(For the Member Enrolled with other bar Council)

Name -

Father’s /Husband’s Name -

Date of Birth -

Permanent Address -

Present Address -

Contact No. -

E mail Address -

Name of Bar Council -

Enrollment No. -

Educational Qualification / Board /University / Year
Post Graduation

Signature of Applicant


Bar Association Registration No. : ______

Fee (Only Cheque) : Cheque No. ______Dated ______

Bank Name ______

President Secretary

District Bar Association, District Bar Association,

Gurgaon. Gurgaon.



The President/Secretary

Bar Association



I am keen/desirous to pursue my legal profession as a regular practicing advocate with your esteemed District Bar Association as an associate member. My Bio-Data/Curriculum vitae is as under for your perusal for approval of my membership, please enroll me as a member of your Bar Association. I agree and undertake to abide by the Rules & Regulations framed by the District Bar Association Gurugram under the aegis of Punjab & Haryana Bar council and Bar Council of India as framed and amended form time to time.

1.  Name ______

(in Block letter as given in the Enrolment Certificate)

2.  Mother’s Name ______

(in Block letter as given in the Enrolment Certificate)

3.  Father Name ______

(in Block letter as given in the Enrolment Certificate)

4.  Date of Birth ______

5.  Residence Address for communication :

(i)  Permanent (Home) Address : ______

______Pin Code ______

Present/Temporary Address : ______

______Pin Code ______

6.  Marital Status : Married/ Unmarried/ Single ______

: If any other widow/ widower/ divorcee______

7.  Nationality : ______

8.  Religion : ______

9.  Previous place of Practice, if any ; ______

(ii)  Where you ever members of this Association before Yes/No ______If Yes ______

Then Briefly state why and when you ceased to be a Member ______

(iii)  Are you Members of any other Bar Association? Yes/ No.

If Yes, form what date he become Members, and also attach a certificate to the Bar Association duly singed by the President/ Secretary

I) ______II) ______

10.  Particulars of Enrollment as an advocate with Bar Council

I)  Enrolment No. ______

II)  Date of Enrolment No. ______

III)  Name of Bar Council ______

11.  Have your enrollment been ever suspended by any Bar council in India? Yes/No ______

If Yes please specify details ______

12.  Is there any break in your practice since Enrolment ______

13.  Whether any member of your family is already in profession, if yes, give brief particulars :-

I) ______II) ______

14.  Proposer’s name ______

Address ______

Enrolment No. ______Signature ______

15.  Seconder’s name ______

Address ______

Enrolment No. ______Signature ______


I declare that the aforementioned information furnished by me are true and correct to best of my knowledge and nothing material has been concealed by me, if any information found false at any point of time in that eventuality my enrollment with this Bar Association be canceled after providing opportunity of hearing in that regard. I will not exercise my voting rights with District Bar Association, Gurugram. I will not claim any chamber/seating right at the District Bar Association Gurugram. I am appending self attested Xerox copies my testimonials. I am remitting a sum of Rupees ______by Cash/Cheque/Demand Draft towards enrollment fee.


of the applicant


1.  The Proposer and Seconder have to be active member of the Association for not less than five years standing.

2.  One Photo should be affixed on the application, the second for identify card and third of Directory.

3.  The Identify card should be signed, after grant of membership of Bar Association.

4.  Form to be got attested personally from president and Secretary of Bar Association.

5.  All attested copy of Matric, B.A. LL.B. are genuine.


The applicant fulfils the guidelines laid down by Punjab & Haryana Bar Council and therefore applicant is enrolled as member of District Bar Association, Gurugram. The applicant enrollment number is______

President Secretary District Bar Association District Bar Association

Gurgaon Gurgaon


I, ……………………….S/o/D/o/W/o…….……………,age……...years, Resident of …………………………………………………………………………..., do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under:-

1.  That I am permanent resident of……………………………………………..

2.  That I have been enrolled as member of District Bar Association, Gurugram and I am willing to start my practice at Gurugram.

3.  That I shall remain in active practice and will not do any other business/service or any other profession as prohibited under Advocates Act/Rules of Bar Council of India.

4.  That I will abide by the rules and regulations of District Bar Association Gurugram and will not do any act against the interest of Bar Association Gurugram.

5.  That I am not entitled for Voting right at District Bar Association, Gurugram and further I will not claim any chamber/seating rights at the District Bar Association Gurugram.

6.  That according to rules of Bar Council of India I will cast my vote at one place.

7.  That I will make arrangement for my seat at my own responsibility and will not lodge my claim to Bar Association Gurugram.



Verified that the above statement of mine is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therein at all.


Place: Gurgaon Deponent

List of documents to be attached with

New Membership Form

1.  Three original complete set of Application Form.

2.  Attested Photostat Copies of Matric, B.A, LL.B & Bar council Enrollment Certificate.

3.  Proof of Permanent Address.

4.  Proof of Present address.

5.  Three Passport size photos.

6.  Affidavit.

7.  If member of any other bar association then attach a certificate of that bar association duly signed by the President/Secretary.

8.  Fee for members enrolled with other Bar Council other than Punjab & Haryana Bar Council is Rs. 4000.