Grade 12 Economics Independent Study Project


To provide students with the opportunity to bring economics alive by studying their local economy along with the provincial, national and international scenes.


  1. Work in pairs.
  2. The focus of this independent study is on the process of acquiring, organizing, analyzing and evaluating information and on an oral presentation to the class. Your evaluation will be based on these two components, and since you are paired with another student, you will share the evaluative mark.
  3. The more current your resources generally the better the conclusions. Interviews with experts, periodical literature and newspapers are all excellent resources.
  4. Your presentation should take 45-50 minutes of time with another 15-20 minutes for questions, discussion and/or debate afterwards for a maximum total of 65 minutes. This leaves 10 minutes for set-up and shut-down.
  5. Use your imagination to prepare an effective presentation. Videos, charts, mock debates, powerpoint, and games can work well if carefully planned and rehearsed. You must try to hold class interest. TV news, documentary and investigative journalism programs can give you useful hints on how to do this.
  6. Prepare a one-page handout, preferably with space for students to carry out some short task, with your presentation.
  7. Your presentation will be evaluated by the class and the teacher. You will also receive a grade for your ISU essay outline and ISU essay. The outline is due three weeks before the presentations and the essay is due after you have completed your presentation. An unexcused absence on your presentation day can result in a zero grade. Outlines and essays handed in late are assessed a penalty of 10% per day.
  8. The final part of your Independent Study will involve a written component. It will vary in length from 1500-1750 words in length and should be 8 paragraphs. Further details will be given to you after you have completed your outline. Be very careful to avoid plagiarism.

Method of Evaluation

Essay Outline (due Feb. 28 ‘05)1%

Oral Presentations (March 29 – April 21) 5%*

Essay (due day of Oral Presentation)14%


*Note the May 30 – June 15 oral presentations are on Ch. 10 - 15 of the textbook and are done by six groups with no essay component, but are worth an additional 5% of your final grade.

Seminar Evaluation Form

Student(s) Name(s): ______

Seminar Topic: ______


/ Level 1 (50-59) / Level 2 (60-69) / Level 3 (70-79) / Level 4 (80-100) / Mks
Introduction / topic & thesis is mentioned / topic & thesis and some of the subtopics are stated / topic & thesis, and all subtopics are stated / topic & thesis, all subtopics are stated in proper order / /3
Knowledge of Topic / limited knowledge of topic with little accuracy / some knowledge of topic with a degree of accuracy / standard knowledge of topic, usually accurate info / detailed knowledge of topic with consistently accurate info / /10
Support of Ideas / limited connection made between evidence, subtopics & thesis / topic / some connection made between evidence, subtopics & thesis / topic / usually connection made between evidence, subtopics & thesis / topic / consistent connection made between evidence, subtopics & thesis / topic / /5
Organization / unclear agenda with illogical sequencing & unhelpful handout / scant agenda & handout with somewhat useful handout / clear, logical agenda is usually shown / followed with useful handout / clear, logical, thorough agenda is shown & followed combined w/ very useful handout / /5
Conclusion / little summary of thesis & subtopics / thesis and some subtopics summarized / thesis and all subtopics summarized / thesis, all subtopics summarized in proper order / /2
Creativity / Enthusiasm / little colour or variety used & no smiles / somewhat bored, with some variety & colour / usually smiling, appropriately dressed, variety / unique, colourful, stimulating seminar with extra effort / /7
Eye Contact / little contact, dependent on notes / some eye contact & dependence on notes / usually makes eye contact / consistent eye contact with little depend’ce on notes / /5
Voice Audibility / monotone and too quiet / some inflection and at times clear / usually clear & inflects voice / proper inflection, clarity and volume / /5
Use of Time / Pace / seminar is too short/long and moves too quickly/slow / sometimes seminar moves too quickly / slowly and at times is off topic / starts / finishes on time covering relevant info / starts / finishes on time covering relevant info in an interesting manner / /5
Discussion / little discussion generated from closed-ended, repetitive questions / some discussion generated from somewhat relevant questions that require superficial thought / three relevant questions generate discussion that requires thought / three relevant, open-ended questions generate much discussion, insight, analysis & evaluation / /3
Totals / /50

Additional Comments:


Essay Evaluation Form

Student(s) Name(s): ______

Essay Topic: ______


/ Level 1 (50-59) / Level 2 (60-69) / Level 3 (70-79) / Level 4 (80-100) / Mks
Introduction / topic & thesis is mentioned / topic & thesis and some of the subtopics are stated / topic & thesis, and all subtopics are stated / topic & thesis, all subtopics are stated in proper order and grabs interest of reader / /10
Research / limited information on topic with little accuracy / some information on topic with a degree of accuracy from limited sources / standard and usually accurate information from a variety of sources / detailed and consistently accurate info. from a wide variety of sources / /20
Support of Ideas / limited connection made between evidence, subtopics & thesis / topic / some connection made between evidence, subtopics & thesis / topic / usually connection made between evidence, subtopics & thesis / topic / consistent connection made between evidence, subtopics & thesis / topic showing excellent analysis / /20
Organization / clear division between different subtopics / subtopics follow order laid out in introduction / clear, logical subtopic order followed and pages numbered / clear, logical, subtopic order with excellent transition b/twn paragraphs / /10
Conclusion / little summary of thesis & subtopics / thesis and some subtopics summarized / thesis and all subtopics summarized / thesis, all subtopics summarized in proper order with no new information / /10
Writing Style / inconsistent grammar, spelling and paragraphing / usually proper grammar, spelling and paragraphing / clear, w/ mostly proper grammar, spelling and paragraphing / concise, clear, with consistently proper grammar, spelling and paragraphing / /15
Footnotes / inconsistent use of footnotes with limited details / sequentially #’d & sometimes inconsistent use of footnotes with limited details / consistently & correctly inserted to validate evidence, details at bottom of pg / proper, detailed format consistently & correctly inserted to validate evidence / /10
Bibliography / limited detail and not in alphabetical order, nor on separate last page / alphabetical order with most sources shown and a variety of sources / separate page in alphabetical order with all sources shown and a variety of sources / proper, detailed format in alphabetical order with all sources shown and a wide variety of sources / /5
Totals / /100

Additional Comments:
