FBMK/PPL/BBI 3213 Mini-Project/Sem II 2010/2011 Page 2 of 2
Department of English FBMK/PPL
Universiti Putra Malaysia
Semester II 2010/2011 Session
B. A. (English Language)
BBI 3213 (Speech Communication)
Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Faiz S. Abdullah
Paper Assignment (20% of course marks)
Question: In order to learn to speak effectively in English as a second/foreign language, the speaker must be able to speak freely and as much as possible whenever s/he can. However, besides a lack of language proficiency in some cases, we must be mindful of various barriers and/or problems, especially in a multicultural context. Discuss this statement with reference to specific macro/micro contexts of spoken language use in the community, and taking into account speech needs in English on the national and/or international scene.
Write a library research paper that answers the above question. Give suitable examples where appropriate. You are strongly encouraged to use the following content format and writing requirements.
Content Format:
Cover (optional); Title page (title, writers’ names and matric. nos, programme/semester, course, name of lecturer, and date of submission); Table of contents
(Main Text)
1.1 Brief background statements about speech in the community
1.2 Issue/problem/questions
1.3 Purpose and scope of paper
1.4 Definition of key terms
2.0 (Brief review of related topics – Give your own section heading and sub-headings)
2.1 …………………………………..
2.2 …………………………………..
2.3 ………………………………….. etc
3.0 (Discussion related to the problem/questions – Give your own heading and sub-headings)
3.1 …………………………………..
3.2 …………………………………..
3.3 ………………………………….. etc
4.1 Summary and conclusions
4.2 Implications, suggestions, and resolutions (if any)
Some Writing Requirements:
- The paper may be attempted in groups of up to four students or individually (though this might be a less desirable alternative).
- Maximum length of paper: 20 A4 pages + front matter + back matter
- Text must be typed or word-processed: 1.5 spacing for the main text; single spacing for References, Appendices, Endnotes etc.; Font-size for regular/body text and bold sub-headings: 11 or 12 points Times New Roman or Arial; major section headings: 14 points (bold)
- Important: Acknowledge your sources of information. Check with a textbook chapter or a journal article to see how references are documented. You can use any reference or bibliography system but be consistent throughout.
- Any sign of plagiarism will be severely dealt with in the grading of your work.
Deadline: To reach PPL UPM two (2) weeks before the BBI 3213 FINAL EXAMINATION Sem II 2010/2011