National tender application pack V0.1

Tender reference: 2016 - 007

Invitation to bid

The Lebanese Red Cross Society (LRCS) hereby invites sealed bids from manufacturers/reputed firms/ registered suppliers for the supply of the following equipment:

No. / Item description / Number of items in lot / Delivery Site
Lot 1: / Cameras / 5
Lot 2: / Surveillance/Security Cameras / 2
Lot 3: / Software / 2
Lot 4: / Phones and tablets / 7
Lot 5: / Printers / 9
Lot 6: / Laptops & Desktops / 8
Lot 7: / Displays / 9 / LRCS – Spears Centre
Lot 8: / Power Supplies / 6 / Beirit
Lot 9: / Hardware Accessories / 18
Lot 10: / Laptop Batteries & Chargers / 15
Lot 11: / Storage Devices / 11
Lot 12: / Access Point Routers & Switches / 7
Lot 13: / High - End Network Devices / 14
Lot 14: / Navigation Systems / 4
Lot 15: / Cable Tools & Cables / 21
Lot 16: / Radio Equipment / 5
Lot 17: / Sound Systems & Equipment / 1

Note: Detailed specifications and packaging requirement are defined in Annex 3 - Detailed Specifications to tender

INCOTERMS / DDP – Delivery Duty Paid
Delivery address / LRCS – Spears Centre

All documents can be downloaded from (Please select “Tender” from the menu at the top right of the page). Tenderers are advised to check the website regularly as any changes or additional information related to this tender will be updated via the website.

Tenders must be submitted either by email or sealed envelope and may be required to submit by pre-supply samples to:

Mailing address / Lebanese Red Cross Society Head Quarters,
Spears Street,
Kantari, Beirut, Lebanon
Email address /
Contact person / Daniel Bettega
Tender deadline / Date: Friday 20, May, 2016
Time: 5:00:00 PM
Bids to be marked / “Tender reference: 2016 - 007. Do not open before Friday 20, May, 2016”
Deadline for questions / Date: Friday 13, May, 2016
Time: 5:00:00 PM

Bidder’s checklist

Description / To be filled by bidder / To be filled by LRCS committee
Included? / Present & complete? / Comments
Step/ document to be submitted with tender / Yes / No / Yes / No
Complete tender package delivered before the deadline specified in the Addendum - Compulsory
Addendum - Signed and stamped – Compulsory
Annex 1 - Supplier registration form – completed, signed & stamped – Compulsory
Annex 2 - Bid offer form – completed, signed & stamped – Compulsory
Annex 3 - Detailed Specifications - signed & stamped – Compulsory
Annex 4 - Schedule of delivery – completed, signed & stamped – Compulsory
Annex 5 - Proof of past performance – completed, signed & stamped
Annex 6 - Letter of authorisation & acceptance statement – signed & stamped – Compulsory
Specific Conditions – Signed & stamped Compulsory (if present)
Supporting documents
Copy of company registration – Compulsory
Copy of tax registration – Compulsory
Copies of past contracts/ POs as proof of experience

Instructions to bidders

Tenderers must meet all the requirements specified in the tender documents and therefore advised to go through the tender documents carefully before submission and be certain that they are able to comply with the specified terms & conditions.


Invitation to bid 1

Bidder’s checklist 2

Instructions to bidders 3

General conditions 7

Specific Conditions 8

Addendum 9

Tender forms 10

Annex 1 - Supplier registration form 10

Annex 2 - Bid offer form 11

Annex 3 - Detailed Specifications 24

Annex 4 - Schedule of delivery 35

Annex 5 - Proof of past performance 36

Annex 6 - Letter of authorisation & acceptance statement 37

Article 1.  Bidding in lots: If the tender is divided into lots bidders should make every effort to bids for all items within the lot they are interested in. If bidders fail to complete all items within the lot LRCS reserves the right not to award the lot to the bidder. Bidders must complete at least one lot to be considered eligible. Bidders can bid for as many lots as they wish.

Article 2.  Items and Quantity: These quantities are for information purposes only and are under no circumstances a guaranteed level of purchase by LRCS under this contract. It should also be noted that LRCS regularly procure goods and services at a local or regional level to fulfil their needs; any contract offered subsequent to this tender should therefore not be considered as an exclusive supply agreement. LRCS reserves the right to split up the order between suppliers.

Article 3.  Specifications: The detailed specification in respect of each item with packing, marking/ labelling instructions etc. are given in Annex 3 - Detailed Specifications which Tenderers must adhere to.

Article 4.  Eligibility:

4.1.  Bidders must sign on a bid submission register when delivering their bids – any bids that are not listed on the register will not be considered.

4.2.  Tender Submissions not addressed and or marked as specified in the Addendum or sent by other means may not be accepted. Address for delivery of offers is listed in the Addendum.

4.3.  Tenderer(s) must be Manufacturers, accredited Wholesalers, Traders / Suppliers, Agents in their registered country.

4.4.  Any unsealed tenders and tenders received after the submission deadline will not be accepted.

4.5.  Tenderer(s) should have the capacity and capability to supply the items in accordance with the specifications within the prescribed delivery time and the terms & conditions mentioned herein.

4.6.  Contracts can be awarded individually or jointly.

Article 5.  Price:

5.1.  Price should be best and final offer

5.2.  Include discounts for early payment, if any

5.3.  All prices should be denominated in the currency that is specified in the Addendum attached.

5.4.  Applicable VAT/duty rates should be clearly stated per item in the offer as to facilitate any tax/ duty exemptions/ reimbursement

Article 6.  INCOTERMS:

6.1.  INCOTERMS©2010 as defined by the International Chamber of Commerce will be used to govern the terms of delivery/ contract.

Article 7.  Delivery Destinations:

7.1.  Details of the consignee and necessary details for the paperwork will be agreed at the time of signing contract with successful Tenderer/s. Tenderer(s) shall be responsible for all costs arising from packing, forwarding and delivering of goods to actual points of delivery including loading, unloading, transport and insurance and clearance costs as per the stated INCOTERMS.

Article 8.  Delivery/Readiness Period:

8.1.  The delivery/readiness must be within the agreed timeframe after the of signing the contract by both parties and all the items/quantities must be delivered at the delivery destinations within a maximum period as agreed on the signing of the contract. The successful Tenderer will be required to agree to the Delivery Schedule (as stated, in tranches so they meet the requirements of our consignee) as per Annex 4 - Schedule of delivery

Article 9.  Packaging: All goods must be appropriately packed (if applicable – refer Annex 3 - Detailed Specifications) suitable for sea/road transportation and loading/unloading including rough handling to final destinations.

Article 10.  Marking/Labelling: Marking / Labelling instructions are provided in Annex 3 - Detailed Specifications

Article 11.  Required documents/certificates: The supporting documents/certificates required are:

11.1.  With the Tender:

11.1.1.  Completed, signed and stamped copies of  Specific Conditions (if present)  Addendum  Annex 1 - Supplier registration form  Annex 2 - Bid offer form  Annex 3 - Detailed Specifications  Annex 4 - Schedule of delivery  Annex 5 - Proof of past performance  Annex 6 - Letter of authorisation & acceptance statement

11.1.2.  Documents in support of Tenderer(s) profile (such as copies of Tax/VAT Registration certificate, Trading Licence copy, etc.).

11.1.3.  Letters/certificates of performance in previous 3 years.

11.1.4.  At least 2 most recent references with their contact details.

11.1.5.  Confirmation / Certificate of weight, quality and origin of country of goods.

11.2.  With delivery of material (if successful):

11.2.1.  Delivery Notes with packing details (weight, volume etc.)

11.2.2.  Commercial invoice - 2 copies (on delivery)

Article 12.  Language: The documents submitted will be accepted in English language only. The certificate, etc. from local government or local authorities (if applicable) could be provided in actual language but a copy of translation in English language duly notarised should be provided as well. All markings and labelling should appear in English only.

Article 13.  Samples: Please refer to the Addendum is samples are required with the bid submission or not. If required - samples of all the items must be submitted together with your Tender documents. Samples must meet the required specifications as per Annex 3 - Detailed Specifications. Each sample must be clearly labelled. LRCS reserves the right to reject bids where Tender documents are not accompanied by the samples.

Article 14.  Bid Validity: Your offer must remain valid for the period specified in the Addendum after of Tender submission deadline. If the bid is successful and contracted the bid will remain valid for the duration of the contract.

Article 15.  Your offer should clearly state the following:

15.1.  Country of origin of the goods

15.2.  Place of manufacture and place of despatch

15.3.  Unit prices / Total prices, etc. as per Annex 2 - Bid offer form

15.4.  Price should be net after deduction of any discount and should be compatible with the appropriate INCOTERMS specified in the Addendum and conform to price elements specified in Article 5

15.5.  Firm dates for starting and completion of delivery at delivery points.

15.6.  Confirmation to comply with the specifications as per Annex 3 - Detailed Specifications, if you can meet the specifications. If not, state clearly.

15.7.  Confirmation to agree to accept the terms and condition as per this tender document and the general terms and conditions attached at Annex 6 - Letter of authorisation & acceptance statement.

15.8.  Full packing details (contents, weight and volume)

Article 16.  All or None Clause: The LRCS reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the offers and decrease or increase the quantity of items or reduce the quantity of any item/s and the lowest tender need not be accepted. Failure to comply with any of the above requirements will justify rejection of the offer. Successful Tenderers will be required to sign, stamp and return one copy of the Contract confirming your acceptance of the specification and agreed terms and conditions.

Article 17.  Conditions for submitting offers: Tenderers are responsible for the submission of their tender on time and in accordance with the instruction within the tender documents.

17.1.  LRCS will not be responsible for any failure or delay in collection or submission of tender documents before the given deadlines.

17.2.  Expenditure on preparation & delivery of tender submissions shall be borne by the Tenderer.

17.3.  All requests for information, queries / questions should be requested through the details provided in the Addendum.

General conditions

General conditions are available from

Specific Conditions



Section in instructions to bidders: / Item: / Specification:
Price / Currency / USD
Exchange rate @ / 1USD = LBP1,500
INCOTERMS© / Terms of delivery / DDP – Delivery Duty Paid
Tender delivery / Delivery address / Lebanese Red Cross Society Head Quarters,
Spears Street,
Beirut, Lebanon
Delivery contact / Daniel Bettega
Delivery email /
Goods/ services delivery period / Start period / ASAP
Delivery deadline / None
Marking/ labelling / 2016 - 007
Language / Tender document language / English
Samples / Samples to be delivered with bids? / No
Bid validity / Offer to be valid for / 90 calendar days
Liquidated damages / Damages per calendar day of delay / 0.5% of contract value
Maximum delay damages / 5% of contract value
Payment / Invoice to be raised on delivery of / Each batch/ final delivery
Payment terms / 45 calendar days after submission of all required documentation
Tender deadline / Date: Friday 20, May, 2016
Time: 5:00:00 PM
Bids to be marked / “Tender reference: 2016 - 007. Do not open before 5/6/2016”
Deadline for questions / Date: Friday 13, May, 2016
Time: 5:00:00 PM
General Conditions
Article 1 / Warranty period / 1 Year minimum
Dispute Adjudication Rules defined by / Lebanese
Contract jurisdiction / Lebanon

Tender forms

Annex 1 - Supplier registration form

Please fill in this questionnaire in order to register. Information given in this questionnaire will be handled confidentially. Please attach all other documents requested in the questionnaire. All bidders should completely fill up this form. If found blank then the bidder's tender shall not be included in the Final Evaluation

Mailing Address
Contact Person (s)
Telephone No / Fax:
Owner(s) Name(s):
VAT Number
Date of Registration of VAT
2.  ORGANISATION REGISTRATION: / Year Established: Under the laws of:
3.  SIZE OF BUSINESS / No. of Employees: No. of Branches:
No. of International Offices:
Location of Factories:
No. of Plants:
No. of Warehouses
4.  AFFILIATED/HOLDING/ SUBSIDIARY COMPANIES: / Name Address Nature of Affiliation

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National tender application pack V0.1

Tender reference: 2016 - 007

Annex 2 - Bid offer form

Lot 1: / Cameras
No / Item Description / Est. Quantity / Unit / Currency / Unit Price Exclusive of all taxes / VAT rate / Unit Price Inclusive of VAT / Total Including VAT
1 / DSLR Camera / 10 / Piece / USD
2 / GoPro - spare battery / 2 / Piece / USD
3 / GoPro - Hero 4 / 2 / Piece / USD
4 / Pocket Camera / 10 / Piece / USD
5 / Video Recorder / 3 / Piece / USD
Lot 2: / Surveillance/Security Cameras
No / Item Description / Est. Quantity / Unit / Currency / Unit Price Exclusive of all taxes / VAT rate / Unit Price Inclusive of VAT / Total Including VAT