Ideas and Director of the HowTheLightGetsIn Philosophy Fesitival in Hay. Hilary says 'Given our joint interest in promoting philosophy it would be good to see if we have projects where we could combine forces.'

·  18/0710 – Angie discusses philosophy and her 10 favourite pieces of popular music which have inspired her politically for North Cotswold Community Radio northcotswoldonline.com 19.30-21.30.


5.04.10 – Angie takes part in the consultation process for the NCCPE’s Senior Managers Toolkit (Report to be published December 2010)

Elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts