Millennium Circulation –Release 2005 Circulation Desk – Editing Patron Records

Editing Patron Records

In this section you will learn to:

·  Edit Patron fixed fields

·  Edit patron variable length fields

·  Insert a field

·  Delete a field

·  Move a field

·  Delete a patron record

·  Copy a patron record

·  Update an Expired patron record

You will occasionally need to update the information in a patron’s record. You can do this by using the Edit function.

1. In Circulation Desk mode, retrieve a patron’s record. When you have selected the correct record, you will see the patron’s record in the brief display.

NOTE: The patron expiration date will display in red text in the brief patron display, if the patron record is expired.

2. To edit the patron’s record, click on Edit on the Tool Bar. The Edit Patron Record window will display:

Edit Patron Record Tool Bar Functions

To edit a patron record you can use the options under the Menu bar or the Tool bar icons.

File Menu:

Delete Patron Record

Deletes the patron record.


Prints out a copy of the patron’s record.

Save and Close

Saves changes and closes the record.


Closes the record. If any changes were made you are prompted with “Record has been changed. Do you want to save changes? Yes, No, Cancel”

Edit Menu:


Cuts or removes text selected.


Copies text selected.


Pastes text selectd.

Edit Field

Allows you to edit field selected using the input box.

Insert Field

Inserts a field.

Delete Field

Deletes a field.


Allows you to remove your last change to the record you are editing.


Allows you to override your last Undo action. The Redo option does not display until you use the Undo option.

Copy Record

Allows you to copy an existing patron record to a new patron record. NOTE: Only certain fields are copied.

Move to top of group

Allows you to move field to top of group for same fields only.

Move to bottom or group

Allows you to move field to bottom of group for same fields only.

Move up

Moves selected field up in variable field area.

Move down

Moves selected field down in variable field area.

Editing a Fixed Length Field

The fields in the illustration below are fixed length fields. Only those fields with white backgrounds may be edited. The fields with green backgrounds are system maintained fields and may not be edited.

To edit the information in a fixed length field:

1.  Double click on the white box that contains the information you wish to change. For example, to change the P TYPE, double click on the white box containing “0 Adult Limited”. An Edit Data box will display.

2.  Select the correct information.

3. Choose OK. The system will return to the Edit Patron Record window. The change will appear in the field you selected:

4. To save your change, select the Save/Cl… button on the toolbar. The system will return to the checkout window, with the patron’s record displayed.

Editing Variable Length Fields

Variable length fields appear in the bottom section of the Edit Patron Record window. To edit any of the fields:

1.  Click in field that you wish to change. A blinking cursor will appear in the field you have selected. You can then use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move within and between the fields.

2.  To remove information use your backspace or delete keys. Type in the changes you wish to make to the patron’s information.

3.  To save your change, select the Save/Cl… button on the toolbar. The system will return to the checkout window, with the patron’s record displayed.

Inserting a Field

If the patron record is missing required information, you can insert a field.

1.  Click on Insert button on the toolbar. The Insert a non-MARC field box will display.

2.  Select the field from the drop down menu you wish to insert and choose OK. Enter the patron’s information.

3.  Select OK.

4.  To save your change, select the Save/Cl… button on the toolbar. The system will return to the checkout window, with the patron’s record displayed.

Deleting a Field

You may only delete a variable length field.

1.  Click in the field that you wish to delete.

2.  A flashing cursor will appear at the end of the field you have selected. Choose Edit in the menu and select Delete Field or right click and select Delete Field from the pop-up box.

3.  The field will be removed. If you have mistakenly deleted a field, click on Undo in the Edit Menu. The field will be restored.

Moving Fields

You may add more than one field of any type. For example, as discussed in Patron Registration, there are occasions when you will need to enter a name twice. In the example below, NIXON JR, DALE needs to be moved to the top of the Patron Name group.

1.  Click on the field to be moved.

2.  Select the Move to top of group from the Edit menu. Or right click on the field to be moved and select the Move to top of group from the pop-up box. The field you selected will be moved to the top of the group. To move a field down follow the steps above using the Move to bottom of group option.

Deleting a Patron Record

1.  Retrieve the patron’s record.

2.  Click on Edit on the Toolbar.

3.  Click on Delete button on the toolbar. You will see the following message:

4.  Choose Yes or No.

Note: You may only delete patron records that have do not have any attached fines, holds, or check-outs.

Copying a Patron Record

Copying a patron record is useful when you are creating multiple patron records that have the same information (ex. family members).

1.  Retrieve the patron record you wish to copy.

2.  Select on Edit on the Toolbar.

3.  Select Edit from the File menu.

4.  Select Copy Record.

The following fixed fields are copied:

·  Expiration date

·  Registering Library

·  Ptype

·  Home Library

·  Boro Twp

·  PMessage

The following variable fields are copied:

·  Address

·  Telephone

Updating an Expired Patron record

When a patron’s library card expires, the following message will display when you attempt to check out any items.

1.  Select Do Not Override.

2.  Select Edit on the Toolbar.

3.  Double click in the EXP DATE field to view a calendar or edit the Exp Date field manually.

4.  A Calendar will display for you to select a new expiration date.

5.  Select a date of two years from the current day’s date. Select OK.

6.  Select Save and Close.

eiNetwork Training 18 3/31/2006