College and Career (Homeroom/Advisory)

Teacher: Kristine Mildon Room: B-204


School telephone: (818) 271-2900

School website:

Class webpage: At the school website, click on “staff,” then my name, and then the period/class. Please subscribe to the class page to receive updates for your particular class.

Dear Parents, Guardians, and Students:

It is my pleasure to welcome you to our homeroom class—College and Career. In the past, you may have heard our class referred to as Cougar Time or Advisory. In College and Career, students receive a letter grade, earn marks for work habits and cooperation, and earn units. Our class meets daily for 23 minutes on the regular day schedule and 11 minutes on Professional Development Tuesdays. The content of College and Career is grade-level specific. Freshman students will have the following opportunities:

·  Breakfast in the Classroom (BIC)—as long as we continue to have enough participation and cooperation

·  Words of the Week (WoW) vocabulary study

·  Silent Sustained Reading (SSR)

Homeroom is also where students will hear the morning announcements and receive required school forms and other handouts to take home for parent/guardian information.


·  college-ruled 8 ½ x 11-inch bound notebook (spiral or other)

·  pencil and pen (blue or black ink)

·  book of choice for SSR

Classroom Code of Conduct

Ø  Be ready: Be in your seat and prepared for class when the bell rings.

Ø  Be respectful: Respect your teachers, classmates, classroom, and yourself.

Ø  Be responsible: Turn in assignments on time, pick up any missed work after absences, and keep electronics turned off in your backpack.

In addition, each class—students and teacher together—will work to define a mutually agreeable social contract.


A 90-100 Advanced

B 80-89 Proficient

C 70-79 Basic or satisfactory

D 60-69 Below basic; needs to improve

F 0-59 Far below basic; little or no progress

Marks for work habits are based on effort, responsibility, and attendance for each reporting period. Students with one or fewer missing or incomplete assignments may receive a mark of E (excellent), two to three—S (satisfactory), four or more—U (unsatisfactory). Marks for cooperation are based on courtesy, conduct, improvement, and class relations.

Assignment Standards

Students will maintain a portfolio of their work in the classroom; all work (including graded and returned work) must be kept until the end of the semester. All work must be turned in on time. Late work will not be accepted. Students with special circumstances should contact me privately. All work must be neat, legible, and complete, or it will be returned ungraded.

Parent/Guardian and Teacher Support

As your child’s teacher, I am happy to work with parents/guardians in an effort to support student learning at home. Please support the school discipline and attendance policies outlined in the Parent Handbook. I encourage you to attend Back-to-School Night, Open House, and parent-teacher conferences to discuss your child’s academic progress. Communication is key: please notify me of any concerns or problems which may affect your child’s school performance. I use the Blackboard Connect telephone system to keep parents informed, so please be sure the school has your up-to-date phone number. My goal is to provide a positive atmosphere for learning for all students. I look forward to working with students and their parents/guardians. The best way to contact me and receive the quickest reply is through e-mail (). I will make every effort to reply within 24 hours.


Kristine Mildon


Course: College and Career (Homeroom) Teacher: Kristine Mildon


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Student Name


Parent/Guardian Name #1


Work #


Parent/Guardian Name #2


Work #


Home Phone #


E-mail address


Cell #


E-mail address


Cell #

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*Please put a star next to the best way(s) to reach a parent/guardian during the school day.

Is there anything that would be helpful for me to know?





I have read this syllabus with my son/daughter, and we have discussed and understand all of the policies and procedures.

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Parent/Guardian Signature Date


Student Signature Date

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(second) Parent/Guardian Signature Date