Are you liberal or conservative?

Arnold Rush

Bernie Sanders Barbara Boxer Barack Obama Hillary Clinton Schwarzenegger John McCain Mitt Romney Limbaugh Dick Cheney


1) Which of the following would you prefer?

a)an activist government that will provide more services, even if it means higher taxes.

b)a smaller government that provides fewer services, but also taxes less.

2) Which laws would you support? (Check all that apply.)

a) allow a moment of silence for voluntary prayer inschool.

b) ban the sale of handguns other than to the police.

c) ban flag burning.

d) enact term limits for members of Congress.

3) What type of music do you like better?

a) country and western.b) rap and hip-hop.

4) If you had to watch one or the other, which sport wouldyou watch?

a) Major League Baseball.b) NBA basketball.

5) Which Supreme Court justice is more aligned with yourviews?

a) Clarence Thomas.b) Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

6) Would you prefer a flat tax, in which all Americans wouldpay the same percentage of their income in taxes, or a

graduated tax, in which higher incomes are taxed at ahigher rate?

a) flat tax.b) graduated tax.

7) Would you be in favor of lower taxes on corporations as away to try and create more jobs?

a) yes.b) no.

8) Do you believe that state laws should only recognize traditional marriages?

a) yes.b) no.

9) Do you think we should have invaded Iraq in 2003 to kick Saddam Hussein out of power?

a) yes.b) no.

10) Would you object to the posting of the 10 Commandments in the classrooms at your school?

a) yes.b) no.

11) Who should have a greater voice in deciding which bookshigh school students read in class?

a) teachers.b) parents.

12) Should tests for HIV be mandatory for people who applyfor a marriage license?

a) yes.b) no.

13) Do you support a voucher system that would allow parentsto use their tax dollars to send their children to the public

or private school of their choice?

a) yes.b) no.

14) Which former president do you prefer?

a) Bill Clinton.b) George W. Bush.

15) Which level of government would you prefer to makedecisions on issues such as abortion and the minimum


a) federal.b) state.

16) Should voter ballots and driver’s license tests be availableonly in English?

a) yes.b) no.

17) Should you be allowed to carry a concealed handgun foryour own personal protection?

a) yes.b) no.

18) Which of the following welfare ideas would you support?

a) a two-year cutoff for welfare recipients who do not findjobs.

b) additional funding for job training programs for welfarerecipients.

c) mandatory drug testing for welfare recipients with areduction of benefits for drug users.

d) additional funding for child care programs so thatwelfare recipients can take jobs.

19) Which of the following should we do in order to cut thebudget deficit?

a)cut the growth of Social Security and Medicare benefits.

b)cut loans to college students.

c)eliminate subsidies to the arts.

d)cut defense spending.

20) Should illegal immigrants be eligible for welfare benefitsfor their children?

a)yes.b) no.

21) Do you approve of “three strikes” laws whereby anyoneconvicted of three felonies is sent to prison for life

without parole?

a)yes.b) no.

22) Which is closer to your opinion?

a)the environment should be protected even if it risks jobsin certain industries such asoil and timber.

b)a higher priority should be placed on the protection ofjobs than on the protection of theenvironment.

23) Should the minimum wage be increased?

a)yes.b) no.

24) Should high schools distribute condoms to students?

a)yes.b) no.

25) Should sports teams such as the Washington Redskins andthe Cleveland Indians whose mascotsoffend certain minority groups be encouraged to switch to less offensive figures?

a)yes.b) no.

26) Are you in favor of the death penalty?

a)yes.b) no.

27) Should the age at which juveniles are judged as adults incriminal cases be lowered to 15?

a)yes.b) no.

28) Should employers be allowed to fire workers who go onstrike and permanently replace them?

a)yes.b) no.

29) Should there be a cap on the amount that juries can awardinjured parties?

a)yes.b) no.

30) Which abortion laws do you agree with?

a)mandatory notification of the parents of anyone under18 before an abortion.

b)loss of all government funds to neighborhood healthclinics who perform abortions.

c)allow abortions only in the instance of rape, incest, ordanger to the life of the mother.

d) abortions should not be restricted by the government.

SCORING: Points are added for liberal answers. The conservative option scores a zero.

Figure your score and then see where you fall on the political spectrum.

1) a = 2 points, b = 0 points.16) a = 0, b = 1

2) a = 0, b = 1, c = 0, d = 017) a = 0, b = 2

3) a = 0, b = 118) a = 0, b = 1, c = 0, d = 1

4) a = 0, b = 119) a = 0, b = 0, c = 0, d = 1

5) a = 0, b = 120) a = 1, b = 0

6) a = 0, b = 121) a = 0, b = 1

7) a = 0, b = 122) a = 2, b = 0

8) a = 0, b = 123) a = 2, b = 0

9) a = 0, b = 224) a = 1, b = 0

10) a = 1, b = 025) a = 1, b = 0

11) a = 1, b = 026) a = 0, b = 2

12) a = 0, b = 127) a = 0, b = 1

13) a = 0, b = 128) a = 0, b = 1

14) a = 2, b = 029) a = 0, b = 1

15) a = 2, b = 030) a = 0, b = 0, c = 0, d = 2