Tk20: Campus Tools HigherEd

PDS Site Coordinator

Directions for Using Tk20

Professional Education Unit

University of Maryland Eastern Shore

2007 - 2008

Table of Contents


What is Tk20?...... 3

Login to Tk20………………………………………………………………………………… 4

Username and Password……………………………………………………………… 5

Personalizing Password………………………………………………………………… 5

Trouble Shooting Login Problems ………………………………………………… 6

Homepage……………………………………………………………………………………… 8

Messages………………………………………………………………………………………. 9

Viewing Messages ……………………………………………………………… 9

Reading Messages ……………………………………………………………… 10

Replying to Messages ………………………………………………………… 10

Deleting Messages ……………………………………………………………… 11

Composing Messages ………………………………………………………… 12

Sending Messages ……………………………………………………………… 13

Preferences (Changing Password) ……………………………………………… 14

Conceptual Framework ……………………………………………………………… 15

Today’s News ……………………………………………………………………………… 16

Field Experiences ………………………………………………………………………… 17

Completing Intern Evaluation …………………………………………… 19

Other Comments Box ………………………………………………………… 21

Entering Grade and Submitting Evaluation ……………………… 22

What Is Tk20?

Tk20 is an electronic program that:

·  Offers one central location to manage all courses.

·  Allows the University of Maryland Eastern Shore Professional Education Unit to do data aggregation to determine how well the program is functioning.

·  Facilitates communication between the Professional Education Unit and its Professional Development School partners.

Tk20 and Site Coordinators

For the Fall 2007 and Spring 2008 semesters, mentor teachers will use Tk20 for the following uses:

·  Messages/Email

·  Preferences

·  Conceptual Framework

·  Tk20 News Items

·  Field Experience Assessments: Intern Midterm and Final

Site Coordinators will use Tk20 for all of the above except for the Field Experience Assessments. However, we have chosen to leave the Field Experience Assessment portion of the Manual in place so that Site Coordinators are aware of the functions that the mentor teachers use in Tk20.

Login to Tk20

To log into Tk20, go to https://umes.tk20.com/campustoolshighered/start.do.
a. Go to www.umes.edu .
b. Click on Academics.
c. Click on Education.
d. Click on Tk20 Campus Tools.

Make sure you bookmark it under Bookmarks or Favorites so you can access it easily.

You should see the Tk20 login page shown below.

Username and Password

You will receive a Username and Password so you can access Tk20 via the internet.

Your Username is ______.

Your Temporary Password is ______.

My Personalized Password is: ______

Personalizing Your Password

Please log in using the information above. Once you have logged in, you will see the following screen. Please type in the information and click Save. Make certain you save your password in a safe place or make it something you can easily remember.

Trouble Shooting Login Problems

If you receive the message Invalid Username in red print, try retyping to make sure you did not make a typing error.

If you continue to have login problems, please email Dr. Sally Bing at . Emails are preferable to telephone calls as they can be responded to any time of day. She will reset your password to the one originally given to you.

Once your password has been reset, you will log in to Tk20 and see the following screen. The screen will have the secret question which you set up the first time you logged in.

Type your Username and the Current Password. Your Current Password is the password you will be sent. It is also the same as the password in the front of this booklet.

Your New Password may be the same one which you originally chose.

Confirm/retype your new password. Answer your Secret Question. Press Save. You should now be able to login without difficulty.


The Home page will always automatically appear when you first log in. On the homepage you will see two tabs across the top of the screen: Home and Field Experiences. You can get to any application by clicking on the Home tab at the top menu.

Under the Home tab on the left side of your screen, you will see the Side Menu which displays: Messages, Tasks, Preferences, and Conceptual Framework.

The Main Body of the Home screen contains three sections. The Message Inbox displays a list of all messages waiting for the user. Task Inbox displays all tasks assigned to the user, and Today’s News displays any news articles posted by the system administrators.

Viewing Messages

Messages are similar to email. Clicking on Messages allows you to read, create and send messages to other Tk20 users.

To open a message you have received or sent, click on Messages in the Side Menu. This will display your Message Inbox. The Message Inbox contains messages received from other users in the system or from the system itself.

Reading Messages

To read an email message, click on the underlined subject title shown in blue and the email message will appear in full. After viewing the message, click on Close at the bottom of the screen to return to your Message Menu.

To Reply to Messages

First, open the message. Click the Reply Button at the bottom of the screen. Follow the procedures in the Compose Message section on the following pages to select recipients, add a subject and message body, and to send the message.

Deleting Messages

To delete a message, click the checkbox located to the left of the message in the Message Inbox. You will see a check appear in the box. Click on the button labeled delete just above the row of checkboxes to delete the selected message and remove it permanently from the system. You may delete more than one message at a time by checking multiple checkboxes. If you click a checkbox in error, simply click the checkbox again to make the check disappear.

The Sent Folder contains a list of the messages that you have sent. To open or delete messages from your Sent Folder, follow the same instructions that were given for opening and deleting messages.

Composing Messages

·  Click on Messages.

·  Click on Compose Message in the Side Menu under Messages. This will bring up the Send A New Message Screen.

·  Type name of person you wish to send the message to in the To box and then click on check names.

·  Type a title for the Subject line. The message will not mail without a title!

·  If you wish High Priority, click on the Priority drop down box.

The Message Field is for entering the body of your message. Simply type your message in the box using the formatting options that are available above the Message Field. You may also copy and paste a message into the box.

Sending Messages

When sending messages, it is always best to click on Send emails to the recipients. Clicking this option sends the email to a University mailbox in addition to the Tk20 message system.

When you have completed your email, click on the Send Button at the bottom of the screen.


Clicking on Preferences brings up a screen that allows you to change your password.

Conceptual Framework

Clicking on the blue Conceptual Framework hyperlink allows you to review UMES’s Professional Education Conceptual Framework.

Today’s News


We will not be making use of the Tasks component at this time.


Conceptual Framework

Today’s News

Mentors, Interns, and other PDS educators can stay informed of what is happening on campus through the Today’s News tab.

Today's News / / / / Archived News / /
Today's News
PRAXIS II Registration Dates
Make sure you register for your PRAXIS II tests on time. Below are the dates for this year.
Test Date Registration Must Be Received By Late Registration ($40.00 extra)Must Be Received by
04/28/07 03/29/07&nbs....
UMES' STEM Programs featured
I am pleased to announce that UMES’ STEM Programs are featured on Page 38 of the newest publication of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE), Preparing STEM Teachers: The Key to Global Competitiveness. It is a new directory of selected>

Click on the blue hyperlinked title to read the complete article.

Field Experiences

Field Experiences

Clicking on the Field Experiences tab at the top of your screen will allow you to see on the left hand side of the screen Students I Assess.

Click on Students I Assess, and you will see Current Assessments: Internship I with a little red flag in front of it. You should also see your intern’s name.

Click on the blue Midterm and/or Final Evaluation hyperlinked titles in the middle of your screen and it will bring up the Midterm and Final Evaluations on the right hand side of your screen.

Click on the blue hyperlink to bring up the evaluation form.

The next screen you see should be the actual Intern Evaluation form.

Completing Intern Evaluation

If you have not yet completed one or more of the assessments, you will see a small red flag (pending activity) in front of the blue hyperlinked Evaluation title. Important: If you have completed and saved your assessment of your intern and the red flag is still in front of the hyperlinked Evaluation, you have not properly submitted the assessment to Tk20. It is likely that you either forgot to put a letter grade at the bottom of the assessment or you did not hit the Submit Button after hitting the Save Button. Go back and check it out prior to hitting the Submit Button. When the red flag disappears, your assessment has been properly submitted.


To complete an Assessment, click on the blue hyperlinked title and a screen similar to the following will appear.

This brings upYou can easily move the vertical line to the left to give yourself plenty of visual space to read and mark the evaluation. Scroll down the directions and rating scale until you come to the actual evaluation.

Click on the appropriate evaluation hyperlink: either midterm or final evaluation.

A screen similar to the following will appear.

Completing Intern Evaluation

Read over the evaluation criteria and then scroll down to the items.

Put a click mark in each circle and when you have completed that portion of the evaluation, please add comments in the Other Comments Box. Comments are very valuable to us as they often provide us with richer data than can be gained by the rubric alone. The box expands to accommodate the length of your comments.

Other Comments Box

The Other Comments Box can be used in one of two ways. You can type a word document and then copy and paste it into the Other Comments box or you can write directly in the box.

save close

Submitting Evaluation and Grade

Enter Grade and Submit Evaluation

At the bottom of the evaluation there is a small box where you must put a letter grade. You must put a letter grade for both the midterm and final evaluations.

When you have completed the Evaluation, the Other Comments, and the letter grade, click SAVE at the bottom of the screen.

The next screen will ask you to click Submit. You are now finished with that evaluation!! You will use the same procedures to complete the Final Evaluation.

(Important: Once you click Submit, scroll back to the top of your right hand screen. Make sure there is no writing in red that states that all items need to be answered. If you see such a statement, it means your evaluation has not actually been submitted and I will not be able to access it. You will have to go back into your evaluation and determine which item was not marked or whether you forgot to put a letter grade!) Then hit Save and Submit again.