The Ant and the Grasshopper

One summer's day, a grasshopper was outside.

An ant was outside too, it was carrying some corn that he was taking to the nest.

'Let’s play together!'the Grasshopper said to the ant, 'Don’t work so hard!'

'Sorry, I can’t. I must work very hard!' said the Ant, 'It will be winter soon. Of course, you need to work hard too!'

'No, I don’t need to think about winter' said the Grasshopper,“I have enough food right now. I want to enjoy the summer. I don’t want to work hard.'

So, theant said “Goodbye” to the grasshopper and continued to work hard collecting corn.

When the winter came, the Grasshopper had no food, it was very hungry.

The grasshopper saw the ants eating corn that they had collected in the summer.

Then the Grasshopper knew: “It is best to prepare for the days of necessity”.

The Hare and the Tortoise

The Hare was telling many other animals that he was the best animal because he was so fast.

'I am the fastest, no one is faster than me!' he said, 'I can win every race. Who will challenge me?'

The Tortoise said quietly, 'I will.'

'That is a good joke,' said the Hare; 'I could walk there and still be faster than you.'

'Let’s wait and see,' answered the Tortoise. 'Shall we race?'

So they made a racecourse andand started to race.

The Hare ran very fast! Soon the Hare stopped to take a nap. He knew that he could still win the race.

The Tortoise moved slowly and steadily.When the Hare awoke from his nap, he saw the Tortoise. The tortoise was just crossing the finish line.

The tortoise won the race! The Tortoise said 'Slow and steady wins the race.'

The Tree and the Reed

'Hello, young child' a Tree saidto a Reed that was growing near the tree.

'Why don’t you stand up tall, and raise your head into the air? Then you can be like me!' said the tree.

'I am OK, I don’t mind' said the Reed. 'I am not as tall as you, but I think I am safer.'

'Safe!' shouted the Tree. 'I am safe AND tall. Nothing can hurt me! I am safer than you!'

Soon a typhoon came and the tree fell to the ground.

The little Reed, soon stood upright again when the storm had passed over.

The moral of this story is “Obscurity often brings safety.”

The Wind and the Sun

The Wind and the Sun were fighting over who was the strongest.

They saw a traveller walking down the road.

The Sun said: 'I have an idea! Let’s see who can make the traveller take off their cloak.

If I can do it, I am the strongest. If you can do it, you are the strongest. The Wind tried first. He blew as hard as he could.

But the harder he blew the more closely the traveller held on to his coat, at last the Wind had to give up.

Then the Sun came out and shone brightly on the traveller, who soon found it too hot to walk with his cloak on.

The moral of this story is: “Kindness effects more than severity.”