JRC, Ispra 27-28 January 2015

Questions for the participants to send us by email () the answers regarding his/her country until Thursday 22 January 2015 at 12:00.

Name and country:Mr Andreas HADJIRAFTIS, INSPIRE NCP, Republic of Cyprus

1- According to your knowledge, is the INSPIRE infrastructure being used to support one or more data flows or monitoring programmes for statutory reporting within your country (at National, regional or local level)?

Yes, already used ☒ Yes, planned ☒ No ☐

For which Directive(s)?2007/2/EC, 2001/42/EC (Env.D.), 2014/52/ΕC, 2002/49/EC, 92/43/ΕΟΚ, 92/43/EEC, 2009/147/EC, 2000/60/EC (WDD, GD), 2007/60/EC (WDD), 2006/118/EK (GD)

Which Network Services are being used?

The Government Data Network (GDN) servicing all government departments is being used, along with other on-line applications.

Data interoperability (which themes involved)?

Geographical Names, Administrative Units, Addresses, Cadastral Parcels, Transport Networks, Hydrography, Protected Sites, Statistical Units, Demography, Land Cover, Geology, Buildings, Area Management, etc.

Are any national/thematic registers or the INSPIRE Registry used?Yes

Several theme sets of the National Land Information System, maintained within the databases of the Department of Lands and Surveys are used, along with datasets maintained by other government departments.


All available metadata maintained within the National Land Information System and other government databases and data sets are being used.

Sharing raw data √ Sharing INSPIRE conform data ☐

Which measures were taken to make data and services necessary for statutory reporting discoverable and use by the INSPIRE infrastructure?

The National Land Information System is currently working within an intranet environment within the government. All available data and metadata are being accessed within the Government Data Network(GDN) environment. Specific selective data and metadata are also available through web-based applications.

Are these implementations reflected in the INSPIRE Monitoring and Reporting? Or in the geoportal?

Yes, in the monitoring and reporting ☒ Yes, in the geoportal ☒ No ☐

New implementations are also currently being planned to be used in the geoportal.

If No, please explain the main reason(s) why?

Are additional implementation actions already planned?

Yes. A project is currently running which involves further implementations within the Land Information System, the complete upgrade of current systems and applications, the design and implementation of DLS portal, the preparation of a comprehensive strategic plan for INSPIRE, and a new design and preliminary implementation of Cyprus Geoportal.

2- How is coordinationensured between the implementation of INSPIRE and the other policies of the environmental acquis?

The INSPIRE Directive was transposed in the national law of the Republic of Cyprus with the enactment of Law N.43 (I) / 2010 on 14 May 2010 (ref. Official Gazette No.4241).

The Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Cyprus, based on Law N.43 (I) /2010, has undertaken a coordinating role in the implementation of INSPIRE Directive in Cyprus, while the Department of Lands and Surveys, the Department of Information Technology Services and the Department of Environment have undertaken a leading role in its organisation and implementation.

Under the new legislation, ​​a Management Council (7 members), a Management Team (3 members),Technical Committees and Working Groups, have been established. The Council is chaired by the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Interior. The Management Team is chaired by the Director of the Department of Lands and Surveys. All major ministries, government departments and services are involved. Among others, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Director of the Department of Environment are directly involved or represented in all levels.

Is there an overview of which public authority is in charge of implementing measures regarding the environmental acquis?

The Department of Environment is in charge for the implementation and enforcement of legislation which is a result of the harmonization with the environment European acquis. It is also the focal point for most of the U.N Conventions regarding global and regional environmental issues, amongst which the Barcelona Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean has a prominent role.

NGOs and the society are involved and express their opinion in all levels and the main processes of development and environmental monitoring. The mission of the Department of Environment is to gradually contribute in strengthening the environmental dimension to the maximum extent, and constitute a major factor contributing appropriately to the other two dimensions in the decision making process (social & economic). This is the main driver towards sustainable and green infrastructure development.

Is there a tentative matching of roadmaps regarding statutory reporting deadlines and the use of INSPIRE implementation measures?

The INSPIRE Management Council of Cyprus is trying to match and align INSPIRE implementation measures in the best possible way under the circumstances, to ensure that statutory reporting deadlines are met. The main target is achieved, however many difficulties are faced, mainly due to the economic crisis which exists in Cyprus in the last three years.

Which are the main difficulties?

Due to the economic crisis that exists in Cyprus within the last three years, many activities towards the implementation of INSPIRE in Cyprus have been postponed. Almost all relevant budgets foreseen for this purpose have been cancelled. Only three relevant major IT projects are currently being executed which are directly related to INSPIRE, these being: (a) The upgrade of the Land Information System, (b) The implementation of a portal for the Department of Lands and Surveys (DLS Portal), (c) The preparation of a comprehensive strategic plan for the implementation of INSPIRE in CYPRUS, the creation of a Geoportal, and the preparation of mature GIS e-services. It is evident that Cyprus is already approximately three years behind schedule. It is observed that the majority of GIS data already exist, but they do not fully conform to INSPIRE. It is expected that the projects mentioned above will significantly improve INSPIRE implementation in Cyprus.

3- Suggestions for the role of MIG and of MIWP-21 on accelerating and improving the coordination of implementing INSPIRE to support other Directives.

It is expected that MIG and MIWP-21 will significantly help towards the acceleration and improvement for the coordination of the implementation of INSPIRE, by connecting other relevant directives and by identifying and comparing their requirements and benefits.