Ph.D. (Microbiology)

POSTAL ADDRESS: Department of Microbiology, Quaid-i-Azam

UniversityIslamabad-45320, Pakistan

PERMANENT ADDRESS:Village &Post Office Ghungrilla, Tehsil.

Gujar KhanDistt. RAWALPINDI

PHONE NUMBER:Office: +92-51-90643196

National ID card No.37401-1451962-9



2012- 2013
1999 /
Post Doctorate (Microbiology)
University of New South Wales Sydney, Australia
Ph.D (Doctor of Philosophy in Microbiology)

Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad

Master of Sciences ( Zoology)
University of Arid Agriculture Rawalpindi
Bachelor of Sciences ( Botnay, Zoology, Chemistry)
University of Punjab, Lahore
FSc ( Pre Medical)
BISE Mirpur

Research and Employment History:

Visiting Academic fellow School of biotechnology and bimolecular Sciences

Feb 2012 – December 2012 University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Microbiology, Quaid-i-Azam University

Sep 2011- Present

Lecturer (Aug. 2009- Aug. 2011) Department of Microbiology, Quaid-i-Azam University

Visiting Research FellowFaculty of Life Sciences, University of Manchester, UK June 07- Dec 2007

Research Associate:Microbiology Research Lab, Department of Microbiology2004-2005 Quaid-I-Azam University, Islamabad.

Ph.D Research FellowFour year post graduation research project for Ph.D. under HEC 2005-2009 Indigenous Fellowship at Microbiology Research Lab. Quaid-i- Azam University Islamabad.

Teaching & Research interest:

Courses Taught: Microbial biotechnology, Advances in Microbial Genetics Solid waste management, Microbial Metabolism, Molecular Microbiology, General Microbiology, Industrial Microbiology

Research Interest: Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Molecular Microbiology, Biodegradation of synthetic polymers Food Microbiology, Waste to energy, Biogenic conversion of coal to methane


1.Indigenous Fellowship for the Ph.D Programme (Batch 1) awarded by Higher Education Commission, Pakistan (2005-2009)

3. / International research support initiative programat University of Manchester UKby Higher Education Commission, Pakistan (June 07- December 2007).
Post Doctoral Fellowship Phase II (batch V) awarded by Higher Education Commission, Pakistan ( 2012-2013)

Research Grants

Sr. # / Title / Donor Agency / Amount ( Rs.) / Duration / Role as
From / To / PI / Co. PI
1 / Cloning and characterization of plastic degrading microbial isolates funded by Pakistan Science foundation / PSF / 2.14 M / 2011 / 2013 / PI
2 / Characterization of food and vegetable waste for energy production by microorganism funded by HEC / HEC / 0.5 M / 2011 / 2012 / PI

Research Supervision

MPhil Completed: 8MPhil in process: 8

Ph.D. In process: 5


1 / Role of fungal peroxidases in the degradation of Polyvinyl chloride. / 2011 / Imran Khan
2 / Cloning, sequencing and phylogentic analysis of DNA-A of cotton leaf curl disease associated Begomovirus / 2011 / M. Rafiq
3 / DNA methylation analysis of major DNA components of Banana Bunchy Top virus Genome. / 2012 / Maryam Idress
4 / Extracellular Myco-sysnthesis of metal nanoparticles by Aspergillus niger. / 2012 / Muneeba Maryem
5 / Studies on Microbial degradation of Paints. / 2012 / Shumaila Ashfaq
6 / Characterization and activity analysis of biofilm formation on polymer exposed to waste water. / 2012 / Nazia Khatoon

7. An investigation of Antimicrobial activity of Silver 2012 Urooj Kiran

Nanoparticles against Multidrug resistant Microorganisms

8.Biosurfactant production by newly isolated fungal strain and 2012 Mishal Subhan

its application in microbial enhanced oil recovery

Research Publications:

1. Iffat Naz, Nazia Khatoon, Muhamamd Ishtiaq Ali, Naeem Ali. Devendra P. Saroj, Syeda Ain-ul Batool and Safia Ahmed (2013). Appraisal of the tire derived rubber (TDR) medium for wastewater treatment under aerobic and anaerobic conditions (JCTB-13-0333.R2) (Paper accepted in Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology).

2. Nazia Khatoon, Iffat Naz, Naeem Ali, Asif Jamal, Safia Ahmed, Abdul Hameed and Muhammad Ishtiaq Ali (2013).Bacterial Succession and degradative changes by biofilm on plastic for wastewater treatment (Paper accepted in Journal of Basic Microbiology ( jobm.201300162).

3.Ali. M.I , Ahmed S, JavedI., N. Ali, Atiq N, Hameed A Robson G (2013).Biodegradation of Starch Blended Polyvinyl Chloride Film byPhanerochaete chrysosporium PV1.International Journal of Environmental Science and TechnologyDOI: 10.1007/s13762-013-0220-5

4.Lubna Tahir. Muhammad Ishtiaq Ali, Muhammad Zia, Naima Atiq, Fariha Hasan, Safia Ahmed (2013) Production and Characterization of Esterase in Lentinus tigrinus for Degradation of Polystyrene. Polish Journal of Microbiology . 62(1) 101–108.

5.Ali MI, Ahmed S, Robson G, Javed I, Ali N, Atiq N, Hameed A (2012) Isolation and molecular characterization of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic degrading fungal isolates. J basic Microbiol DOI 1002/jobm.201200496

6.B Ghumro, M. Shafique, M. I. Ali, I. Javed, F. Siddiqui, B. Ahmad and A. Hameed(2011).“Isolation and screening of protease producing thermophilic Bacillus strains from different soil types of Pakistan. African J Microbiology Research. 5(31),5534-5539

7.Javed I, M. I. Ali, B. Ahmad, P. B. Ghumro, A. Hameed and S. Ahmed (2011).“Optimization and partial purification of bacteriocins from Enterococcusspp. indigenous to Pakistan. J of Food Biotechnology. 25(2),130-139.

8.Shama Sehar, Iffat Naz, Mohammad Ishtiaq Ali and Safia Ahmed (2011). Monitoring of Physico-Chemical and Microbiological Analysis of Under Ground Water Samples of District Kallar Syedan, Rawalpindi-Pakistan. Research J Chemical Sciences. 1(8), 24-30

9.Atiq, N, S. Ahmed, M. I. Ali, S. Andleeb, B. Ahmed, G. Robson (2010). Isolation andidentification of polystyrene biodegrading bacteria from soil .African J ofMicrobiology Research.4(14),1537 – 1541

10.Andleeb, S,M. I. Ali, N. Atiq, F. Ur-Rehman, G. D. Robson,A.Hameed, S. Ahmad (2010). Biodegradation of anthraquinone dye by aspergillus niger SA1 in self designed fluidized bed bioreactor. Iran. J. Environ. Health. Sci. Eng. 7(5), 371-376

11I. Javed, M. Riaz, M.I. Ali, B. Ahmad, A. Hameed, G. J. Chaudry and S. Ahmed (2010). “Production,characterization, and antimicrobial activity of abacteriocin from newly isolated Enterococcusfaecium IJ-31”.Journal of Food Protection. 73(1), 44-52.

12I. Javed, M. I. Ali, B. Ahmad, P. B. Ghumro, A. Hameed, G. J. Chaudry and S. Ahmed (2010). “Bacteriocinogenic potential of newly isolated strains of Enterococcus faecium and Enterococcus faecalis from dairy products of Pakistan”. J Microbiol. Biotechnol.20(1),153-160

13Muhammad. I. Ali, I. Javed, B. Ahmad, P.B.Ghumro, S. andleeb, N. Atique, A. Hameed and S. Ahmed (2009). “Studies on Biodegradation of Cellulose Blended Polyvinyl Chloride Films. Int. J. Agri. Biol. 11(5) 577–580.

14Saadia. A, M. I. Ali, N. Atiq, F. Ur-Rehman, G. D. Robson, A. Hameed, S. Ahmad (2010) “Biological Treatment of Textile Effluent in Stirred Tank Bioreactor”. Int. J. Agri. Biol. 12(2) 256-260.


  1. Ali,M.I., Javed,I., Amhed,B., Robson,G. and Ahmed,S. Phylogenetic analysis of fungal isolate Aspergillus niger PV3 on the basis of 5.8S and 28s rRNA and internal transcribed spacer Accession No. EU543987.

2.Ali, M.I., Javed,I., Ahmed,B., Mehmood,S., Haider,Z., Robson,G. and Ahmed,S. Aspergillus sydowii strain PV4 internal transcribed spacer 1,partial dentification of newly isolated fungal strain Aspergillus sydowii PV4 on the basis of 5.8S and 28S rRNA. Accession No. EU543988

  1. Ali,M.I., Javed,I., Ahmed,B., Robson,G., Hameed,A. and Ahmed,S. 18S and 28S rRNA sequencing of fungal isolate Lentinus tigrinus PV2 on the basis of 5.8S and 28s rRNA and internal transcribed spacer Accession No. EU543989
  2. Ali,M.I., Javed,I., Ahmed,B., Robson,G., Hameed,A. and Ahmed,SMolecular characterization of PVC degrading Phanerochaete chrysosporium PV1 strain on the basis of 5.8S and 28s rRNA and internal transcribed spacer Accession No. EU543990
  3. Javed,I., Ali,M.I., Ahmad,B., Ghumro,P.B., Hameed,A., Chaudry,G.J. and Ahmed,S. Enterococcus faecalis strain IJ-03 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence Accession No EU547773
  4. Javed,I., Ahmad,B., Ali,M.I., Chaudry,G.J. and Ahmed,S Enterococcus faecium strain IJ-06 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial Sequence Accession No EU547774
  5. Javed,I., Ali,M.I., Ahmad,B., Ghumro,P.B., Hameed,A., Chaudry,G.J. and Ahmed,S. Enterococcus faecalis strain IJ-07 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence Sequence Accession No EU547775
  6. Javed,I., Ali,M.I., Ahmad,B., Chaudry,G.J. and Ahmed,S. Enterococcus faecalis strain IJ-11 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence.Accession No EU547776
  7. Javed,I., Ahmad,B., Ali,M.I., Hameed,A., Chaudry,G.J. and Ahmed,S. Enterococcus faecalis strain IJ-12 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence. Accession No EU547777
  8. Javed,I., Ali,M.I., Ahmad,B., Ghumro,P.B., Chaudry,G.J., Hameed,A. and Ahmed,S. Enterococcus faecium strain IJ-21 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence. Accession No EU547778
  9. Javed,I., Ali,M.I., Ahmad,B., Raiz,M., Chaudry,G.J., Hameed,A. and Ahmed,S Enterococcus faecium strain IJ-31 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence. Accession No EU547779
  10. Javed,I., Ahmad,B., Ali, M.I., Hameed,A., Chaudry,G.J. and Ahmed,S. Enterococcus faecalis strain IJ-03 23S ribosomal RNA gene, partial Sequence Accession No EU EU547781
  11. Javed,I., Ali,M.I., Ahmad,B., Hameed,A., Chaudry,G.J. and Ahmed,S. Enterococcus faecium strain IJ-06 23S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence. Accession No EU EU547782
  12. Javed,I., Ahmad,B., Ali,M.I., Hameed,A., Chaudry,G.J. and Ahmed,S. Enterococcus faecalis strain IJ-07 23S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence. Accession No EU EU547783
  13. Javed,I., Ali,M.I., Ahmad,B., Hameed,A., Chaudry,G.J. and Ahmed,S. Enterococcus faecalis strain IJ-11 23S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence. Accession No EU EU547784
  14. Javed,I., Ahmad,B., Ali,M.I., Hameed,A., Chaudry,G.J. and Ahmed,S. Enterococcus faecalis strain IJ-12 23S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence. Accession No EU EU547785
  15. Javed,I., Ahmad,B., Ali,M.I., Hameed,A., Chaudry,G.J. and Ahmed,S. Enterococcus faecium strain IJ-21 23S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence. EU EU547786
  16. Javed,I., Ali,M.I., Ahmad,B., Hameed,A., Chaudry,G.J. and Ahmed,S. Enterococcus faecium strain IJ-31 23S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence. EU EU547787
  17. Javed,I., Ahmad,B., Ali,M.I., Hameed,A., Chaudry,G.J. and Ahmed,S. Enterococcus faecium strain ATCC 27273 23S ribosomal RNA gene,partial sequence. EU EU547788
  18. Ahmad, B., Hasan, F., Javed, I., Ali, M, Ishtiaq., Andleeb, S., Shah, A, Ali., Mehmud, A., Ahmed, S. and Hameed, A. Bacterium clone Sa_F_BA1 16s rRNA gene, partial sequence. Accession No. FJ415981
  19. Ahmad, B., Hasan, F., Javed, I., Ali, M, Ishtiaq., Andleeb, S., Shah, A, Ali., Mehmud, A., Ahmed, S. and Hameed, A. Bacterium clone Sa_F_BA2 16s rRNA gene, partial sequence. Accession No. FJ415982
  20. Ahmad, B., Hasan, F., Javed, I., Ali, M, Ishtiaq., Atiq, N., Shah, A, Ali., Mehmud, A., Ahmed, S. and Hameed, A. Bacterium clone Sa_F_BA3 16s rRNA gene, partial sequence. Accession No. FJ415983
  21. Ahmad, B., Hasan, F., Ali, M, Ishtiaq., Javed, I., Andleeb, S., Shah, A, Ali., Mehmud, A., Ahmed, S. and Hameed, A. Bacterium clone Na_F_BA4 16s rRNA gene, partial sequence. Accession No. FJ415984
  1. Ahmad, B., Hasan, F., Javed, I., Ali, M, Ishtiaq., Atiq, N., Shah, A, Ali., Mehmud, A., Ahmed, S. and Hameed, A. Bacterium clone Na_F_BA5 16s rRNA gene, partial sequence. Accession No. FJ415985
  1. Ahmad, B., Hasan, F., Javed, I., Ali, M, Ishtiaq., Shah, A, Ali., Ahmed, S., and Hameed, A. 16S rRNA partial sequence analysis of Streptococcus sp. MRLBA6 isolated from ice obtained from Passu Glacier, Pakistan. Accession No. GU581318.

Workshops/conferences / Training course attended:

1.Identification, maintenance and preservation of microorganism organized by Microbiology Research Laboratory, Department Of Biological Sciences, Quaid -i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan

2.Training course on modern techniques of biotechnology organized by NIBGE National Institute of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering, Faisalabad. Pakistan

3.1st international biotechnology conference organized by Baluchistan university of Information technology in 2005

4.International training workshop on bimolecular Separation Techniques

organized by Department of Biochemistry, University of Arid Agriculture, Rawalpindi, Pakistan

5.14th International Pharmacy Conference organized by Pakistan Pharmacist Association on 5-7 April 2007 at Karachi, Pakistan

6.6TH Biennial International microbiology conference organized by Pakistan Society of Microbiology in Feb, 2007 at Quaid-I-Azam University, Islamabad. day workshop on the fermentation technology organized by Department of Microbiology, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan (2007)

8.9th Biennial international conference of Pakistan Society for Biochemistry Held at Department of Biochemistry University of Arid Agriculture, Rawalpindi,Pakistan

9.First International conference on Biotechnology organized by Center of Excellence in Biotechnology Research King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

10.International workshop on Essential Need of Nano-Education in OIC Countries" (7-9 April, 2011) organized by COMSTECH-PRESTON Islamabad. Pakistan

11.3rd IPO conference 26th April 2011, organized by IPO Pakistan at Convention center Islamabad, Pakistan.

Papers Accepted/ Presented in Conferences / Workshops:

  1. M. Ishtiaq Ali, Safia Ahmed, Naima Atiq, and Abdul Hameed.15th International Symposium on Biodeterioration and Biodegradation (IBBS-15) 19th to 24th September 2011 organized by University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, Austria.
  2. Mohammad Ishtiaq Ali, Abdul Hameed and Safia Ahmed. Assessment of biodegradability of polyvinyl chloride film by soil burial experiment. First National Conference of Microbiology, “New Horizons of Microbiology, FNCM-SALU (21-22 November, 2009), Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur, Sindh
  3. Javed, M. I. Ali, B. Ahmed, A. Hameed and S. Ahmed (2009) Production and characterization of broad spectrum antimicrobial enterocin P from newly isolated Enterococcus faecium IJ-31. Oral presentation in 1st International conference on biotechnology, King Saud University, Riyadh Saudi Arabia (16-18 Sep 2009).
  4. M. I. Ali Andleeb,S, N. Atiq, I. Javed, G. D. Robson, A. Hameed, S. Ahmad, Biodegradation of starch blended polyvinyl chloride film by newly isolated Phanerochatea Chyrososporium PV1presented at First international conference on Advances in Waste Water Treatment and Reuse. University of Tehran, College of Engineering, Tehran, IRAN, from 09-11 November, 2009
  5. Andleeb,S,M. I. Ali, N. Atiq, F. Ur-Rehman, G. D. Robson, A. Hameed, S. Ahmad, “Biodegradation of anthraquinone dye by Aspergillus niger SA1 in self designed fluidized bed bioreactor” presented at First international conference on Advances in Waste Water Treatment and Reuse. University of Tehran, College of Engineering, Tehran, IRAN, from 09-11 November, 2009.
  6. Naima Atiq Mariam Asif Saadia Andleeb, Mohammed Ishtiaq Ali, Mohammed Sajjad Shaukat Safia Ahmed Evaluation of Biodegradability of Expanded Polystyrene by Rhizopus oryzae NA1, Presented in 9th International Seminar on polymer Science and Technology, organized by Iran polymer and petrochemical Institute Tehran, Iran. 17-21 October 2009.
  7. Naima Atiq, Mariam Asif, Saadia Andleeb, Mohammed Ishtiaq Ali, Mohammed Sajjad Shaukat, Safia Ahmed. Biodegradation Studies of Expanded Polystyrene Blends. Presented in 9th International Seminar on polymer Science and Technology, organize
  8. Saadia Andleeb; Naima Atiq;Mohammad Ishtiaq Ali;Geoff D Robson;Safia Ahmed. An investigation of anthraquinone dye biodegradation by Aspergillus flavus SA2 in self designed fluidized bed bioreactor. Accepted for oral Presentation in BioMicroworlds 2009, IInd International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and applied Microbiology, 2-4 December Lisbon, Portugal.
  9. Muhammad Ishtiaq Ali; Imran Javed; Naima Atiq; Saadia Andleeb; Abdul Hameed; Safia Ahmed.Biodegradation of Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) by newly isolated fungal strain of Lentinus tigrinus PV2. Accepted for oral Presentation in BioMicroworlds 2009, IInd International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and applied Microbiology, 2-4 December Lisbon, Portugal.
  10. Naima Atiq; Safia Ahmed; Aamer Ali Shah; Mohammed Ishtiaq Ali; Saadia Andleeb; Geoffrey D. Robson. Colonisation and Biodegradation of Expanded polystyrene beads by indigenous isolated fungal strains. Virtual Presentation in BioMicroworls 2009, IInd International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and applied Microbiology, 2-4 December Lisbon, Portugal
  11. M. I. Ali, I. Javed, B. Ahmad, Robson, D. Ghumro, P.B. and S. Ahmed. Scanning Electron Microscopic Analysis of PVC Degradation Potential of Newly Isolated Indigenous Fungal Strain Phanerochatea Chyrosporium PV-2. Oral presentation in Micro Science 2008 Conference Oxford United Kingdom (23-26 June 2008)
  12. B Ahmad, I Javed, MI. Ali, AA Shah, A Hameed and F Hasan. Isolation and characterization of a psychrophilic Arthrobacter sp. MRLBA5 from top surface soil of hopper glacier of pakistan. Presented as Poster presentation at FEMS: 3rd Congress of European Microbiologists, GOTHENBERG, SWEDEN (June 28-July 02, 2009).
  13. B Ahmad, I Javed, MI Ali, AA Shah, A Hameed, F Hasan. GrowthCharacteristics of Psychrotrophs Isolated From -20°C Medical Freezer. Presented at EFB (2009), as poster presentation in EFB: Microbial Stress Response; AUSTRIA.


  1. American Society for Microbiology
  2. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation Society
  3. European federation for Biotechnology
  4. Pakistan Society for Microbiology
  5. Pakistan Society for Biochemistry
  6. Society of Anaerobic Microbiology




Department of Microbiology

Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad, Pakistan


Tel: +925190643194


Senior Lecturer

Faculty of Life sciences

Michael Smith Building Oxford Road Manchester M13 9PT

University of Manchester, UK


Tel: +44 (0)161 275 5048

3.Dr. Torsten Thomas

Associate Professor

School of Biotechnology and bimolecular Sciences

University of new south wales, Sydney, Australia


Tel: + 61 (0) 2 938 53467

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