CLPA Meeting Notes – Dec. 10, 2007
Location: Town Hall, 9 a.m.
Attendees: Bob Tomashek, Fran West, Jim Aumann, Dick Thurow, Carl Bruggink, Dennis Thornton. Also Ed Stuebe.
- Minutes of Oct. 18 were read. Dick moved, Jim seconded approval of minutes. All in favor.
- Treasurer’s report was read. Fran reported a total of $66, 203 in CLPA accounts.
- Carl reported that the dam on PineLake is open now for the winter and that not much water is going out. He said he would close it in the spring, after the ice melts, and watch it closely to keep it at the 72-inch mark
- Dennis reported the Directory is close to being completed by the ClintonvilleHigh School printing class.
- Dennis said he had mailed out invitations to the organizational meeting of the Fun Committee on Jan. 15. Invited were organizers of lake events including Fourth of July, triathlon, golf outing and annual meeting/lake fair.
- Fran reported that the Town Board and the Stewardship Committee had approved construction of a “pier” from the landward lot to the isthmus on GibsonIsland. Mike Nelson will do the construction, using trailer house frames, during the winter. The placement of the pier follows the recommendations of the DNR, ShawanoCounty, town and Nelson. A parking area is also included along Cloverleaf Lake Road. Dick said that Mike Nelson had drawn up plans, with the estimated cost at $13,000.
- Bob said the Town Board is considering several projects to use some of the funds received from the American Transmission Co. They must be used for environmental projects. Included are a park shelter on the Stieg property and possibly replacement of the dam on Rustic Drive. The GibsonIsland pier is also on the list. Ed suggested that some funds be used to reforest the town on land no longer used for farming or around the lakes.
- Bob updated the board on several Town Board issues, including possibly hiring a garbage service and the wellhead ordinance for the Embarrass well on RoundLake.
- Bob said that Ed Stuebe will be the CLPA librarian, using space in the Town Hall.
- The first Adventures in LakeLiving event will be a tour of ice fishing shanties Jan. 26-27. The Heritage Day will follow on Feb. 23.
- Carl moved, Dick seconded adjourning the meeting at 11:20 a.m.
--Dennis Thornton, secretary