Title: 82424_BigData_BigGains_edit_5.1

Duration: 2:12 minutes


Highlighting the importance of the use of data in helping improve fleet efficiency and productivity.

82424_BigData_BigGains_edit_5.1 Transcript

[Background music plays]

Instrumental orchestral music

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Big Data, Big Gains / Helping Improve Fleet Efficiency and Productivity

Interview with George de Boer


International Alliance Manager, TomTom Telematics

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George de Boer / International Alliance Manager, TomTom Telematics

[George de Boer]

In the future, data will become an even more important element of managing your business.

[Video footage]

Close-up of George de Boer, seated against an earth-toned background.

[George de Boer]

To stay competitive is, I think, for fleet managers to go with technology.

[Text displays]

Technology is key to staying competitive

[Video footage]

Front view footage of a truck driving through a snow-covered landscape, headlights burning.

[George de Boer]

So, although they’ve done business for years and years in transportation, I think it’s important that they have a look at what’s on the market right now for them.

[Video footage]

Close-up of George de Boer, seated against an earth-toned background.

[George de Boer]

Now, more data is not always better. It’s also important that you can… you can drill down and have the data that is important for your need. So, managing that data and making sure you get the overviews which are only important for you, those dashboards, those reports, that’s one element. The other thing is combining the data. So, combining the data with, for example, data from fuel cards, and then making those exception reports where you can see if you have any fraud or where you have abnormalities of the truck.

[Video footage]

Footage of a truck’s cab interior, including driver, cutting to a close-up of the data on a TomTom screen through which the driver is seen scrolling.

Close-up of George de Boer, seated against an earth-toned background.

Close-up in profile of a man seated at his desk, panning to three data-filled screens facing him. Close-up of part of one of the screens, displaying a map and a pop up window with data.

Close-up of George de Boer, seated against an earth-toned background.

Landscape footage, showing a truck passing on the highway in the foreground, and green landscape in the background with cloudy blue skies above.

[George de Boer]

Our offering, if you compare it to others, is unique in a couple of ways. First of all, we are not only focusing on trucks; we are also… our solution is also fit for light commercial vehicles and for passenger cars.

[Video footage]

Close-up of George de Boer, seated against an earth-toned background.

Bird’s eye view footage of a wet dual carriageway by night, trucks and other vehicles passing in both directions.

[Text displays]

Suitable for all vehicles

[George de Boer]

And the other thing is that can integrate not only with the fuel card from Shell and combine the information from the fuel card transactions with the data we have on driving behaviour…

[Text displays]

Integration with Shell Fuel card

[Video footage]

Close-up of George de Boer, seated against an earth-toned background.

Landscape footage, showing a truck approaching on a country road in the foreground, the road flanked with low stone walls and farmland beyond and cloudy blue skies above.

[George de Boer]

…but we can also combine that with, for example, back office software and office in the… in the vehicle itself, so we can customise for specific needs.

[Text displays]

Customisation of data reports

[Video footage]

Close-up of George de Boer, seated against an earth-toned background.

[George de Boer]

Customers really like the fact that within WEBFLEET, they can… they can have an easy view on the data, so it’s a very friendly user interface.

[Video footage]

Close-ups of data on a computer screens.

Close-up of George de Boer, seated against an earth-toned background.

[Text displays]

User-friendly interface

[George de Boer]

The other thing that they see – that is that they not only have a good insight on fuel and cost savings, but they can also lower the administrative load.

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Clearly identify savings

[Video footage]

Close-up of George de Boer, seated against an earth-toned background.

Wide view footage of a truck approaching on a town road flanked by buildings and some trees and greenery. Pedestrians are walking on the sidewalks and the trick passes cars parked at the side of the road.

[George de Boer]

There’s, of course, also the driver. And they are very happy that they have great navigation, that they have the best real-time traffic information which helps them, well, drive easier and be much more at ease; but also, they don’t have their manager constantly calling them anymore about where are you and when will you arrive at the destination. That’s now at the fingertips of the planner.

[Text displays]

Great navigation

Real-time traffic information

More autonomy

[Video footage]

Wide view footage of a truck rounding a bend of the road in a built-up area, cutting to a close-up of the TomTom screen in situ in the cab of a truck. Front view of another truck approaching, passing other trucks which are parked in a paved area, cloudy blue skies visible above. Low-angle wide view of a delivery vehicle driving around the corner of a building, seen against a cloudy blue sky, in a parked area that is filled with other parked trucks.

Close-up of George de Boer, seated against an earth-toned background.

[George de Boer]

So, drivers will also benefit from this solution.

[Video footage]

Wide view footage of a truck rounding the bend of a town road, buildings and cloudy blue skies forming the background.


Shell jingle


Shell Pecten centred on a white background, text displaying below.

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© Shell International Limited 2016