1. C Programming & Data Structures

About The Course

This course starts from the very basics of computers and covers various aspects of C programming. It also provides an in-depth understanding of advanced topics in C such as pointers, stacks, linked lists and File I/O. Each unit has a programming assignment and a quiz to re - enforce your understanding of the topic. By the end of this course you will be able to write many real life applications such as "Your Own Movie Ticket Application" and a "Maze game".

Course Objectives

After the completion of the Analytical Skills Course at ConGen+, you should be able to understand:

1. Data Types and operators

2. Preprocessors, compilers and linkers

3. Variables and Qualifiers

4. Various types of loops such as While loop, For loop, Do While loop

5. Various Functions in C, arrays and Strings in C

6. Structures and Pointers in C

Who should go for this course?

All those students and professionals who are keen to learn C and want to enter the world of programming should go for this course.


There are no prerequisites for this course, except that anyone who wants to learn C should have an analytical blend of mind and logic reasoning.

Why Learn C Programming & Data Structures?

Most companies test your knowledge of C and Data Structures in their recruitment process. Whether you aim for a career in IT industry or want to become an embedded software developer it is important to master C and Data Structures.

Whether you want to develop your own iPhone or iPad apps, create unique web applications, or create games, C Programming is the place to begin. Many of the concepts of high level languages today have been borrowed from the C programming language and hence learning C helps you easily grasp any other language.

C language

C is a general-purpose high level language that was originally developed by Dennis Ritchie for the Unix operating system. It was first implemented on the Digital Eqquipment Corporation PDP-11 computer in 1972.

The Unix operating system and virtually all Unix applications are written in the C language. C has now become a widely used professional language for various reasons.

●  Easy to learn

●  Structured language

●  It produces efficient programs.

●  It can handle low-level activities.

●  It can be compiled on a variety of computers.

Facts about C

●  C was invented to write an operating system called UNIX.

●  C is a successor of B language which was introduced around 1970

●  The language was formalized in 1988 by the American National Standard Institue (ANSI).

●  By 1973 UNIX OS almost totally written in C.

●  Today C is the most widely used System Programming Language.

●  Most of the state of the art software have been implemented using C

Why to use C ?

C was initially used for system development work, in particular the programs that make-up the operating system. C was adoped as a system development language because it produces code that runs nearly as fast as code written in assembly language. Some examples of the use of C might be:

●  Operating Systems

●  Language Compilers

●  Assemblers

●  Text Editors

●  Print Spoolers

●  Network Drivers

●  Modern Programs

●  Data Bases

●  Language Interpreters

●  Utilities

C Program File

All the C programs are written into text files with extension ".c" for example hello.c. You can use "vi" editor to write your C program into a file.

This tutorial assumes that you know how to edit a text file and how to write programming instructions inside a program file.

C Compilers

When you write any program in C language then to run that program you need to compile that program using a C Compiler which converts your program into a language understandable by a computer. This is called machine language (ie. binary format). So before proceeding, make sure you have C Compiler available at your computer. It comes alongwith all flavors of Unix and Linux.

If you are working over Unix or Linux then you can type gcc -v or cc -v and check the result. You can ask your system administrator or you can take help from anyone to identify an available C Compiler at your computer.

2. C++

C++ is a general purpose multi-paradigm programming language. It is an extension of the C language and as such most C code can easily be made to compile in C++. Some of the major additions to C include object-oriented programming, operator overloading, multiple inheritance and exception handling.

The development of C++ began in 1979, seven years after C first made its appearance. Despite being what many consider legacy languages, C and C++ are still the most widely used languages in the software industry. They are used in creating everything from operating systems and embedded software to desktop applications, games and so on.

Compared with newer languages, C++ applications are often more complex and take longer to develop. In return, C++ gives the programmer a tremendous amount of control in that the language provides both high-level and low-level abstractions from the hardware. It is also designed to give the programmer a lot of freedom by supporting many different programming styles or paradigms, such as procedural, object-oriented or generic programming.

The compiler used in this tutorial is the Microsoft C++ compiler. Some other common ones include Borland, Intel and GNU C++ compilers. Despite C++ being standardized in 1998, these compilers still support slightly different features. Therefore, when something applies specifically to the Microsoft compiler this will be pointed out.

3. .NET

Welcome friends to the exciting journey of Microsoft .NET. If you are looking for information about what .NET is all about, what it can do for you or how it can help you and your customers, you have come to the right place. This section is intended to tell you about these and many more things. After covering this section you will be ready to delve into details of .NET. The section is divided into following sub-sections: 1) Tracing the .NET History 2) Flavors of .NET 3) Features of .NET 4) Installing .NET Framework SDK The first sub-section will introduce you with how .NET evolved and the path of .NET since its Beta releases. The second sub-section will introduce you with various flavors of...NET and their respective SDKs. It also gives overview of Visual Studio.NET – an excellent IDE for developing .NET applications. It is necessary to understand the features of .NET that make it robust, programmer friendly, powerful and flexible. The third sub-section is intended just for that. It gives overview of technical features that make .NET shine over traditional programming environments. The final sub-section tells you how to install .NET framework SDK, what are the system requirements and related topics. 1.1 Tracing the .NET History Sometime in the July 2000, Microsoft announced a whole new software development framework for Windows called .NET in the Professional Developer Conference (PDC). Microsoft also released PDC version of the software for the developers to test. After initial testing and feedback Beta 1 of .NET was announced. Beta 1 of the .NET itself got lot of attention from the developer community. When Microsoft announced Beta 2, it incorporated many changes suggested by the community and internals into the software. The overall ‘Beta’ phase lasted for more than 1 ½ years. Finally, in March 2002 Microsoft released final version of the .NET framework.

• What type of applications can I develop? When you hear the name .NET, it gives a feeling that it is something to do only with internet or networked applications. Even though it is true that .NET provides solid foundation for developing such applications it is possible to create many other types of applications. Following list will give you an idea about various types of application that we can develop on .NET. 1. ASP.NET Web applications: These include dynamic and data driven browser based applications. 2. Windows Form based applications: These refer to traditional rich client applications. 3. Console applications: These refer to traditional DOS kind of applications like batch scripts. 4. Component Libraries: This refers to components that typically encapsulate some business logic. 5. Windows Custom Controls: As with traditional ActiveX controls, you can develop your own windows controls. 6. Web Custom Controls: The concept of custom controls can be extended to web applications allowing code reuse and modularization. 7. Web services: They are “web callable” functionality available via industry standards like HTTP, XML and SOAP. 8. Windows Services: They refer to applications that run as services in the background. They can be configured to start automatically when the system boots up. As you can clearly see, .NET is not just for creating web application but for almost all kinds of applications that you find under Windows.

4. J2EE with Project

About The Course

ConGen+ Advanced Java Course is designed for students and professionals who want to be a Java Developer.

This is a 42 hour course which will cover both core and advanced Java concepts like Database connectivity, Threads, Exception Handling, Collections, JSP, Servlets, XML Handling etc. We will also learn various Java frameworks like Hibernate and Spring.

Course Objectives

After the completion of the Advance Java Course at ConGen+ , you should be able to:

1. Develop the code with various Java data types, conditions and loops.

2. Implement arrays, functions and string handling techniques.

3. Understand object oriented programming through Java using Classes, Objects and various Java concepts like Abstract, Final etc.

4. Implement multi-threading and exception handling.

5. Use parse XML files using DOM and SAX in Java.

6. Write a code in JDBC to communicate with Database.

7. Develop web applications and JSP pages.

8. Interact with the database using hibernate framework.

9. Write code with spring framework components like Dependency Injection and Auto Wiring

10. Implement SOA using web services.

Who should go for this course?

This course is designed for professionals aspiring to become Java Developers. Programmers, Web Developers, Web Designers, Programming Hobbyists, Database Administrators, Youngsters who want to kick start their career are the key beneficiaries of this course.


Attendees should have prior programming experience and be familiar with basic concepts such as variables/scopes, flow-control, and functions. Prior exposure to object-oriented programming concepts is not required, but definitely beneficial.

Why learn Java/J2EE & SOA?

Java is a general-purpose, class-based, object-oriented computer programming language that was designed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems in 1995.

Key Highlights of Java:

Platform Independent: This allows programmers to develop applications that can run on any operating system.

Usability of Java: Java is most widely used programming language. It is present everywhere. It really doesn't matter which domain you are working in, you will surely come across Java sooner or later!

Open Source: The good news is that Java is available for free! All the development tools and the environment (JRE & JDK) that is used to develop Java applications are absolutely free of cost.

Android: Irrespective of the fact that you are tech savvy or not, most of us are badly bitten by the Android bug! Android is in great demand today and fortunately you need Java for Android development. Hence, the importance of Java has increased even more.

Hadoop: Hadoop is one of the most trending framework for processing Big Data. It has been designed and developed in Java.

In spite of having a tough competition on the server side from Microsoft and other companies, Java is doing extremely well on mobile platforms, thanks to Android! It has also been the primary language for Hadoop Developers.


About The course

ConGen+ Comprehensive Java Course is designed for students and professionals who want to be a Java Developer. Practical approach of learning has been followed in order to provide a real time experience. Our course will cover not only the basic concepts but also the advanced concepts like Method Overloading & Overriding, Inheritance, Interface, Database connectivity, etc.

Course Objectives

After the completion of the Comprehensive Java Course at ConGen+, you should be able to:

1. Implement the concept of Object and Class.

2. Have a clear concept of Method Overloading and Overriding.

3. Understand the importance of Inheritance and Interface.

4. Store data in application dynamically using Array and HashMap.

5. Implement Threads using Runnable.

6.Connect your Application with Ms Access using JDBC drivers.

Who should go for this course?

All those who are looking forward to learn Java and gain a solid foundation in Java programming are welcome to enroll for this course.

Why Learn Comprehensive Java Course?

Java is a general-purpose, class-based, object-oriented computer programming language that was designed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems in 1995.

Key Highlights of Java:

Platform Independent: This allows programmers to develop applications that can run on any operating system.

Usability of Java: Java is most widely used programming language. It is present everywhere. It really doesn't matter in whichever domain you work in, you will surely come across Java sooner or later!